Gradient bevel filter

Flash Player 9 and later, Adobe AIR 1.0 and later

The GradientBevelFilter class lets you apply an enhanced bevel effect to display objects or BitmapData objects. Using a gradient color on the bevel greatly improves the spatial depth of the bevel, giving edges a more realistic, 3D appearance.

The following code creates a rectangle object using the drawRect() method of the Shape class and applies a gradient bevel filter to it.

import flash.display.Shape; 
import flash.filters.BitmapFilterQuality; 
import flash.filters.GradientBevelFilter; 
// Draw a rectangle. 
var box:Shape = new Shape();;;, 50, 90, 200);; 
// Apply a gradient bevel to the rectangle. 
var gradientBevel:GradientBevelFilter = new GradientBevelFilter(); 
gradientBevel.distance = 8; 
gradientBevel.angle = 225; // opposite of 45 degrees 
gradientBevel.colors = [0xFFFFCC, 0xFEFE78, 0x8F8E01]; 
gradientBevel.alphas = [1, 0, 1]; 
gradientBevel.ratios = [0, 128, 255]; 
gradientBevel.blurX = 8; 
gradientBevel.blurY = 8; 
gradientBevel.quality = BitmapFilterQuality.HIGH; 
// Other properties let you set the filter strength and set options 
// for inner bevel and knockout effects. 
box.filters = [gradientBevel]; 
// Add the graphic to the display list. 

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