Adding resources to your AIR for TV native extension

Some AIR for TV native extensions require resources, such as image files. If your extension uses resources, do the following:

  1. Extract the files from the ZIP file that the make utility created, preserving the directory structure.

  2. Add resource directories and files that the extension requires to the directory structure.

  3. Rezip the updated directory structure into a ZIP file with the same name as the ZIP file that the make utility created.

  4. Extract the files from the ANE file that the make utility created, preserving the directory structure. You can use the same tool you use to handle ZIP files.

  5. Add resource directories and files that the extension requires to the directory structure.

  6. Rezip the updated directory structure into a ZIP file. Rename the file to the same name as the ANE file that the make utility created. Make sure that you change the filename extension to .ane.

The exact subdirectory structure for your resources within the extension’s directory structure depends on where your extension looks for the resources. The ActionScript side of the extension can use ExtensionContext.getExtensionDirectory() to locate the extension’s directory. For more information, see Access the native extension’s directory .

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