Use cue points

A cue point is a point at which the video player dispatches a cuePoint event while a video file plays. You can add cue points to an FLV file at times that you want an action to occur for another element on the web page. You might want to display text or a graphic, for example, or synchronize with a Flash animation, or affect the playing of the FLV file by pausing it, seeking a different point in the video, or switching to a different FLV file. Cue points allow you to receive control in your ActionScript code to synchronize points in your FLV file with other actions on the web page.

There are three types of cue points: navigation, event, and ActionScript. The navigation and event cue points are also known as embedded cue points because they are embedded in the FLV file stream and in the FLV file’s metadata packet.

A navigation cue point allows you to seek a particular frame in the FLV file because it creates a keyframe within the FLV file as near as possible to the time that you specify. A keyframe is a data segment that occurs between image frames in the FLV file stream. When you seek a navigation cue point, the component seeks to the keyframe and starts the cuePoint event.

An event cue point enables you to synchronize a point in time within the FLV file with an external event on the web page. The cuePoint event occurs precisely at the specified time. You can embed navigation and event cue points in an FLV file using either the Video Import wizard or the Adobe Media Encoder. For more information on the Video Import wizard and the Adobe Media Encoder, see “Working with Video,” in Using Flash .

An ActionScript cue point is an external cue point that you can add either through the component’s Flash Video Cue Points dialog box or through the FLVPlayback.addASCuePoint() method. The component stores and tracks ActionScript cue points apart from the FLV file, and consequently, they are less accurate than embedded cue points. ActionScript cue points are accurate to a tenth of a second. You can increase the accuracy of ActionScript cue points by lowering the value of the playheadUpdateInterval property because the component generates the cuePoint event for ActionScript cue points when the playhead updates. For more information, see the FLVPlayback.playheadUpdateInterval property in the ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe Flash Platform .

In ActionScript and within the FLV file’s metadata, a cue point is represented as an object with the following properties: name , time , type , and parameters . The name property is a string that contains the assigned name of the cue point. The time property is a number representing the time in hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds (HH:MM:SS.mmm) when the cue point occurs. The type property is a string whose value is "navigation" , "event" , or "actionscript" , depending on the type of cue point that you created. The parameters property is an array of specified name and value pairs.

When a cuePoint event occurs, the cue point object is available in the event object through the info property.

Use the Flash Video Cue Points dialog box

In Flash Professional CS5, click the value cell of the cuePoints parameter in the Component inspector for the FLVPlayback component. The Cue Points dialog box appears at the bottom of the Property inspector.

In Flash Professional CS4, open the Flash Video Cue Points dialog box by double-clicking the value cell of the cuePoints parameter in the Component inspector.

The dialog box looks like the following figure:

View full size graphic
Cue Points dialog box

The dialog box displays embedded and ActionScript cue points. You can use this dialog box to add and delete ActionScript cue points as well as cue point parameters. You can also enable or disable embedded cue points. However, you cannot add, change, or delete embedded cue points.

Add an ActionScript cue point:

  1. Click the Value cell of the cuePoints parameter in the Component parameters to open the Cue Points dialog at the bottom of the Property inspector. (In Flash Professional CS4, double-click the value cell of the cuePoints parameter in the Component inspector to open the Flash Cue Points dialog box.)

  2. Click the plus (+) sign in the upper-left corner, above the list of cue points, to add a default ActionScript cue point entry.

  3. Click the New Cue Point text in the Name column, and edit the text to name the cue point.

  4. Click the Time value of 00:00:00:000 to edit it, and assign a time for the cue point to occur. You can specify the time in hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds (HH:MM:SS.mmm).

    If multiple cue points exist, the dialog box moves the new cue point to its chronological position in the list.

  5. To add a parameter for the selected cue point, click the plus (+) sign above the Parameters section, and enter values in the Name and Value columns. Repeat this step for each parameter.

  6. To add more ActionScript cue points, repeat steps 2 through 5 for each one.

  7. Press Enter to save your changes. (In Flash Professional CS4, Click OK to save your changes.)

Delete an ActionScript cue point:

  1. Click the value cell of the cuePoints parameter. (In Flash Professional CS4, double-click the Value cell of the cuePoints parameter in the Component inspector to open the Flash Cue Points dialog box.)

  2. Select the cue point that you want to delete.

  3. Click the minus (-) sign in the upper-left corner, above the list of cue points, to delete it.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each cue point that you want to delete.

  5. Press Enter to save your changes. (In Flash Professional CS4, Click OK to save your changes.)

To enable or disable an embedded FLV file cue point:

  1. Click the value cell of the cuePoints parameter. (In Flash Professional CS4, double-click the value cell of the cuePoints parameter in the Component inspector to open the Flash Cue Points dialog box.)

  2. Select the cue point you want to enable or disable.

  3. Click the value in the Type column to trigger the pop-up menu, or click the down arrow.

  4. Click the name of the type of cue point (for example, Event or Navigation) to enable it. Click Disabled to disable it.

  5. Press Enter to save your changes. (In Flash Professional CS4, Click OK to save your changes.)

Use cue points with ActionScript

You can use ActionScript to add ActionScript cue points, listen for cuePoint events, find cue points of any type or a specific type, seek a navigation cue point, enable or disable a cue point, check whether a cue point is enabled, and remove a cue point.

The examples in this section use an FLV file called cuepoints.flv, which contains the following three cue points:













Add ActionScript cue points

You can add ActionScript cue points to an FLV file using the addASCuePoint() method. The following example adds two ActionScript cue points to the FLV file when it is ready to play. It adds the first cue point using a cue point object, which specifies the time, name, and type of the cue point in its properties. The second call specifies the time and name using the method’s time and name parameters.

// Requires an FLVPlayback instance called my_FLVPlybk on Stage 
my_FLVPlybk.source = "" 
var cuePt:Object = new Object(); //create cue point object 
cuePt.time = 2.02; = "ASpt1"; 
cuePt.type = "actionscript"; 
my_FLVPlybk.addASCuePoint(cuePt);//add AS cue point 
// add 2nd AS cue point using time and name parameters 
my_FLVPlybk.addASCuePoint(5, "ASpt2"); 

For more information, see the FLVPlayback.addASCuePoint() method in the ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe Flash Platform .

Listen for cuePoint events

The cuePoint event allows you to receive control in your ActionScript code when a cuePoint event occurs. When cue points occur in the following example, the cuePoint listener calls an event handler function that displays the value of the playheadTime property and the name and type of the cue point. Use this example in combination with the example in the preceding section, Add ActionScript cue points, to see the results.

my_FLVPlybk.addEventListener(MetadataEvent.CUE_POINT, cp_listener); 
function cp_listener(eventObject:MetadataEvent):void { 
        trace("Elapsed time in seconds: " + my_FLVPlybk.playheadTime); 
        trace("Cue point name is: " +; 
        trace("Cue point type is: " +; 

For more information on the cuePoint event, see the FLVPlayback.cuePoint event in the ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe Flash Platform .

Find cue points

Using ActionScript, you can find a cue point of any type, find the nearest cue point to a time, or find the next cue point with a specific name.

The ready_listener() event handler in the following example calls the findCuePoint() method to find the cue point ASpt1 and then calls the findNearestCuePoint() method to find the navigation cue point that is nearest to the time of cue point ASpt1 :

my_FLVPlybk.source = "" 
var rtn_obj:Object; //create cue point object 
my_FLVPlybk.addASCuePoint(2.02, "ASpt1");//add AS cue point 
function ready_listener(eventObject:VideoEvent):void { 
    rtn_obj = my_FLVPlybk.findCuePoint("ASpt1", CuePointType.ACTIONSCRIPT); 
    rtn_obj = my_FLVPlybk.findNearestCuePoint(rtn_obj.time, CuePointType.NAVIGATION); 
my_FLVPlybk.addEventListener(VideoEvent.READY, ready_listener); 
function traceit(cuePoint:Object):void { 
    trace("Cue point name is: " +; 
    trace("Cue point time is: " + cuePoint.time); 
    trace("Cue point type is: " + cuePoint.type); 

In the following example, the ready_listener() event handler finds cue point ASpt and calls the findNextCuePointWithName() method to find the next cue point with the same name:

my_FLVPlybk.source = "" 
var rtn_obj:Object; //create cue point object 
my_FLVPlybk.addASCuePoint(2.02, "ASpt");//add AS cue point 
my_FLVPlybk.addASCuePoint(3.4, "ASpt");//add 2nd Aspt 
my_FLVPlybk.addEventListener(VideoEvent.READY, ready_listener); 
function ready_listener(eventObject:VideoEvent):void { 
    rtn_obj = my_FLVPlybk.findCuePoint("ASpt", CuePointType.ACTIONSCRIPT); 
    rtn_obj = my_FLVPlybk.findNextCuePointWithName(rtn_obj); 
function traceit(cuePoint:Object):void { 
    trace("Cue point name is: " +; 
    trace("Cue point time is: " + cuePoint.time); 
    trace("Cue point type is: " + cuePoint.type); 

For more information about finding cue points, see the FLVPlayback.findCuePoint(), FLVPlayback.findNearestCuePoint(), and FLVPlayback.findNextCuePointWithName() methods in the ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe Flash Platform .

Seek navigation cue points

You can seek a navigation cue point, seek the next navigation cue point from a specified time, and seek the previous navigation cue point from a specified time. The following example plays the FLV file cuepoints.flv and seeks the cue point at 7.748 when the ready event occurs. When the cuePoint event occurs, the example calls the seekToPrevNavCuePoint() method to seek the first cue point. When that cuePoint event occurs, the example calls the seekToNextNavCuePoint() method to seek the last cue point by adding 10 seconds to , which is the time of the current cue point.

my_FLVPlybk.addEventListener(VideoEvent.READY, ready_listener); 
function ready_listener(eventObject:Object):void { 
my_FLVPlybk.addEventListener(MetadataEvent.CUE_POINT, cp_listener); 
function cp_listener(eventObject:MetadataEvent):void { 
    if( == 7.748) 
        my_FLVPlybk.seekToPrevNavCuePoint( - .005); 
        my_FLVPlybk.seekToNextNavCuePoint( + 10); 
my_FLVPlybk.source = "";

For more information, see the FLVPlayback.seekToNavCuePoint(), FLVPlayback.seekToNextNavCuePoint(), and FLVPlayback.seekToPrevNavCuePoint() methods in the ActionScript 3.0 Reference .

Enable and disable embedded FLV file cue points

You can enable and disable embedded FLV file cue points using the setFLVCuePointEnabled() method. Disabled cue points do not trigger cuePoint events and do not work with the seekToCuePoint() , seekToNextNavCuePoint() , or seekToPrevNavCuePoint() methods. You can find disabled cue points, however, with the findCuePoint() , findNearestCuePoint() , and findNextCuePointWithName() methods.

You can test whether an embedded FLV file cue point is enabled using the isFLVCuePointEnabled() method. The following example disables the embedded cue points point2 and point3 when the video is ready to play. When the first cuePoint event occurs, however, the event handler tests to see whether cue point point3 is disabled and, if so, enables it.

my_FLVPlybk.source = ""; 
my_FLVPlybk.addEventListener(VideoEvent.READY, ready_listener); 
function ready_listener(eventObject:VideoEvent):void { 
    my_FLVPlybk.setFLVCuePointEnabled(false, "point2"); 
    my_FLVPlybk.setFLVCuePointEnabled(false, "point3"); 
my_FLVPlybk.addEventListener(MetadataEvent.CUE_POINT, cp_listener); 
function cp_listener(eventObject:MetadataEvent):void { 
        trace("Cue point time is: " +; 
        trace("Cue point name is: " +; 
        trace("Cue point type is: " +; 
        if (my_FLVPlybk.isFLVCuePointEnabled("point2") == false) { 
            my_FLVPlybk.setFLVCuePointEnabled(true, "point2"); 

For more information, see the FLVPlayback.isFLVCuePointEnabled() and FLVPlayback.setFLVCuePointEnabled() methods in the ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe Flash Platform .

Remove an ActionScript cue point

You can remove an ActionScript cue point using the removeASCuePoint() method. The following example removes the cue point ASpt2 when cue point ASpt1 occurs:

my_FLVPlybk.source = "" 
my_FLVPlybk.addASCuePoint(2.02, "ASpt1");//add AS cue point 
my_FLVPlybk.addASCuePoint(3.4, "ASpt2");//add 2nd Aspt 
my_FLVPlybk.addEventListener(MetadataEvent.CUE_POINT, cp_listener); 
function cp_listener(eventObject:MetadataEvent):void { 
        trace("Cue point name is: " +; 
        if ( == "ASpt1") { 
            trace("Removed cue point ASpt2"); 

For more information, see FLVPlayback.removeASCuePoint() in the ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe Flash Platform .

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