Playing encrypted content using domain support

To play encrypted content using Adobe Access, perform the following steps:
  1. Using VoucherAccessInfo.deviceGroup , check if device group registration is required.

  2. If authentication is required:

    1. Use the DeviceGroupInfo.authenticationMethod property find out if authentication is required.

    2. If authentication is required, authenticate the user by performing ONE of the following steps:

      • Obtain user’s username and password. Invoke DRMManager.authenticate(deviceGroup.serverURL, deviceGroup.domain, username, password) .

      • Obtain a cached/pre-generated authentication token and invoke DRMManager.setAuthenticationToken() .

    3. Invoke DRMManager.addToDeviceGroup() .

  3. Get the voucher for the content by performing one of the following tasks:

    1. Use the DRMManager.loadVoucher() method.

    2. Obtain the voucher from a different device registered in the same device group. Provide the voucher to the DRMManager through the DRMManager.storeVoucher() method.

  4. Play the encrypted content using the method.

To export the license for the content, any of the devices can provide the license’s raw bytes using the DRMVoucher.toByteArray() method after obtaining the license from the Adobe Access License Server. Content providers typically limit the number of devices in a device group. If the limit is reached, you may need to call the DRMManager.removeFromDeviceGroup() method on an unused device before registering the current device.

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