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Run-Time Errors 
Native window:

The following errors can occur at run time. Run-time type checking occurs in ActionScript 3.0 whether you compile in strict mode or warning mode.

 1000The system is out of memory. Flash needs more memory to compile your code than your system has available. Close some of the applications or processes running on your system.  
 1001The method %m is not implemented. 
 1002The precision argument must be between 0 and 20; got %d You specified a value less than 0 or greater than 20 for the precision argument of a method or property. Pass a value between 0 and 20 as a precision argument.  
 1003The radix argument must be between 2 and 36; got %d You passed a value less than 2 or greater than 36 for the radix argument of a method or property. Pass a value between 2 and 36 as a radix argument.  
 1004A method of '%t' was invoked on an incompatible object. You tried to call a method that is not available to the specified object.This error occurs when you have copied a prototype function from one object to another, and then invoked it, but the target object is not the same type as the original object. Ensure that the target object and original object are the same type. See ECMAScript edition 3 chapter 15 for more details.  
 1005Array index is not an integer (%f) You tried to access a member of an array using an index value that is not an integer. Pass only integers as index values for arrays.  
 1006Call attempted on an object that is not a function. This error occurs when you attempt to call a function that does not exist. Make sure that you are calling the correct function, and that the API has not changed from ActionScript 2.0. Also, make sure that you are using the correct object. For example, you will see this error when you use the following code (because the last line mistakingly calls the variable big instead of blg):
var blg:String = "foo";
var big:Sprite = new Sprite();
var error:int = big.length(); 
 1007Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor. 
 1008%n is ambiguous; more than one binding matches. 
 1009null has no properties. An object that evaluates to null can have no properties. This error can occur in some unexpected (though valid) situations. For example, consider the following code, which creates a Sprite object. Since this Sprite object is never added to the display list (via the addChild() method of a DisplayObjectContainer object), then its stage property is set to null, and as such, its stage property cannot have any properties. So the code generates the errror:
import flash.display.Sprite;
var sprite1:Sprite = new Sprite();
var q:String = sprite1.stage.quality;
 1010undefined has no properties. This error can occur if you are trying to access a property of an object that does not exist. For example:
var obj:Object = new Object();
obj.a = "foo";

You can also see this error because of a mispelling, for example in the following, where mc represents a MovieClip object on the display list, and the stage property is misspelled with a capital S (it should be stage):

 1011Method %m contained illegal opcode %d at offset %d. See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1012The last instruction exceeded code size. See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1013Cannot call OP_findproperty when scopeDepth is 0. See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1014Class %n could not be found. 
 1015Method %m cannot set default xml namespace See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1017Scope stack overflow. See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1018Scope stack underflow. See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1019Getscopeobject %d is out of bounds. See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1020Code cannot fall off the end of a method. See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1021At least one branch target was not on a valid instruction in the method See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1023Stack overflow. See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1024Stack underflow. See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1025An invalid register %d was accessed. See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1026Slot %d exceeds slotCount=%d of %t. See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1027Method_info %d exceeds method_count=%d. See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1028Disp_id %d exceeds max_disp_id=%d of %t. See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1029Disp_id %d is undefined on %t. See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1030Stack depth unbalanced. %d != %d. See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1031Scope depth unbalanced. %d != %d. See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1032Cpool index %d out of range %d. See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1033Cpool entry %d wrong type. See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1034Type Coercion failed: cannot convert %a to %t 
 1035Illegal super expression in method %m See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1037Cannot assign to a method %n on %t See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1038%n is already defined You cannot declare a variable or function with the same identfier name more than once within the same scope. In ActionScript 3.0, different code blocks (such as those used in two for loops in the same function definition) are considered to be in the same scope. See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1039Cannot verify method until it is referenced See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1040RHS of instanceof must be a Class or Function 
 1041RHS of operator must be a Class 
 1042Not an ABC file. major_version=%d minor_version=%d You are attempting to use an invalid file with the player: the tool that generates the SWF may be out of date or the SWF itself may be corrupt.  
 1043Invalid code_length=%d See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1044MethodInfo-%d unsupported flags=%d See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1045Unsupported traits kind=%d See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1046MethodInfo-%d referenced before definition See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1047No Entry Point Found See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1049Prototype objects must be vanilla Objects See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1050Cannot convert %o to primitive. See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1051Illegal early binding access to %t See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1052Invalid URI passed to %s function. See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1053Illegal override of %n in %t See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1054Illegal range or target offsets in exception handler See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1055%S has no properties 
 1056Cannot create property %n on %t 
 1057%t may only contain methods See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1058Illegal operand type: %t must be %t See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1059ClassInfo-%d referenced before definition See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1060ClassInfo %d exceeds class_count=%d. See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1061The value %1 cannot be converted to %2 without losing precision. This error appears if you attempt to assign a decimal number to a property that has data type int.

This error also appears for out-of-range assignments, such as the following:

var m0:int = 2147483648; // int.MAX_VALUE == 2147483647

You can also see this error when using the bitwise left shift operator (<<). For example, consider the following code:

var m0:uint = 0xFF;
var m1:uint = m0<<24;

The result of left shift operator (<<) is interpreted as a 32-bit two's complement number with sign. In the example, the result is a negative value, which causes the error when assigned to the uint typed property. A workaround is the following:

var m0:uint = 0xFF;
var m1:uint = uint(m0<<24);
 1063Argument count mismatch on %m. Expected %d, got %d 
 1064Cannot call method %m as constructor 
 1065Variable %n is not defined 
 1066Function('function body') is not supported 
 1067Native method %m has illegal method body See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1068%t and %t cannot be reconciled See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1069Property %n not found on %t and there is no default value 
 1070Method %n not found on %t 
 1071Function %m has already been bound to %t See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1072Disp_id 0 is illegal. See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1073Non-override method %m replaced because of duplicate disp_id %d See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1075Math is not a function 
 1076Math is not a constructor 
 1077Illegal read of write-only property %n on %t 
 1078Illegal opcode/multiname combination: %d <%n> See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1079Native methods not allowed in loaded code See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1080Illegal value for namespace See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1082No default namespace has been set See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1083The prefix "%S" for element "%w" is not bound. 
 1084Element or attribute ("%w") do not match QName production: QName::=(NCName':')?NCName 
 1085The element type "%S" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "". 
 1086The %s method works only on lists containing one item. 
 1087Assignment to indexed XML is not allowed. 
 1088The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed. 
 1089Assignment to lists with more than one item is not supported 
 1090XML parser failure: element is malformed 
 1091XML parser failure: Unterminated CDATA section 
 1092XML parser failure: Unterminated XML declaration 
 1093XML parser failure: Unterminated DOCTYPE declaration 
 1094XML parser failure: Unterminated comment 
 1095XML parser failure: Unterminated attribute 
 1096XML parser failure: Unterminated element 
 1097XML parser failure: Unterminated processing instruction 
 1098Illegal prefix '%S' for 'no namespace'. 
 1100Cannot supply flags when constructing one RegExp from another. 
 1101Cannot verify method %m with unknown scope See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1102Illegal default value for type %n See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1103Class %n cannot extend final base class See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1104Attribute "%S" was already specified for element "%S". 
 1107The ABC data is corrupt, attempt to read out of bounds See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1108The OP_newclass opcode was used with the incorrect base class See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1109Attempt to directly call unbound function %m from method %m See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1110%n cannot extend %t See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1111%n cannot implement %t See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1112Argument count mismatch on class coercion. Expected 1, got %d 
 1113OP_newactivation used in method without NEED_ACTIVATION flag See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1114OP_getglobalslot or OP_setglobalslot used with no global scope See the note at the bottom of this table. *  
 1115%n is not a constructor 
 1116second argument to Function.prototype.apply must be an array 
 1500Error opening file '%S'. 
 1501Error writing to file '%S'. 
 1502A script has executed for longer than 15 seconds. 
 1503A script did not exit in a timely fashion and was terminated. 
 1504End of file 
 1505The string index %d is out of bounds; must be in range %d to %d. 
 1506The range specified is invalid. 
 1507Argument '%s' may not be null. 
 1508The value specified for argument '%s' is invalid. 
 1509There was an error decompressing the data. 
 1510When the callback argument is a method of a class, the optional argument must be null. 
 2000No active security context. 
 2001Too few arguments were specified; got %1, %2 expected. 
 2002Operation attempted on invalid socket. 
 2003Invalid socket port number specified. The valid range is 0 to 65535. For more information, see Socket Connections in this language reference.  
 2004One of the parameters is invalid. 
 2005Parameter %1 is of the incorrect type. Should be type %2. 
 2006The supplied index is out of bounds. 
 2007Parameter %1 must be non-null. 
 2008Parameter %1 must be one of the accepted values. 
 2009This method cannot be used on a text field with a style sheet. 
 2010Local-with-filesystem SWF files are not permitted to use sockets. 
 2011Socket connection failed to %1:%2. There is a network problem. Possibly a DNS name is not resolving or a TCP socket is not connecting.  
 2012%1 class cannot be instantiated. 
 2013Feature can only be used in Flash Authoring. 
 2014Feature is not available at this time. The feature is not supported on this system.  
 2015Invalid BitmapData. 
 2017Only trusted local files may cause the Flash Player to exit. 
 2018System.exit is only available in the standalone Flash Player. 
 2019Depth specified is invalid. 
 2020MovieClips objects with different parents cannot be swapped. 
 2021Object creation failed. 
 2022Class %1 must inherit from DisplayObject to link to a symbol. 
 2023Class %1 must inherit from Sprite to link to the root. 
 2024An object cannot be added as a child of itself. 
 2025The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller. 
 2026An error occurred navigating to the URL %1. Possibly the URL does not exist, the network connection has a problem, or the URL is outside the security sandbox.  
 2027Parameter %1 must be a non-negative number; got %2. 
 2028Local-with-filesystem SWF file %1 cannot access Internet URL %2. 
 2029This URLStream object does not have a stream opened. 
 2030End of file was encountered. 
 2031Socket Error. A socket error occurred. For more information, see Socket Connections in this language reference.  
 2032Stream Error. 
 2033Key Generation Failed. 
 2034An invalid digest was supplied. 
 2035URL Not Found. 
 2036Load Never Completed. 
 2037Functions called in incorrect sequence, or earlier call was unsuccessful. 
 2038File I/O Error.This error occurs when an application can't get file size, creation date or modification data using the FileReference API. 
 2039Invalid remote URL protocol. The remote URL protocol must be HTTP or HTTPS. 
 2041Only one file browsing session may be performed at a time. 
 2042The digest property is not supported by this load operation. 
 2044Unhandled %1:. 
 2046The loaded file did not have a valid signature. 
 2047Security sandbox violation: %1: %2 cannot access %3. 
 2048Security sandbox violation: %1 cannot load data from %2. 
 2049Security sandbox violation: %1 cannot upload data to %2. 
 2051Security sandbox violation: %1 cannot evaluate scripting URLs within %2 (allowScriptAccess is %3). Attempted URL was %4. 
 2052Only String arguments are permitted for allowDomain and allowInsecureDomain. 
 2053Security sandbox violation: %1 cannot clear an interval timer set by %2. 
 2054The value of Security.exactSettings cannot be changed after it has been used. 
 2055The print job could not be started. 
 2056The print job could not be sent to the printer. 
 2057The page could not be added to the print job. The addPage() method is not used correctly. See the addPage() entry in this language reference.  
 2058There was an error decompressing the data. 
 2059Security sandbox violation: %1 cannot overwrite an ExternalInterface callback added by %2. 
 2060Security sandbox violation: ExternalInterface caller %1 cannot access %2. 
 2061No ExternalInterface callback %1 registered. 
 2062Children of Event must override clone() {return new MyEventClass (...);}. 
 2063Error attempting to execute IME command. One of the IME services has failed.
  • If you are using the setConversionMode() or setEnabled() method, ActionScript 3.0 replaces these methods with the access property.
  • If you are using the doConversion() or setComposition() method, these methods are not supported for Macintosh OSX.
 2065The focus cannot be set for this target. 
 2066The Timer delay specified is out of range. 
 2067The ExternalInterface is not available in this container. ExternalInterface requires Internet Explorer ActiveX, Firefox, Mozilla 1.7.5 and greater, or other browsers that support NPRuntime. 
 2068Invalid sound. 
 2069The Loader class does not implement this method. 
 2070Security sandbox violation: caller %1 cannot access Stage owned by %2. 
 2071The Stage class does not implement this property or method. 
 2073There was a problem saving the application to disk. Possibly you do not have write permission or there is not enough disk space.  
 2074The stage is too small to fit the download ui. 
 2075The downloaded file is invalid. Possibly the file decompression failed, the file format is invalid, or the signature validation failed.  
 2077This filter operation cannot be performed with the specified input parameters. 
 2078The name property of a Timeline-placed object cannot be modified. 
 2079Classes derived from Bitmap can only be associated with defineBits characters (bitmaps). 
 2082Connect failed because the object is already connected. 
 2083Close failed because the object is not connected. 
 2084The AMF encoding of the arguments cannot exceed 40K. 
 2085Parameter %1 must be non-empty string. 
 2086A setting in the mms.cfg file prohibits this FileReference request. 
 2087The file name contains prohibited characters. The filename cannot contain spaces or any of the following characters: /, \, :, *, ?, ", <, >, |, %, or the ASCII control characters 0 through 31 (0x00 through 0X1F). Also, filenames longer than 256 characters may fail on some browsers or servers.  
 2088The Proxy class does not implement getProperty. It must be overridden by a subclass. 
 2089The Proxy class does not implement setProperty. It must be overridden by a subclass. 
 2090The Proxy class does not implement callProperty. It must be overridden by a subclass. 
 2091The Proxy class does not implement hasProperty. It must be overridden by a subclass. 
 2092The Proxy class does not implement deleteProperty. It must be overridden by a subclass. 
 2093The Proxy class does not implement getDescendants. It must be overridden by a subclass. 
 2094Event dispatch recursion overflow. The recursion exceeds the maximum recursion depth. (The default maximum is 256.)  
 2095%1 was unable to invoke callback %2. 
 2096The HTTP request header %1 cannot be set via ActionScript. You are adding a disallowed HTTP header to an HTTP request. See the class for a complete list of disallowed HTTP request headers.  
 2097The FileFilter Array is not in the correct format. There are two valid formats:
  • A description with Windows file extensions only
  • A description with Windows file extensions and Macintosh file formats.

The two file formats and not interchangeable; you must use one or the other. For more information, see the FileFilter class in this language reference.

 2098The loading object is not a .swf file, you cannot request SWF properties from it. 
 2099The loading object is not sufficiently loaded to provide this information. 
 2100The ByteArray parameter in Loader.loadBytes() must have length greater than 0. 
 2101The String passed to URLVariables.decode() must be a URL-encoded query string containing name/value pairs. 
 2102The before XMLNode parameter must be a child of the caller. 
 2103XML recursion failure: new child would create infinite loop. Possibly you are trying to make objects child objects of each other. For example, the following code generates this error because a and b both try to add the other as a child object.
 2105The Proxy class does not implement nextNameIndex. It must be overridden by a subclass. 
 2106The Proxy class does not implement nextName. It must be overridden by a subclass. 
 2107The Proxy class does not implement nextValue. It must be overridden by a subclass. 
 2108Scene %1 was not found. 
 2109Frame label %1 not found in scene %2. 
 2110The value of Security.disableAVM1Loading cannot be set unless the caller can access the stage and is in an ActionScript 3.0 SWF file. 
 2111Security.disableAVM1Loading is true so the current load of the ActionScript 1.0/2.0 SWF file has been blocked. 
 2112Provided parameter LoaderContext.ApplicationDomain is from a disallowed domain. 
 2113Provided parameter LoaderContext.SecurityDomain is from a disallowed domain. 
 2114Parameter %1 must be null. 
 2115Parameter %1 must be false. 
 2116Parameter %1 must be true. 
 2118The LoaderInfo class does not implement this method. 
 2119Security sandbox violation: caller %1 cannot access LoaderInfo.applicationDomain owned by %2. 
 2121Security sandbox violation: %1: %2 cannot access %3. This may be worked around by calling Security.allowDomain. 
 2122Security sandbox violation: %1: %2 cannot access %3. A policy file is required, but the checkPolicyFile flag was not set when this media was loaded. 
 2123Security sandbox violation: %1: %2 cannot access %3. No policy files granted access. 
 2124Loaded file is an unknown type. 
 2125Security sandbox violation: %1 cannot use Runtime Shared Library %2 because crossing the boundary between ActionScript 3.0 and ActionScript 1.0/2.0 objects is not allowed. 
 2126NetConnection object must be connected. 
 2127FileReference POST data cannot be type ByteArray. 
 2129Connection to %1 failed. 
 2130Unable to flush SharedObject. 
 2131Definition %1 cannot be found. 
 2132NetConnection.connect cannot be called from a netStatus event handler. 
 2133Callback %1 is not registered. 
 2134Cannot create SharedObject. 
 2136The SWF file %1 contains invalid data. 
 2137Security sandbox violation: %1 cannot navigate window %2 within %3 (allowScriptAccess is %4). Attempted URL was %5. 
 2138Rich text XML could not be parsed. 
 2139SharedObject could not connect. 
 2140Security sandbox violation: %1 cannot load %2. Local-with-filesystem and local-with-networking SWF files cannot load each other. 
 2141Only one PrintJob may be in use at a time. 
 2142Security sandbox violation: local SWF files cannot use the LoaderContext.securityDomain property. %1 was attempting to load %2. 
 2143AccessibilityImplementation.get_accRole() must be overridden from its default. 
 2144AccessibilityImplementation.get_accState() must be overridden from its default. 
 2145Cumulative length of requestHeaders must be less than 8192 characters. 
 2146Security sandbox violation: %1 cannot call %2 because the HTML/container parameter allowNetworking has the value %3. 
 2147Forbidden protocol in URL %1. 
 2148SWF file %1 cannot access local resource %2. Only local-with-filesystem and trusted local SWF files may access local resources. 
 2149Security sandbox violation: %1 cannot make fscommand calls to %2 (allowScriptAccess is %3). 
 2150An object cannot be added as a child to one of it's children (or children's children, etc.). 
 2151You cannot enter full screen mode when the settings dialog is visible. 
 2152Full screen mode is not allowed. 
 2153The URLRequest.requestHeaders array must contain only non-NULL URLRequestHeader objects. 
 2154The NetStream Object is invalid. This may be due to a failed NetConnection. 
 2155The functionName parameter is invalid. Only alphanumeric characters are supported. 
 2156Port %1 may not be accessed using protocol %2. Calling SWF was %3. 
 2157Rejecting URL %1 because the 'asfunction:' protocol may only be used for link targets, not for networking APIs. 
 2158The NetConnection Object is invalid. This may be due to a dropped NetConnection. 
 2159The SharedObject Object is invalid. 
 2160The TextLine is INVALID and cannot be used to access the current state of the TextBlock. 
 2161An internal error occured while laying out the text. 
 2162The Shader output type is not compatible for this operation. 
 2163The Shader input type %1 is not compatible for this operation. 
 2164The Shader input %1 is missing or an unsupported type. 
 2165The Shader input %1 does not have enough data. 
 2166The Shader input %1 lacks valid dimensions. 
 2167The Shader does not have the required number of inputs for this operation. 
 2168Static text lines have no atoms and no reference to a text block. 
 2169The method %1 may not be used for browser scripting. The URL %2 requested by %3 is being ignored. If you intend to call browser script, use navigateToURL instead. 
 2170Security sandbox violation: %1 cannot send HTTP headers to %2. 
 2171The Shader object contains no byte code to execute. 
 2172The ShaderJob is already running or finished. 
 2173Unable to read object in stream. The class %1 does not implement flash.utils.IExternalizable but is aliased to an externalizable class. 
 2174Only one download, upload, load or save operation can be active at a time on each FileReference. 
 2175One or more elements of the content of the TextBlock has a null ElementFormat. 
 2176Certain actions, such as those that display a pop-up window, may only be invoked upon user interaction, for example by a mouse click or button press. 
 2177The Shader input %1 is too large. 
 2178The Clipboard.generalClipboard object must be used instead of creating a new Clipboard. 
 2179The Clipboard.generalClipboard object may only be read while processing a event. 
 2180It is illegal to move AVM1 content (AS1 or AS2) to a different part of the displayList when it has been loaded into AVM2 (AS3) content. 
 2181The TextLine class does not implement this property or method. 
 2182Invalid fieldOfView value. The value must be greater than 0 and less than 180. 
 2183Scale values must not be zero. 
 2184The ElementFormat object is locked and cannot be modified. 
 2185The FontDescription object is locked and cannot be modified. 
 2186Invalid focalLength %1. 
 2187Invalid orientation style %1. Value must be one of 'Orientation3D.EULER_ANGLES', 'Orientation3D.AXIS_ANGLE', or 'Orientation3D.QUATERNION'. 
 2188Invalid raw matrix. Matrix must be invertible. 
 2189A Matrix3D can not be assigned to more than one DisplayObject. 
 2190The attempted load of %1 failed as it had a Content-Disposition of attachment set. 
 2191The Clipboard.generalClipboard object may only be written to as the result of user interaction, for example by a mouse click or button press. 
 2192An unpaired Unicode surrogate was encountered in the input. 
 2193Security sandbox violation: %1: %2 cannot access %3.  
 2200The SystemUpdater class is not supported by this player. 
 2201The requested update type is not supported on this operating system. 
 2202Only one SystemUpdater action is allowed at a time. 
 2203The requested SystemUpdater action cannot be completed. 
 2204This operation cannot be canceled because it is waiting for user interaction. 
 2205Invalid update type %1. 
 3000Illegal path name. 
 3001File or directory access denied. 
 3002File or directory exists. 
 3003File or directory does not exist. 
 3004Insufficient file space. 
 3005Insufficient system resources. 
 3006Not a file. 
 3007Not a directory. 
 3008Read-only or write-protected media. 
 3009Cannot move file or directory to a different device. 
 3010Directory is not empty. 
 3011Move or copy destination already exists. 
 3012Cannot delete file or directory. 
 3013File or directory is in use. 
 3014Cannot copy or move a file or directory to overwrite a containing directory. 
 3015Loader.loadBytes() is not permitted to load content with executable code. 
 3016No application was found that can open this file. 
 3100A SQLConnection cannot be closed while statements are still executing. 
 3101Database connection is already open. 
 3102Name argument specified was invalid. It must not be null or empty. 
 3103Operation cannot be performed while there is an open transaction on this connection. 
 3104A SQLConnection must be open to perform this operation. 
 3105Operation is only allowed if a connection has an open transaction. 
 3106Property cannot be changed while SQLStatement.executing is true. 
 3107%1 may not be called unless SQLResult.complete is false. 
 3108Operation is not permitted when the SQLStatement.text property is not set. 
 3109Operation is not permitted when the SQLStatement.sqlConnection property is not set. 
 3110Operation cannot be performed while SQLStatement.executing is true. 
 3111 An invalid schema type was specified. Valid values are:
  • SQLIndexSchema
  • SQLTableSchema
  • SQLTriggerSchema
  • SQLViewSchema
 3112 An invalid transaction lock type was specified. Valid values are:
  • SQLTransactionLockType.DEFERRED
  • SQLTransactionLockType.IMMEDIATE
  • SQLTransactionLockType.EXCLUSIVE
 3113Reference specified is not of type File. 
 3114 An invalid open mode was specified. Valid values are:
  • SQLMode.READ
 3115SQL Error. 
 3116An internal logic error occurred. 
 3117Access permission denied. Indicates that the operation failed because a SQL statement attempted to perform an operation that it didn't have permission to perform, such as specifying an INSERT operation to be performed on a view.  
 3118Operation aborted. Indicates that a SQL statement execution failed because execution was aborted. This error occurs when code in a trigger cancels the operation using the SQL RAISE() function, or if the SQLConnection.cancel() or SQLStatement.cancel() methods are called when a statement is executed using SQLStatement.execute() or with a prefetch argument specified, and not all of the results have been returned.  
 3119Database file is currently locked. 
 3120Table is locked. Indicates that an operation could not be completed because another AIR application was holding a lock on a table involved in the operation. This can occur when a statement executing through a SQLConnection attempts to write to a table when another SQLConnection (in the same application or a different application) has an open transaction and is writing to the table, or if a SQLConnection attempts to read from or write to a table while another SQLConnection has an exclusive-locked transaction.  
 3121Out of memory. 
 3122Attempt to write a readonly database. Indicates that an operation could not be completed because the database is read only. This can occur if the database file is designated as read only in the operating system, if the database is opened in read-only mode, or if an older version of Adobe AIR accesses a database file created with a newer version of the runtime.  
 3123Database disk image is malformed. Indicates that the operation failed because the specified file is a database file whose data has become corrupted. This can happen when the application is force quit while in a transaction or any other time that a database file is left in the state of having an open transaction that can't be rolled back when reopening the file.  
 3124Insertion failed because database is full. 
 3125Unable to open the database file. Indicates that the connection could not be completed because the database file could not be opened. This can happen if or SQLConnection.openAsync()is called with the openMode parameter set to SQLMode.UPDATE and the database file doesn't exist. It can also happen if the operating system returns an error when the runtime attempts to access the database file.  
 3126Database lock protocol error. 
 3127Database is empty. 
 3128Disk I/O error occurred. Indicates that an operation could not be completed because of a disk I/O error. This can happen if the runtime is attempting to delete a temporary file and another program (such as a virus protection application) is holding a lock on the file. This can also happen if the runtime is attempting to write data to a file and the data can't be written.  
 3129The database schema changed. Indicates that the operation could not be completed because of a schema error. This occurs when the schema of the database changes after a statement is prepared but before it finishes executing, such as if two SQLConnection instances are connected to the same database, and one instance changes the schema while another one is reading it.  
 3130Too much data for one row of a table. 
 3131Abort due to constraint violation. Indicates that the operation could not be completed because the statement caused a violation of one or more data integrity constraints. These are constraints that are defined in the table structure when it is created. For more information, see the CREATE TABLE section in the appendix SQL support in local databases.  
 3132Data type mismatch. Indicates that the operation could not be completed because of a data type mismatch error. This occurs when the data type of a value doesn't match the expected or required type. For more information, see the Data type support section in the appendix SQL support in local databases.  
 3133An internal error occurred. 
 3134Feature not supported on this operating system. 
 3135Authorization denied. 
 3136Auxiliary database format error. 
 3137An index specified for a parameter was out of range. Indicates that the operation could not be completed because a parameter index was not valid, such as if a parameter is specified with an index less than 0, or if a parameter is specified with index 7 but the statement text only includes five parameters.  
 3138File opened is not a database file. 
 3139The page size specified was not valid for this operation. 
 3140The encryption key size specified was not valid for this operation. Keys must be exactly 16 bytes in length 
 3141The requested database configuration is not supported. 
 3143Unencrypted databases may not be reencrypted. 
 3200Cannot perform operation on closed window. 
 3201Adobe Reader cannot be found. 
 3202Adobe Reader 8.1 or later cannot be found. 
 3203Default Adobe Reader must be version 8.1 or later. 
 3204An error ocurred trying to load Adobe Reader. 
 3205Only application-sandbox content can access this feature. 
 3206Caller %1 cannot set LoaderInfo property %2. 
 3207Application-sandbox content cannot access this feature. 
 3208Attempt to access invalid clipboard. 
 3209Attempt to access dead clipboard. 
 3210The application attempted to reference a JavaScript object in a HTML page that is no longer loaded. 
 3211Drag and Drop File Promise error: %1 
 3212Cannot perform operation on a NativeProcess that is not running. 
 3213Cannot perform operation on a NativeProcess that is already running. 
 3214NativeProcessStartupInfo.executable does not specify a valid executable file. 
 3215NativeProcessStartupInfo.workingDirectory does not specify a valid directory. 
 3216Error while reading data from NativeProcess.standardOutput. 
 3217Error while reading data from NativeProcess.standardError. 
 3218Error while writing data to NativeProcess.standardInput. 
 3219The NativeProcess could not be started. '%1' 
 3220Action '%1' not allowed in current security context '%2'. 
 3221Adobe Flash Player cannot be found. 
 3222The installed version of Adobe Flash Player is too old. 
 3223DNS lookup error: platform error %1 
 3224Socket message too long 
 3225Cannot send data to a location when connected. 
 3226Cannot import a SWF file when LoaderContext.allowCodeImport is false. 
 3300Voucher is invalid. Reacquire the voucher from the server.  
 3301User authentication failed. Ask user to re-enter credentials.  
 3302Flash Access server does not support SSL. SSL must be enabled on the license server when playing content packaged using Flash Media Right Management Server.  
 3303Content expired. Reacquire voucher from the server.  
 3304User authorization failed (for example, the user has not purchased the content). The current user is not authorized to view the content.  
 3305Can't connect to the server. Check the network connection.  
 3306Client update required (Flash Access server requires new client). Both the runtime (Flash Player or AIR) and the Flash Access module need to be updated.  
 3307Generic internal Flash Access failure. 
 3308Wrong voucher key. Reacquire the voucher from the server.  
 3309Video content is corrupted. Try downloading the content again.  
 3310The AIR application or Flash Player SWF does not match the one specified in the DRM policy. 
 3311The version of the application does not match the one specified in the DRM policy. 
 3312Verification of voucher failed. Reacquire the voucher from the server.  
 3313Write to the file system failed. 
 3314Verification of FLV/F4V header file failed. Try downloading the DRMContentData object again. If DRMContentData was extracted from FLV/F4V try downloading the content again.  
 3315 The current security context does not allow this operation. This error can occur when the remote SWF loaded by AIR isn't allowed access to Flash Access functionality. This error can also occur if a security error occurs during network access. Other possible security errors include errors due to a crossdomain.xml file, which restricts client access based on domain, or if crossdomain.xml is not accessible.  
 3316The value of LocalConnection.isPerUser cannot be changed because it has already been locked by a call to LocalConnection.connect, .send, or .close. 
 3317 Failed to load Flash Access module. If this error occurs in AIR, reinstall AIR. If this error occurs in Flash Player, download the Flash Access module again.  
 3318Incompatible version of Flash Access module found. If this error occurs in AIR, reinstall AIR. If this error occurs in Flash Player, download the Flash Access module again.  
 3319Missing Flash Access module API entry point. If this error occurs in AIR, reinstall AIR. If this error occurs in Flash Player, download the Flash Access module again.  
 3320Generic internal Flash Access failure. 
 3321Individualization failed. There was a problem with the Adobe server (e.g. could be busy). Retry the operation.  
 3322Device binding failed. Undo any device changes or reset the license (voucher) files. The Flash Access module will then reindividualize. In AIR, voucher reset can be done by invoking the resetDRMVouchers() on DRMManager, whereas in Flash Player, the user needs to reset the license files in the Flash Player Settings Manager.  
 3323The internal stores are corrupted. Retry the operation. If the error persists, reset the license files in the Flash Player Settings Manager. The Flash Access module will then reindividualize.  
 3324Reset license files and the client will fetch a new machine token. Reset the license files in the Flash Player Settings Manager and the client will fetch a new machine token.  
 3325Internal stores are corrupt. Internal stores are corrupt and has been deleted. Retry the operation.  
 3326Call customer support. Tampering has been detected. Options are to call customer support, or reset the license files in the Flash Player Settings Manager.  
 3327 Clock tampering detected. Options are to reacquire the voucher or to fix the clock.  
 3328Server error; retry the request. This error is a server error. Retry the request. The sub error gives the error returned by the server.  
 3329Error in application-specific namespace. The server has returned an error in an application-specific namespace. Check the application for details.  
 3330Need to authenticate the user and reacquire the voucher. Try authenticating the user and acquiring the voucher again.  
 3331Content is not yet valid. The voucher is not yet valid. Try again at a later date.  
 3332Cached voucher has expired. Reacquire the voucher from the server. The voucher cached on the local computer has expired. Reacquire the voucher from the server.  
 3333The playback window for this policy has expired. The playback window for this policy has expired. The user can no longer play this content under this policy.  
 3334This platform is not allowed to play this content. This platform is not allowed to play this media.  
 3335Invalid version of Flash Access module. Upgrade AIR or Flash Access module for the Flash Player. In AIR, update to the latest version of AIR. In Flash Player, upgrade to the latest version of the Flash Access module and try playing content again.  
 3336This platform is not allowed to play this content. This operating system is not allowed to play this media.  
 3337Upgrade Flash Player or AIR and retry playback. Upgrade to the latest version of AIR or Flash Player, and try playing content again.  
 3338Unknown connection type. Flash Player or AIR cannot detect the connection type. Try connecting the device to a different connection.  
 3339Can't play back on analog device. Connect to a digital device. Cannot play media on an analog device. Connect to a digital device and try again.  
 3340Can't play back because connected analog device doesn't have the correct capabilities. Cannot play media because the connected analog device doesn't have the correct capabilities (for example, it doesn't have Macrovision or ACP).  
 3341Can't play back on digital device. The policy does not allow play back on digital devices.  
 3342The connected digital device doesn't have the correct capabilities. The connected digital device doesn't have the correct capabilities, for example, it doesn't support HDCP.  
 3343 Internal Error. If this error occurs in AIR, reinstall AIR. If this error occurs in Flash Player, download the Flash Access module.  
 3344Missing Flash Access module. If this error occurs in AIR, reinstall AIR. If this error occurs in Flash Player, download the Flash Access module.  
 3345This operation is not permitted with content protected using Flash Access. 
 3400An error occured while executing JavaScript code. 
 3401Security sandbox violation: An object with this name has already been registered from another security domain. 
 3402Security sandbox violation: Bridge caller %1 cannot access %2. 

* Note: This error indicates that the ActionScript in the SWF is invalid. If you believe that the file has not been corrupted, please report the problem to Adobe.