Customize the List component

You can transform a List component horizontally and vertically while authoring and at run time. While authoring, select the component on the Stage and use the Free Transform tool or any of the Modify > Transform commands. At run time, use the setSize() method and applicable properties of the List class such as height , width , scaleX , and scaleY .

When a list is resized, the rows of the list shrink horizontally, clipping any text within them. Vertically, the list adds or removes rows as needed. Scroll bars are positioned automatically as needed.

Use styles with the List component

You can set style properties to change the appearance of a List component. The styles specify values for the component’s skins and padding when the component is drawn.

The various skin styles allow you to specify different classes to use for the skin. For more information on using skin styles, see About Skins .

The following procedure sets the value of the contentPadding style for the List component. Notice that the value of this setting is subtracted from the size of the List to achieve the padding around the content, so you might need to increase the size of the List to prevent text in the List from being cropped.

  1. Create a new Flash file (ActionScript 3.0) document.

  2. Drag the List component from the Components panel to the Stage and give it an instance name of aList .

  3. Select Frame 1 in the main Timeline, open the Actions panel, and enter the following code, which sets the contentPadding style and adds data to the List:

    aList.setStyle("contentPadding", 5); 
    aList.setSize(145, 200); 
    aList.addItem({label:"1956 Chevy (Cherry Red)", data:35000}); 
    aList.addItem({label:"1966 Mustang (Classic)", data:27000}); 
    aList.addItem({label:"1976 Volvo (Xcllnt Cond)", data:17000}); 
    aList.rowCount = aList.length;
  4. Select Control > Test Movie.

Use skins with the List component

The List component uses the following skins to represent its visual states:

List skins

For more information about skinning the ScrollBar, see Customize the UIScrollBar component . For information on skinning the Focus Rect skin, see Customize the TextArea component

Note: Changing the ScrollBar skin in one component will change it for all other components that use the ScrollBar.

Double-click the Cell Renderer skin to open a second palette of skins for the different states of a List cell.

List Cell Renderer skins

You can change the appearance of the List’s cells by editing these skins. The following procedure changes the color of the Up skin to change the List’s appearance in its normal inactive state.

  1. Create a new Flash file (ActionScript 3.0) document.

  2. Drag the List component from the Components panel to the Stage and give it an instance name of aList .

  3. Double-click the List to open its palette of skins.

  4. Double-click the Cell Renderer skin to open the palette of Cell Renderer skins.

  5. Double-click the Up_Skin skin to open it for editing.

  6. Click the fill area of the skin to select it. A Fill color picker should appear in the Property inspector with the skin’s current fill color.

  7. Select color #CC66FF using the Fill color picker to apply it to the fill of the Up_Skin skin.

  8. Click the Back button at the left side of the edit bar above the Stage to return to document-editing mode.

  9. Add the following code to the Actions panel on Frame 1 of the Timeline to add data to the List:

    aList.setStyle("contentPadding", 5); 
    aList.setSize(145, 200); 
    aList.addItem({label:"1956 Chevy (Cherry Red)", data:35000}); 
    aList.addItem({label:"1966 Mustang (Classic)", data:27000}); 
    aList.addItem({label:"1976 Volvo (Xcllnt Cond)", data:17000}); 
    aList.rowCount = aList.length;
  10. Select Control > Test Movie.

    The List should display as it does in the following illustration:

    List cells with custom Up_Skin color
    List cells with custom Up_Skin color

    The framing results from setting the contentPadding style.

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