Creating subclasses of the HTMLLoader class

Adobe AIR 1.0 and later

You can create a subclass of the HTMLLoader class, to create new behaviors. For example, you can create a subclass that defines default event listeners for HTMLLoader events (such as those events dispatched when HTML is rendered or when the user clicks a link).

The following example extends the HTMLHost class to provide normal behavior when the JavaScript method is called. The example then defines a subclass of HTMLLoader that uses the custom HTMLHost implementation class:

       import flash.html.HTMLLoader; 
    public class MyHTMLHost extends HTMLHost 
           public function MyHTMLHost() 
        override public function createWindow(opts:HTMLWindowCreateOptions):void 
            var initOptions:NativeWindowInitOptions = new NativeWindowInitOptions(); 
            var bounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle(opts.x, opts.y, opts.width, opts.height); 
            var html:HTMLLoader = HTMLLoader.createRootWindow(true,  
            return html 

The following defines a subclass of the HTMLLoader class that assigns a MyHTMLHost object to its htmlHost property:

       import flash.html.HTMLLoader; 
    import MyHTMLHost; 
    import HTMLLoader; 
       public class MyHTML extends HTMLLoader 
           public function MyHTML() 
               htmlHost = new MyHTMLHost(); 

For details on the HTMLHost class and the HTMLLoader.createRootWindow() method used in this example, see Defining browser-like user interfaces for HTML content .

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