Case conversion
Flash Player 10.1 and later, Adobe AIR 2.0 and
Languages also differ in their rules for converting letters between
uppercase forms (majiscules) and lowercase forms (miniscules).
For example, in most languages that use the Latin alphabet the
lowercase form of the capital letter “I” is “i”. However in some
languages (such as Turkish and Azeri) there is an additional dotless
letter “ı”. As a result in those languages a lowercase dotless “ı”
transforms into an uppercase ”I”. A lowercase “i” transforms into
an uppercase “İ” with a dot.
The StringTools class provides methods that use language-specific
rules to perform such transformations.
Using the StringTools class
The StringTools class provides two methods to perform case
transformations: toLowerCase() and toUpperCase(). You create a StringTools
object by calling the constructor with a locale ID. The StringTools
class retrieves the case conversion rules for that locale (or a
fallback locale) from the operating system. It is not possible to
further customize the case conversion algorithm.
The following example uses the toUpperCase() and toLowerCase()
methods to transform a German phrase that includes the letter “ß”
(sharp S).
var phrase:String = "Schloß Neuschwanstein";
var converter:StringTools = new StringTools("de-DE");
var upperPhrase:String = converter.toUpperCase(phrase);
trace(upperPhrase); // SCHLOSS NEUSCHWANSTEIN
var lowerPhrase:String = converter.toLowerCase(upperPhrase);
trace(lowerPhrase); // schloss neuschwanstein
The toUpperCase() method transforms the lowercase letter “ß”
into the uppercase letters “SS”. This transformation works only
in one direction. When the letters “SS” are transformed back to
lowercase, the result is “ss” not “ß”.