Building an AIR for TV native extension

When you build an AIR for TV native extension, you build two versions of the extension:

  • The device-bundled extension.

  • The stub or simulator extension.

The device-bundled extension includes:

  • A native implementation, typically written in C or C++.

  • The real ActionScript implementation that calls functions of the native implementation.

The stub or simulator extension is an ActionScript-only implementation.

For more information on the real, stub, and simulator ActionScript implementations, see The device-bundled extension and the stub extension .

Creating a signed certificate for the extension

You can choose to digitally sign your native extension. Signing an extension is optional.

The AIR for TV make utility uses a phony certificate by default. This phony certificate is useful only for testing. For information about creating a certificate authority certificate, see Creating a signed certificate for a native extension .

Writing the native implementation

For AIR for TV, the native implementation of your extension is an AIR for TV module. See Optimizing and Integrating Adobe AIR for TV (PDF) for general information about AIR for TV modules, including details about building the modules.

The AIR for TV distribution provides an extension development kit (EDK) for writing and building the native implementation of your extension.

The EDK includes the following:

  • The C extension API header file:

    <AIR for TV installation directory>/products/stagecraft/include/ae/edk/FlashRuntimeExtensions.h

    This header file declares the C types and functions that the native implementation uses.

  • An extension module implementation in the following source file:

    <AIR for TV installation directory>/products/stagecraft/source/ae/edk/ExtensionBridge.cpp

    Do not modify this extension module implementation. When you build your native implementation, you must include this source file in your build.

  • Makefile support to build your device-bundled extension. For more information, see Creating the .mk file and Running the make utility .

Note: The AIR for TV EDK requires that the FREInitializer() method is named Initializer() and that the FREFinalizer() method is named Finalizer() . For more information about these methods, see Extension initialization and Extension finalization .

Placing ActionScript and native code in the directory structure

Device-bundled extensions are specific to a hardware platform. When you develop a device-bundled extension, place your files in a subdirectory for your platform. This subdirectory is in the following directory:

<AIR for TV installation directory>/products/stagecraft/thirdparty-private/<yourCompany>/stagecraft-platforms/<yourPlatform>/edk

For example, CompanyA uses the following subdirectory for development targeting their PlatformB:

<AIR for TV installation directory>/products/stagecraft/thirdparty-private/CompanyA/stagecraft-platforms/PlatformB/edk

Put the header and source files for your C implementation in the <yourPlatform> /edk directory or its subdirectories. For example, put your extension .cpp and .h files in the following directory:

<AIR for TV installation directory>/products/stagecraft/thirdparty-private/CompanyA/stagecraft-platforms/PlatformB/edk/myExtension/native

Similarly, put the .as files for your real ActionScript implementation in the <yourPlatform> /edk directory or its subdirectories. For example:

<AIR for TV installation directory>/products/stagecraft/thirdparty-private/CompanyA/stagecraft-platforms/PlatformB/edk/myExtension/as/real

Also, put the .as files for your stub or simulator ActionScript implementation in the <yourPlatform> /edk directory or its subdirectories. For example:

<AIR for TV installation directory>/products/stagecraft/thirdparty-private/CompanyA/stagecraft-platforms/PlatformB/edk/myExtension/as/stub 
<AIR for TV installation directory>/products/stagecraft/thirdparty-private/CompanyA/stagecraft-platforms/PlatformB/edk/myExtension/as/simulator 
Note: The sample extensions that AIR for TV provides are in the directory <AIR for TV installation directory> /products/stagecraft/source/edk . Do not put your extension files in this directory.

Creating the .mk file

As with other AIR for TV modules, to build your extensions module, you first create a .mk file. The primary purpose of the .mk file is to specify the source files to build.

To create the .mk file:

  1. Copy the file or file from:

    <AIR for TV installation directory>/products/stagecraft/source/ae/edk/helloworld/


    <AIR for TV installation directory>/products/stagecraft/source/ae/edk/process/

    Copy it to:

    <AIR for TV installation directory>/products/stagecraft/thirdparty-private/<yourCompany>/stagecraft-platforms/<yourPlatform>

    This directory is the same directory that contains your platform’s Makefile.config file. See Creating your platform Makefile.config in the chapter Coding, building, and testing in Optimizing and Integrating Adobe AIR for TV (PDF) .

  2. Rename the .mk file to PlatformEDKExtension_ <your extension name> .mk. The AIR for TV make utility automatically discovers .mk files with this naming convention.

    Always start the .mk file’s name with PlatformEDKExtension_.

  3. Edit the sections of the .mk file that are marked “REQUIRED”.

Make the following required modifications:

  • Set SC_EDK_EXTENSION_NAME to the extension name. Set this variable to the value of <your extension name> in PlatformEDKExtension_ <your extension name> .mk.

  • Set SC_EDK_EXTENSION_PACKAGE to the extension package name. Set this value to the package name you use in the ActionScript side of your extension.

    The make utility uses this value as the value of the <id> element in the extension’s extension descriptor file. It also names the resulting ANE file with this value and the .ane filename extension.

    For more information about the extension descriptor file, see Native extension descriptor files .

  • Set SC_EDK_EXTENSION_VERSION to the version number of the extension.

    The make utility uses this value as the value of the <versionNumber> element in the extension’s extension descriptor file.

  • Set SC_MODULE_SOURCE_DIR , SC_MODULE_SOURCE_FILES , and SC_ADDITIONAL_MODULE_OBJ_SUBDIRS to specify the native implementation files that AIR for TV provides.

    Note: Do not remove ExtensionBridge.cpp from this list. Remove the HelloWorld or Process extension implementation files. Typically, you do not add your extension’s source files to this list.

    For example:

    SC_MODULE_SOURCE_FILES := ExtensionBridge.cpp
  • Set SC_PLATFORM_SOURCE_DIR and SC_PLATFORM_SOURCE_FILES to specify the native implementation files of your extension. For example:

    SC_PLATFORM_SOURCE_DIR                    := $(SC_PLATFORM_MAKEFILE_DIR)/edk/myExtension/native 
    SC_PLATFORM_SOURCE_FILES                     := \ 
                    MyExtension.cpp \ 
                    helper\MyHelperClass1.cpp \ 
  • Set SC_EDK_AS_SOURCE_DIR to the directory that contains the ActionScript files for the real (not the stub) implementation of your extension. For example:

    SC_EDK_AS_SOURCE_DIR := $(SC_PLATFORM_MAKEFILE_DIR)/edk/myExtension/as/real 
    Note: This directory is the base directory for your ActionScript package. For example, consider an ActionScript package named tv.adobe.extension.example . The directories tv , adobe , extension , and example are successive subdirectories of SC_EDK_AS_SOURCE_DIR .
  • Set SC_EDK_AS_CLASSES to list every ActionScript class that the real ActionScript implementation defines. For example:

    SC_EDK_AS_CLASSES := MyExtension \ 
                        MyHelperClass1 \ 
  • Set SC_EDK_AS_SOURCE_DIR_AUTHORING to the directory that contains the ActionScript files for the stub or simulator implementation of your extension. For example:

    Note: This directory is the base directory for your ActionScript package. For example, consider an ActionScript package named tv.adobe.extension.example . The directories tv , adobe , extension , and example are successive subdirectories of SC_EDK_AS_SOURCE_DIR_AUTHORING .
  • Set SC_EDK_AS_CLASSES_AUTHORING to list every ActionScript class that the stub or simulator ActionScript implementation defines. For example:

                        MyHelperClass1 \ 

Install third-party libraries

Building AIR for TV requires some third-party libraries. Details on these libraries are in Install third-party software in Getting Started with Adobe AIR for TV (PDF) .

If you are building only your extension module, and not building all of AIR for TV, the necessary libraries are:

  • The AIR 3 SDK

    Select the Mac OS X download from .

    Create a directory to contain the .tbz2 file’s contents. For example:


    Extract the .tbz2 file’s contents into the directory.

    tar jxf AdobeAIRSDK.tbz2

    Set the PATH environment variable to include the AIR SDK bin directory. In this example, the bin directory is /usr/AIRSDK/bin.

  • The Open Source Flex® SDK.

    Download the ZIP file of the latest release build of the Open Source Flex SDK from .

    Create a directory to contain the ZIP file’s contents. For example:


    Extract the ZIP file’s contents into the directory.


    Set the PATH environment variable to include the Flex SDK bin directory. In this example, the bin directory is /usr/flexSDK/bin.

  • The Java™ runtime. The Flex SDK requires a recent Java runtime. If your development system does not yet have a Java runtime, downloads and installation instructions are at

    Set the PATH environment variable to include the Java bin directory.

Running the make utility

Details on using the AIR for TV make utility are in:

In particular, the make utility uses the following build variables in Makefile.config when building extensions:

  • SC_ZIP




After you have created your platform’s Makefile.config file and your extension’s .mk file, you can use the make utility to do the following:

  • Build all of AIR for TV.

  • Build only your extension module.

To build all of AIR for TV, do the following:
  1. Make sure the environment variables SC_BUILD_MODE and SC_PLATFORM are set.

  2. If you are using a certificate that you created to sign your extension, set the environment variables SC_EDK_ANE_CERT_FILE and SC_EDK_ANE_CERT_PASSWD .

    Set SC_EDK_ANE_CERT_FILE to the relative or absolute path to your certificate. The relative path is relative to the build directory < AIR for TV installation directory >/stagecraft/build/linux.

    Set SC_EDK_ANE_CERT_PASSWD to the password of the certificate.

    If you do not set these environment variables, the make utility uses a default phony certificate, and displays a warning message. This phony certificate is appropriate only for your testing.

  3. Change to the directory:

    <AIR for TV installation directory>/products/stagecraft/build/linux
  4. Enter the following command:


To build only your extension module, do the following:

  1. Make sure the environment variables SC_BUILD_MODE and SC_PLATFORM are set.

  2. If you are using a certificate that you created to sign your extension, set the environment variables SC_EDK_ANE_CERT_FILE and SC_EDK_ANE_CERT_PASSWD as described in the previous steps.

  3. Change to the directory stagecraft/build/linux.

  4. Enter the following command:

    make PlatformEDKExtension_<your extension name>

You can remove all objects previously built for your extension with the following command:

make clean-PlatformEDKExtension_<your extension name>

You can remove all objects previously built for your extension and then rebuild them with the following command:

make rebuild-PlatformEDKExtension_<your extension name>
Important: The make utility sometimes fails if your build machine is behind a firewall. A firewall can prohibit access to the time-stamp server that ADT uses when it packages the native extension into an ANE file. This failure results in the following error output:
Could not generate timestamp: Connection timed out

To work around this failure, modify the ADT command that the make utility uses. Edit the file in the following directory:

<AIR for TV installation directory>/stagecraft/source/ae/edk/

Find the following line:

$(SC_EXEC_CMD) $(SC_ADT) -package \

Add the parameter -tsa none to the command as follows:

$(SC_EXEC_CMD) $(SC_ADT) -package -tsa none\

Make utility extension output

The make utility creates two files for your extension. It puts the files in one of the following directories depending on whether you specified debug or release for SC_BUILD_MODE :

<AIR for TV installation directory>/build/stagecraft/linux/<yourPlatform>/debug/bin 
<AIR for TV installation directory>/build/stagecraft/linux/<yourPlatform>/release/bin

The files that the make utility creates for your extension are:

  • A ZIP file that contains the device-bundled extension to deploy on the device.

  • An ANE file that contains the stub or simulator extension. AIR application developers use this ANE file to build their applications. They also use it to test their applications on a desktop computer using ADL. They also package this ANE file with their application into an AIRN package.

Building both a stub and simulator extension

Sometimes you want to build both a stub and a simulator extension, in addition to the real extension. Typically, you instruct the AIR application developers to do the following:

  • Test on the desktop using the simulator extension.

  • Package the stub extension with their application into an AIRN package.

To build both a stub and simulator extension, do the following:

  1. Create the stub extension and its .mk file. Make sure you can build the stub extension and the real extension.

  2. Create a directory for your simulator implementation that is a sibling of your stub implementation directory. For example:

    <AIR for TV installation directory>/products/stagecraft/thirdparty-private/CompanyA/stagecraft-platforms/PlatformB/edk/myExtension/as/stub 
    <AIR for TV installation directory>/products/stagecraft/thirdparty-private/CompanyA/stagecraft-platforms/PlatformB/edk/myExtension/as/simulator
  3. Make a copy of the .mk file for your extension.

  4. In the copy, edit the values of SC_EDK_AS_SOURCE_DIR_AUTHORING and SC_EDK_AS_CLASSES_AUTHORING . Set the values to reflect your simulator implementation directory and classes.

  5. Rename the original .mk file for your extension to keep it safe. Then, rename the copy to the .mk filename for your extension: PlatformEDKExtension_ <your extension name> .mk.

  6. Move the stub ANE file in your platform’s bin directory to a safe place. Otherwise, the next step overwrites it.

  7. Run the make utility to build the real extension and your simulator extension.

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