Adobe AIR includes a SQL database engine with support for
local SQL databases with many standard SQL features, using the open
system. The runtime does not specify how or where database data
is stored on the file system. Each database is stored completely
within a single file. A developer can specify the location in the
file system where the database file is stored, and a single AIR
application can access one or many separate databases (i.e. separate database
files).This document outlines the SQL syntax and data type support
for Adobe AIR local SQL databases. This document is not intended
to serve as a comprehensive SQL reference. Rather, it describes
specific details of the SQL dialect that Adobe AIR supports. The
runtime supports most of the SQL-92 standard SQL dialect. Because
there are numerous references, web sites, books, and training materials
for learning SQL, this document is not intended to be a comprehensive
SQL reference or tutorial. Instead, this document particularly focuses
on the AIR-supported SQL syntax, and the differences between SQL-92 and
the supported SQL dialect.
SQL statement definition conventions
Within statement definitions in this document, the following
conventions are used:
Text case
- literal SQL keywords are written in all upper case.
lower case - placeholder terms or clause names are written
in all lower case.
Definition characters
::= Indicates a clause or
statement definition.
Grouping and alternating characters
| The pipe
character is used between alternative options, and can be read as "or".
[] Items in square brackets are optional items; the brackets
can contain a single item or a set of alternative items.
() Parentheses surrounding a set of alternatives (a set of
items separated by pipe characters), designates a required group
of items, that is, a set of items that are the possible values for
a single required item.
+ A plus character following an item
in parentheses indicates that the preceding item can occur 1 or
more times.
* An asterisk character following an item in square brackets
indicates that the preceding (bracketed) item can occur 0 or more
Literal characters
* An asterisk character
used in a column name or between the parentheses following a function
name signifies a literal asterisk character rather than the "0 or
more" quantifier.
. A period character represents a literal period.
, A comma character represents a literal comma.
() A pair of parentheses surrounding a single clause or item
indicates that the parentheses are required, literal parentheses
Other characters, unless otherwise indicated, represent those
literal characters.