Overview of the HTML environment

Adobe AIR 1.0 and later

Adobe AIR provides a complete browser-like JavaScript environment with an HTML renderer, document object model, and JavaScript interpreter. The JavaScript environment is represented by the AIR HTMLLoader class. In HTML windows, an HTMLLoader object contains all HTML content, and is, in turn, contained within a NativeWindow object. In SWF content, the HTMLLoader class, which extends the Sprite class, can be added to the display list of a stage like any other display object. The Adobe® ActionScript® 3.0 properties of the class are described in Scripting the AIR HTML Container and also in the ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe Flash Platform . In the Flex framework, the AIR HTMLLoader class is wrapped in a mx:HTML component. The mx:HTML component extends the UIComponent class, so it can be used directly with other Flex containers. The JavaScript environment within the mx:HTML component is otherwise identical.

About the JavaScript environment and its relationship to the AIR host

The following diagram illustrates the relationship between the JavaScript environment and the AIR run-time environment. Although only a single native window is shown, an AIR application can contain multiple windows. (And a single window can contain multiple HTMLLoader objects.)

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The JavaScript environment has its own Document and Window objects. JavaScript code can interact with the AIR run-time environment through the runtime, nativeWindow, and htmlLoader properties. ActionScript code can interact with the JavaScript environment through the window property of an HTMLLoader object, which is a reference to the JavaScript Window object. In addition, both ActionScript and JavaScript objects can listen for events dispatched by both AIR and JavaScript objects.

The runtime property provides access to AIR API classes, allowing you to create new AIR objects as well as access class (also called static) members. To access an AIR API, you add the name of the class, with package, to the runtime property. For example, to create a File object, you would use the statement:

var file = new window.runtime.filesystem.File();
Note: The AIR SDK provides a JavaScript file, AIRAliases.js , that defines more convenient aliases for the most commonly used AIR classes. When you import this file, you can use the shorter form air.Class instead of window.runtime.package.Class. For example, you could create the File object with new air.File() .

The NativeWindow object provides properties for controlling the desktop window. From within an HTML page, you can access the containing NativeWindow object with the window.nativeWindow property.

The HTMLLoader object provides properties, methods, and events for controlling how content is loaded and rendered. From within an HTML page, you can access the parent HTMLLoader object with the window.htmlLoader property.

Important: Only pages installed as part of an application have the htmlLoader , nativeWindow , or runtime properties and only when loaded as the top-level document. These properties are not added when a document is loaded into a frame or iframe. (A child document can access these properties on the parent document as long as it is in the same security sandbox. For example, a document loaded in a frame could access the runtime property of its parent with parent.runtime .)

About security

AIR executes all code within a security sandbox based on the domain of origin. Application content, which is limited to content loaded from the application installation directory, is placed into the application sandbox. Access to the run-time environment and the AIR APIs are only available to HTML and JavaScript running within this sandbox. At the same time, most dynamic evaluation and execution of JavaScript is blocked in the application sandbox after all handlers for the page load event have returned.

You can map an application page into a non-application sandbox by loading the page into a frame or iframe and setting the AIR-specific sandboxRoot and documentRoot attributes of the frame. By setting the sandboxRoot value to an actual remote domain, you can enable the sandboxed content to cross-script content in that domain. Mapping pages in this way can be useful when loading and scripting remote content, such as in a mash-up application.

Another way to allow application and non-application content to cross-script each other, and the only way to give non-application content access to AIR APIs, is to create a sandbox bridge . A parent-to-child bridge allows content in a child frame, iframe, or window to access designated methods and properties defined in the application sandbox. Conversely, a child-to-parent bridge allows application content to access designated methods and properties defined in the sandbox of the child. Sandbox bridges are established by setting the parentSandboxBridge and childSandboxBridge properties of the window object. For more information, see HTML security in Adobe AIR and HTML frame and iframe elements .

About plug-ins and embedded objects

AIR supports the Adobe® Acrobat® plug-in. Users must have Acrobat or Adobe® Reader® 8.1 (or better) to display PDF content. The HTMLLoader object provides a property for checking whether a user’s system can display PDF. SWF file content can also be displayed within the HTML environment, but this capability is built in to AIR and does not use an external plug-in.

No other WebKit plug-ins are supported in AIR.

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