Full-screen support

The ActionScript 3.0 version of the FLVPlayback component supports full-screen mode, which requires Flash Player, or later, and also that the HTML is set up correctly for full-screen viewing. Some predesigned skins include a toggle button to switch full-screen mode on and off. The FullScreenButton icon appears on the right side of the control bar in the following illustration.

Full-screen icon on control bar

Full-screen support occurs only if the fullScreenTakeOver property is set to true , which it is by default.

Full-screen support can occur with or without hardware-acceleration support. For information about hardware-acceleration support, see Hardware acceleration .

To implement full-screen support for FLVPlayback:

  1. Add the FLVPlayback component to your application and assign a video file to it.

  2. Select a skin for the FLVPlayback component that has the full-screen button (e.g., SkinUnderPlaySeekFullscreen.swf) or add the FullScreenButton user-interface component to the FLVPlayback component from the Video section in the Components panel.

  3. Select File > Publish Settings.

  4. In the Publish Settings dialog, click the HTML tab.

  5. On the HTML tab, select Flash With Full Screen Support from the Template pop-up menu.

  6. Also on the HTML tab, select the Detect Flash Version check box and specify a version of 9.0.28 or later, depending on the version of Flash Player that you are using.

  7. Select the Formats tab and be sure that both the Flash (.swf) and HTML (.html) options are selected. You can replace the default file names.

  8. Click Publish and then click OK.

    As an alternative to step 7, you can click OK and then select File > Publish Preview > Default - (HTML) to automatically open the exported HTML file in your default browser. Otherwise, open the exported HTML file with your browser to test the full-screen option.

    To add the FLVPlayback component with full-screen support to your web page, open the exported HTML file and copy the code that embeds the SWF file into the HTML file for your web page. This code should look similar to the following example:

    //from the <head> section 
    <script language="javascript"> AC_FL_RunContent = 0; </script>  
    <script language="javascript"> DetectFlashVer = 0; </script>  
    <script src="AC_RunActiveContent.js" language="javascript"></script> 
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">  
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------  
    // Globals  
    // Major version of Flash required  
    var requiredMajorVersion = 9;  
    // Minor version of Flash required  
    var requiredMinorVersion = 0;  
    // Revision of Flash required  
    var requiredRevision = 28;  
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------  
    // -->  
    //and from the <body> section 
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">  
    if (AC_FL_RunContent == 0 || DetectFlashVer == 0) {  
        alert("This page requires AC_RunActiveContent.js.");  
    } else {  
        var hasRightVersion = DetectFlashVer(requiredMajorVersion, 
            requiredMinorVersion, requiredRevision);  
        if(hasRightVersion) { // if we&apos;ve detected an acceptable version  
            // embed the Flash movie  
                &apos;codebase&apos;, &apos;http://download.macromedia.com/pub/ 
                &apos;width&apos;, &apos;550&apos;,  
                &apos;height&apos;, &apos;400&apos;, 
                &apos;src&apos;, &apos;fullscreen&apos;,  
                &apos;quality&apos;, &apos;high&apos;,  
                &apos;pluginspage&apos;, &apos;http://www.macromedia.com/go/ 
                &apos;align&apos;, &apos;middle&apos;,  
                &apos;play&apos;, &apos;true&apos;,  
                &apos;loop&apos;, &apos;true&apos;,  
                &apos;scale&apos;, &apos;showall&apos;,  
                &apos;wmode&apos;, &apos;window&apos;,  
                &apos;devicefont&apos;, &apos;false&apos;,  
                &apos;id&apos;, &apos;fullscreen&apos;,  
                &apos;bgcolor&apos;, &apos;#ffffff&apos;,  
                &apos;name&apos;, &apos;fullscreen&apos;,  
                &apos;menu&apos;, &apos;true&apos;, 
                &apos;movie&apos;, &apos;fullscreen&apos;,  
                &apos;salign&apos;, &apos;&apos; ); //end AC code  
        } else { // Flash is too old or we can&apos;t detect the plug-in.  
            var alternateContent = &apos;Alternative HTML content should be placed 
                + &apos;This content requires Adobe Flash Player.&apos;  
                + &apos;<a href=http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflash/>Get Flash</a> 
            document.write(alternateContent); // Insert non-Flash content.  
    // -->  
        // Provide alternative content for browsers that do not support scripting  
        // or for those that have scripting disabled.  
        Alternative HTML content should be placed here. This content requires Adobe Flash Player.  
        <a href="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflash/">Get Flash</a>  

    As an alternative, you can use the exported HTML file as the template for your web page and add your other content to it. If you do this, however, change the name of the HTML file so that you don't accidentally overwrite it in the event that you later export the FLVPlayback HTML file from Flash again.

    In any case, you must also upload to your web server the AC_RunActiveContent.js file that is exported to the same folder as the HTML file.

    ActionScript support for full-screen mode includes the fullScreenBackgroundColor , fullScreenSkinDelay, and fullScreenTakeOver properties and the enterFullScreenDisplayState() method. For information on these ActionScript elements, see the ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe Flash Platform .

Use enterFullScreenDisplayState()

You can also invoke full-screen mode by calling the enterFullScreenDisplayState() ActionScript method, as shown in the following example.

function handleClick(e:MouseEvent):void { 
myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, handleClick);

In this example, full-screen mode is not invoked by clicking the full-screen toggle button on an FLVPlayback skin, but rather, by clicking a button (MyButton) that the creator of the web page included to invoke full-screen mode. Clicking the button triggers the handleClick event handler, which calls the enterFullScreen DisplayState() method.

The enterFullScreenDisplayState() method sets the Stage.displayState property to StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN , and therefore carries the same restrictions as the displayState property. For more information on the enterFullScreenDisplayState() method and the Stage . displayState property, see the ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe Flash Platform .

Hardware acceleration

Flash Player and later versions include code that takes advantage of available video hardware to improve the performance and fidelity of FLV files that FLVPlayback plays in full-screen mode. If the prerequisites are met and the fullScreenTakeOver property is set to true , Flash Player uses hardware acceleration to scale the video file, rather than scaling it through software. If the FLVPlayback component runs in an earlier version of Flash Player, or if the prerequisites for hardware acceleration do not exist, Flash Player scales up the video file itself, as it did previously.

To take advantage of hardware acceleration for full-screen support, your computer must have a DirectX 7-compatible video card with 4 MB or more of VRAM (video RAM). This hardware support is available in Windows 2000 or Mac OS X 10.2, and later versions of those operating systems. Direct X® provides APIs that comprise an interface between software and the video hardware to accelerate three-dimensional and two-dimensional graphics, among other things.

To take advantage of hardware-acceleration mode, you must also invoke full-screen mode in one of the following ways:

  • Using the full-screen toggle button on an FLVPlayback skin

  • Using the FullScreenButton video control

  • Using the ActionScript enterFullScreenDisplayState() method. For more information, see Use enterFullScreenDisplayState() .

    If you invoke full-screen mode by setting the Stage.displayState property to StageDisplayState.FULLSCREEN , FLVPlayback does not use hardware acceleration, even if the video hardware and memory are available.

    One consequence of using hardware acceleration for full-screen support is that the FLVPlayback skins are scaled along with the video player and the video file. The following image shows the effect of full-screen mode with hardware acceleration on the FLVPlayback skin, a detail of which is shown here at full resolution.

    Full-screen mode on a 1600 x 1200 monitor with a 320x240 pixel video
    Full-screen mode on a 1600 x 1200 monitor with a 320x240 pixel video

    This image shows the result of using full-screen mode on a 1600 x 1200 monitor with a video file that has a width of 320 and a height of 240, which are the default FLVPlayback dimensions. The distortion effect on the skin is more pronounced on FLV files with smaller dimensions or on a larger monitor. Conversely, the distortion effect is less pronounced on larger FLV files or on smaller monitors. For example, changing from 640 x 480 to 1600 x 1200 still increases the size of the skin, but it looks less distorted.

    You can set the skinScaleMaximum property to limit the scaling of the FLVPlayback skin. The default value is 4.0, or 400%. Limiting the scaling of the skin, however, requires a combination of hardware and software to scale the FLV and this can adversely affect performance on FLVs with large dimensions that are encoded at a high bit rate. If the video is large (640 pixels wide or more, 480 pixels tall or more, for example), you should not set skinScaleMaximum to a small value because it could cause large performance problems on large display monitors. The skinScaleMaximum property allows you to manage the trade offs between performance and quality and the appearance of a large skin.

Exit full-screen mode

To exit full-screen mode, click the full-screen button again or press the Esc key.

Setting the following properties and calling the following methods can cause layout changes that cause the FLVPLayback component to exit full-screen mode: height , registrationHeight , registrationWidth , registrationX , registrationY , scaleX , scaleY , width , x , y , setScale() ,or setSize() .

If you set the align or scaleMode properties, FLVPlayback sets them to center and maintainAspectRatio until full-screen mode is exited.

Changing the value of the fullScreenTakeOver property from true to false when you are using full-screen, hardware-acceleration mode also causes Flash to exit full-screen mode.

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