Component types

You install the Flash components when you install Flash CS5.

ActionScript 3.0 components include the following user interface (UI) components:


















In addition to the user interface components, the Flash ActionScript 3.0 components include the following components and supporting classes:

  • FLVPlayback component (, which is a SWC-based component.

    The FLVPlayback component lets you readily include a video player in your Flash application to play progressive streaming video over HTTP, from an Adobe® Flash® Video Streaming Service (FVSS), or from Adobe’s Macromedia® Flash® Media Server (FMS). For more information, see Using the FLVPlayback Component .

  • The FLVPlayback Custom UI components, which are FLA-based and work with both the ActionScript 2.0 and ActionScript 3.0 versions of the FLVPlayback component. For more information, see Using the FLVPlayback Component .

  • The FLVPlayback Captioning component, which provides closed captioning for FLVPlayback. See Using the FLVPlayback Captioning Component .

    For a complete list of the ActionScript 3.0 components and their supporting classes, see the ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe Flash Platform .

View Flash components:

You can view the Flash ActionScript 3.0 components in the Components panel by following these steps.

  1. Start Flash.

  2. Create a new Flash file (ActionScript 3.0) or open an existing Flash document in which the Publish Settings specify ActionScript 3.0.

  3. Select Window > Components to open the Components panel, if it isn’t already open.

    User interface and video components in the Components panel
    Components panel with User Interface components

    You can also download additional components from the Adobe Exchange at . To install components downloaded from the Exchange, download and install the Adobe® Extension Manager at . Click the Adobe Exchange Home link and look for the Extension Manager link.

    Any component can appear in the Components panel in Flash. Follow these steps to install components on either a Windows® or Macintosh® computer.

Install components on a Windows-based or a Macintosh computer:

  1. Quit Flash.

  2. Place the SWC or FLA file containing the component in the following folder on your hard disk:

    • In Windows:

      C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS5\ language \Configuration\Components

    • On the Macintosh:

      Macintosh HD:Applications:Adobe Flash CS5:Configuration:Components

  3. Start Flash.

  4. Select Window > Components to view the component in the Components panel if it isn’t already open.

    For more information about component files, see Working with component files

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