Communicating between workers

Flash Player 11.4 and later, Adobe AIR 13.4 and later for desktop platforms

Although workers run their code in separate execution threads, they wouldn’t offer any benefit if they were completely isolated from each other. Communication between workers ultimately means passing data between workers. There are three main mechanisms for getting data from one worker to another.

When deciding which of these data-sharing techniques is appropriate for a particular data-passing need, consider the two main ways they differ. One difference between them is with whether there is an event to notify the receiver that new data is available or whether the receiving worker must check for updates. Another difference between these data-sharing techniques has to do with how the data is actually passed. In some cases the receiving worker gets is a copy of the shared data, which means that more objects are created taking more memory and cpu cycles. In other cases the workers access objects that reference the same underlying system memory, which means fewer objects are created and less memory is used overall. These differences are outlined here:

Communication technique

Dispatches event when receiving data

Shares memory between workers

Worker shared properties


No, objects are copies not references



No, objects are copies not references

Shareable ByteArray


Yes, memory is shared

Passing data with a shared property

The most basic way to share data between workers is to use a shared property. Each worker maintains an internal dictionary of shared property values. The properties are stored with String key names to distinguish between the properties. To store an object on a worker as a shared property, call the Worker object’s setSharedProperty() method with two arguments, the key name and the value to store:

// code running in the parent worker 
bgWorker.setSharedProperty("sharedPropertyName", someObject);

Once the shared property has been set, the value can be read by calling the Worker object’s getSharedProperty() method, passing in the key name:

// code running in the background worker 
receivedProperty = Worker.current.getSharedProperty("sharedPropertyName");

There is no restriction on which worker reads or sets the property value. For example, code in a background worker can call its setSharedProperty() method to store a value. Code running in the parent worker can then use getSharedProperty() to receive the data.

The value that’s passed to the setSharedProperty() method can be almost any type of object. When you call the getSharedProperty() method, the object that’s returned is a copy of the object passed in to setSharedProperty() and not a reference to the same object, except in a few special cases. The specifics of how data is shared are explained in Shared references and copied values .

The biggest advantage of using a shared property to pass data between workers is that it’s available even before the worker is running. You can call a background Worker object’s setSharedProperty() method to set a shared property even before the worker is running. When the parent worker calls the Worker’s start() method, the runtime calls the child worker’s main class’s constructor. Any shared properties that were set before start() was called are available for code in the child worker to read.

Passing data with a MessageChannel

A message channel provides a one-way data-passing link between two workers. Using a MessageChannel object to pass data between workers has one key advantage. When you send a message (an object) using a message channel, the MessageChannel object dispatches a channelMessage event. Code in the receiving worker can listen for that event to know when data is available. That way the receiving worker doesn’t need to continuously check for data updates.

A message channel is associated with only two workers, a sender and a receiver. To create a MessageChannel object, call the sending Worker object’s createMessageChannel() method, passing the receiving worker as an argument:

// In the sending worker swf 
var sendChannel:MessageChannel; 
sendChannel = Worker.current.createMessageChannel(receivingWorker);

Both workers need to have access to the MessageChannel object. The simplest way to do this is to pass the MessageChannel object using the setSharedProperty() method:

receivingWorker.setSharedProperty("incomingChannel", sendChannel);

In the receiving worker, register a listener for the MessageChannel object’s channelMessage event. This event is dispatched when the sending worker sends data through the message channel.

// In the receiving worker swf 
var incomingChannel:MessageChannel; 
incomingChannel = Worker.current.getSharedProperty("incomingChannel"); 
incomingChannel.addEventListener(Event.CHANNEL_MESSAGE, handleIncomingMessage);

To actually send data, in the sending worker call the MessageChannel object’s send() method:

// In the sending worker swf 
sendChannel.send("This is a message");

In the receiving worker, the MessageChannel calls the channelMessage event handler. The receiving worker can then get the data by calling the MessageChannel object’s receive() method.

private function handleIncomingMessage(event:Event):void 
    var message:String = incomingChannel.receive() as String; 

The object returned by the receive method has the same data type as the object that was passed in to the send() method. The received object is a copy of the object passed in by the sender and not a reference to the object in the sending worker, unless it is one of a few data types, as described in Shared references and copied values .

Sharing data using a shareable ByteArray

When an object is passed between two workers, the receiving worker gets a new object that’s a copy of the original one. The two objects are stored in different locations in the system’s memory. Consequently, each copy of the object that’s received increases the total memory used by the runtime. In addition, any changes that you make to an object in one worker do not affect the copy in the other worker. For more details about how data is copied, see Shared references and copied values .

By default, a ByteArray object uses the same behavior. If you pass a ByteArray instance to a Worker object’s setSharedProperty() method or a MessageChannel object’s send() method, the runtime creates a new ByteArray in the computer’s memory and the receiving worker gets a ByteArray instance that’s a reference to that new ByteArray. However, you can change this behavior for a ByteArray object by setting its shareable property to true .

When a shareable ByteArray object is passed from one worker to another, the ByteArray instance in the receiving worker is a reference to the same underlying operating system memory that’s used by the ByteArray instance in the sending worker. When code in one worker changes the contents of the byte array, those changes are immediately available in other workers that have access to that shared byte array.

Because workers execute their code simultaneously, it’s possible for two workers to attempt to access the same bytes in a byte array at the same time. This could lead to data loss or corruption. There are several apis that you can use to manage access to shared resources and avoid those issues.

The ByteArray class has methods that allow you to validate and change the byte array’s contents in a single operation:

In addition, the flash.concurrent package includes classes that provide access control for working with shared resources:

Shared references and copied values

In the normal case, when you call Worker.setSharedProperty() or MessageChannel.send() , the object that’s passed to the receiving worker is passed by serializing it in AMF format. This has a few consequences:

  • The object that’s created in the receiving worker when it’s getSharedProperty() method is called is deserialized from the AMF bytes. It is a copy of the original object, not a reference to the object. Any changes that are made to the object in either worker are not changed in the copy in the other worker.

  • Objects that can’t be serialized in AMF format such as display objects can’t be passed to a worker using Worker.setSharedProperty() or MessageChannel.send() .

  • In order for a custom class to be deserialized properly, the class definition must be registered using the function or [RemoteClass] metadata. The same alias must be used for both worker's versions of the class.

There are five special cases of objects that are truly shared rather than copied between workers:

  • Worker objects

  • MessageChannel objects

  • shareable byte array (a ByteArray object whose shareable property is true )

  • Mutex objects

  • Condition objects

When you pass an instance of one of these objects using the Worker.setSharedProperty() method or MessageChannel.send() method, each worker has a reference to the same underlying object. Changes made to an instance in one worker are immediately available in other workers. In addition, if you pass the same instance of one of these objects to a worker more than once, the runtime doesn't create a new copy of the object in the receiving worker. Instead, the same reference is re-used.

Additional data-sharing techniques

In addition to the worker-specific mechanisms for passing data, workers can also exchange data using any of the existing apis that support sharing data between two swf applications, such as the following:

  • local shared objects

  • writing data to a file in one worker and reading from the file in another worker

  • storing data to and reading data from a SQLite database

When you share a resource between two or more workers, you generally need to avoid having multiple workers accessing the resource at the same time. For example, having multiple workers access a file on the local file system could cause data loss or corruption and may not be supported by the operating system.

To guard against concurrent access problems, use the Mutex and Condition classes in the flash.concurrent package to provide access control for working with shared resources.

Unlike other data-sharing mechanisms, the SQLite database engine is designed for concurrent access and has its own transaction support built in. Multiple workers can access a SQLite database without risk of corrupting the data. Because the workers use different SQLConnection instances, each worker accesses the database in a separate transaction. Simultaneous data manipulation operations do not affect the integrity of the data.

See also

Working with local SQL databases in AIR

flash.concurrent package

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