Cross-scripting content in different security sandboxes

Adobe AIR 1.0 and later

The runtime security model isolates code from different origins. By cross-scripting content in different security sandboxes, you can allow content in one security sandbox to access selected properties and methods in another sandbox.

AIR security sandboxes and JavaScript code

AIR enforces a same-origin policy that prevents code in one domain from interacting with content in another. All files are placed in a sandbox based on their origin. Ordinarily, content in the application sandbox cannot violate the same-origin principle and cross-script content loaded from outside the application install directory. However, AIR provides a few techniques that let you cross-script non-application content.

One technique uses frames or iframes to map application content into a different security sandbox. Any pages loaded from the sandboxed area of the application behave as if they were loaded from the remote domain. For example, by mapping application content to the domain, that content could cross-script pages loaded from

Since this technique places the application content into a different sandbox, code within that content is also no longer subject to the restrictions on the execution of code in evaluated strings. You can use this sandbox mapping technique to ease these restrictions even when you don’t need to cross-script remote content. Mapping content in this way can be especially useful when working with one of the many JavaScript frameworks or with existing code that relies on evaluating strings. However, you should consider and guard against the additional risk that untrusted content could be injected and executed when content is run outside the application sandbox.

At the same time, application content mapped to another sandbox loses its access to the AIR APIs, so the sandbox mapping technique cannot be used to expose AIR functionality to code executed outside the application sandbox.

Another cross-scripting technique lets you create an interface called a sandbox bridge between content in a non-application sandbox and its parent document in the application sandbox. The bridge allows the child content to access properties and methods defined by the parent, the parent to access properties and methods defined by the child, or both.

Finally, you can also perform cross-domain XMLHttpRequests from the application sandbox and, optionally, from other sandboxes.

For more information, see HTML frame and iframe elements , HTML security in Adobe AIR , and The XMLHttpRequest object .

Loading application content into a non-application sandbox

To allow application content to safely cross-script content loaded from outside the application install directory, you can use frame or iframe elements to load application content into the same security sandbox as the external content. If you do not need to cross-script remote content, but still wish to load a page of your application outside the application sandbox, you can use the same technique, specifying http://localhost/ or some other innocuous value, as the domain of origin.

AIR adds the new attributes, sandboxRoot and documentRoot , to the frame element that allow you to specify whether an application file loaded into the frame should be mapped to a non-application sandbox. Files resolving to a path underneath the sandboxRoot URL are loaded instead from the documentRoot directory. For security purposes, the application content loaded in this way is treated as if it was actually loaded from the sandboxRoot URL.

The sandboxRoot property specifies the URL to use for determining the sandbox and domain in which to place the frame content. The file: , http: , or https: URL schemes must be used. If you specify a relative URL, the content remains in the application sandbox.

The documentRoot property specifies the directory from which to load the frame content. The file: , app: , or app-storage: URL schemes must be used.

The following example maps content installed in the sandbox subdirectory of the application to run in the remote sandbox and the domain:


The ui.html page could load a javascript file from the local, sandbox folder using the following script tag:

<script src=""></script>

It could also load content from a directory on the remote server using a script tag such as the following:

<script src=""></script>

The sandboxRoot URL will mask any content at the same URL on the remote server. In the above example, you would not be able to access any remote content at (or any of its subdirectories) because AIR remaps the request to the local application directory. Requests are remapped whether they derive from page navigation, from an XMLHttpRequest, or from any other means of loading content.

Setting up a sandbox bridge interface

You can use a sandbox bridge when content in the application sandbox must access properties or methods defined by content in a non-application sandbox, or when non-application content must access properties and methods defined by content in the application sandbox. Create a bridge with the childSandboxBridge and parentSandboxBridge properties of the window object of any child document.

Establishing a child sandbox bridge

The childSandboxBridge property allows the child document to expose an interface to content in the parent document. To expose an interface, you set the childSandbox property to a function or object in the child document. You can then access the object or function from content in the parent document. The following example shows how a script running in a child document can expose an object containing a function and a property to its parent:

var interface = {}; 
interface.calculatePrice = function(){ 
    return ".45 cents"; 
interface.storeID = "abc" 
window.childSandboxBridge = interface;

If this child content was loaded into an iframe assigned an id of “child”, you could access the interface from parent content by reading the childSandboxBridge property of the frame:

var childInterface = document.getElementById("child").contentWindow.childSandboxBridge; 
air.trace(childInterface.calculatePrice()); //traces ".45 cents" 
air.trace(childInterface.storeID)); //traces "abc"

Establishing a parent sandbox bridge

The parentSandboxBridge property allows the parent document to expose an interface to content in a child document. To expose an interface, the parent document sets the parentSandbox property of the child document to a function or object defined in the parent document. You can then access the object or function from content in the child. The following example shows how a script running in a parent frame can expose an object containing a function to a child document:

var interface = {}; = function(text){ 
    var saveFile = air.File("app-storage:/save.txt"); 
    //write text to file 
document.getElementById("child").contentWindow.parentSandboxBridge = interface;

Using this interface, content in the child frame could save text to a file named save.txt , but would not have any other access to the file system. The child content could call the save function as follows:

var textToSave = "A string.";;

Application content should expose the narrowest interface possible to other sandboxes. Non-application content should be considered inherently untrustworthy since it may be subject to accidental or malicious code injection. You must put appropriate safeguards in place to prevent misuse of the interface you expose through the parent sandbox bridge.

Accessing a parent sandbox bridge during page loading

In order for a script in a child document to access a parent sandbox bridge, the bridge must be set up before the script is run. Window, frame and iframe objects dispatch a dominitialize event when a new page DOM has been created, but before any scripts have been parsed, or DOM elements added. You can use the dominitialize event to establish the bridge early enough in the page construction sequence that all scripts in the child document can access it.

The following example illustrates how to create a parent sandbox bridge in response to the dominitialize event dispatched from the child frame:

var bridgeInterface = {}; 
bridgeInterface.testProperty = "Bridge engaged"; 
function engageBridge(){ 
    document.getElementById("sandbox").contentWindow.parentSandboxBridge = bridgeInterface; 
<iframe id="sandbox" 

The following child.html document illustrates how child content can access the parent sandbox bridge:


To listen for the dominitialize event on a child window, rather than a frame, you must add the listener to the new child window object created by the function:

var childWindow =; 
childWindow.addEventListener("dominitialize", engageBridge()); 
childWindow.document.location = "";

In this case, there is no way to map application content into a non-application sandbox. This technique is only useful when child.html is loaded from outside the application directory. You can still map application content in the window to a non-application sandbox, but you must first load an intermediate page that itself uses frames to load the child document and map it to the desired sandbox.

If you use the HTMLLoader class createRootWindow() function to create a window, the new window is not a child of the document from which createRootWindow() is called. Thus, you cannot create a sandbox bridge from the calling window to non-application content loaded into the new window. Instead, you must use load an intermediate page in the new window that itself uses frames to load the child document. You can then establish the bridge from the parent document of the new window to the child document loaded into the frame.

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