Creating a DOM element context menu

Adobe AIR 1.0 and later

Creating a context menu for a DOM element using the MenuBuilder framework involves two steps. First you create the NativeMenu instance that defines the menu structure using the Menu.createFromXML() or Menu.createFromJSON() method. You then assign that menu as the context menu for a DOM element by calling the Menu.setAsContextMenu() method. Because a context menu consists of a single menu, the top-level menu items in the menu data structure serve as the items in the single menu. Any menu item that contains child menu items defines a submenu. To assign a NativeMenu as the context menu for a DOM element, call the Menu.setAsContextMenu() method. This method requires two parameters: the NativeMenu to set as the context menu, and the id (a string) of the DOM element to which it is assigned:

var treeContextMenu = air.ui.Menu.createFromXML("treeContextMenu.xml"); 
air.ui.Menu.setAsContextMenu(treeContextMenu, "navTree");

If you omit the DOM element parameter, the method uses the HTML document from which the method is called as the default value. In other words, the menu is set as the context menu for the HTML document’s entire window. This technique is convenient for removing the default context menu from an entire HTML window by passing null for the first parameter, as in this example:


You can also remove an assigned context menu from any DOM element. Call the setAsContextMenu() method and pass null and the element id as the two arguments.

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