Copying motion tween scripts in Flash

Flash Player 9 and later, Adobe AIR 1.0 and later, requires Flash CS3 or later

A tween generates intermediate frames that show a display object in different states in two different frames on a timeline. It creates the appearance that the image in the first frame evolves smoothly into the image in the second. In a motion tween, the change in appearance typically involves changing the position of the display object, thus creating movement. In addition to repositioning the display object, a motion tween can also rotate, skew, resize, or apply filters to it.

Create a motion tween in Flash by moving a display object between keyframes along the timeline. Flash automatically generates the ActionScript code that describes the tween, which you can copy and save in a file. See the Motion Tweens section in Using Flash Professional for information about creating a motion tween.

You can access the Copy Motion as ActionScript 3.0 command in Flash two ways. The first way is from a tween context menu on the stage:

  1. Select the motion tween on the stage.

  2. Right-click (Windows) or Control‑click (Macintosh).

  3. Choose Copy Motion as ActionScript 3.0 . . .

The second way is to choose the command directly from the Flash Edit menu:
  1. Select the motion tween on the stage.

  2. Select Edit > Timeline >Copy Motion as ActionScript 3.0.

    Copy Motion from Timeline menu

After copying the script, paste it into a file and save it.

After creating a motion tween and copying and saving the script, you can reuse it as is or modify it in your own dynamic ActionScript-based animation.

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