Including resources in your native extension package

The ActionScript side and the native code side of your extension sometimes use external resources, such as images.

On the ActionScript side, your platform-independent SWC file can include the resources it requires. If a platform-dependent SWF file requires resources, include the resources in the platform-dependent directory structure that you specify in the ADT command.

On the native code side, you can also include resources in the platform-dependent directory structure. Put the resources in a subdirectory relative to the native code library, in the location the native code expects. ADT preserves this directory structure when packaging your ANE.

Using resources on Android and iOS devices have some extra requirements.

Resources on Android devices

For the Android-ARM platform, put the resources in a subdirectory called res, relative to the directory containing the native code library. Populate the directory with resources as described at Providing Resources on . When ADT packages the ANE file, it puts the resources in the Android-ARM/res directory of the resulting ANE package.

When accessing a resource from the extension’s Java native code library, use the getResourceID() method in the FREContext class. Do not access the resources using the standard Android resource ID mechanism. For more information on the getResourceID() method, see Method details .

The method getResourceId() takes a String parameter that is the resource name. To avoid resource name conflicts between extensions in an application, provide a unique name for each resource file in an extension. For example, prefix the resource name with the extension ID, creating a resource name such as com.sample.ext.MyExtension.myImage1.png .

Accessing native resources with R.* mechanism

In previous releases, the native Android resources in the Android Native Extension could only be accessed by using the getResourceID() API while the R.* mechanism could not be used with the ANEs. Beginning AIR 4.0, you can access resources with the R.* mechanism. When using the R.* mechanism, ensure that you use the platform descriptor, platform.xml, which has all the dependencies defined:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 
                            <xs:element name="platform"> 
                            <xs:element name="description"   type="LocalizableType" minOccurs="0"/> 
                            <xs:element name="copyright"     type="xs:string"       minOccurs="0"/> 
                            <xs:element name="packagedDependencies" minOccurs="0"> 
                            <xs:element name="packagedDependency" type="name" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 
                            <xs:element name="packagedResources" minOccurs="0"> 
                            <xs:element name="packagedResource" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 
                            <xs:element name="packageName" type="name" minOccurs="0"/> 
                            <xs:element name="folderName" type="name" minOccurs="0"/> 
                            <xs:simpleType name="name"> 
                            <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> 
                            <xs:pattern value="[A-Za-z0-9\-\.]{1,255}"/> 
                            <xs:complexType name="LocalizableType" mixed="true"> 
                            <xs:element name="text" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> 
                            <xs:extension base="xs:string"> 
                            <xs:attribute name="lang" type="xs:language" use="required"/> 

Following is an example of the dependencies in platform.xml :



  • packagedDependencies is used to provide the name of all the jars on which the ANE is dependent.

  • packagedResources defines the resources used by the ANE or any other jar file.

  • folderName defines the name of the resources folder.

  • packageName defines the package name of the jar that uses the resources.

  • packagedDependencies and packagedResources will be available from extension namespace 4.0 onwards.

The Android-ARM folder contains all the ANE jar files and resources as well as the third-party jar files. Following is a sample ANE packaging command:

bin/adt -package -target ane sample.ane extension.xml -swc sampleane.swc -platform Android-ARM -platformoptions platform.xml -C Android-ARM .

You do not need to merge the third-party jar files and resources with the ANE jar and resources when using the R.* resource access mechanism. ADT merges the jars and resources internally. All dependencies and resources still need to be packaged in the ANE.

Note that:

  • An ANE project should be a library project for the R.* resource access mechanism to work.

  • There is no restriction on the name of the resource folder, it can either start with 'res' or any other valid string.

  • If the -platformoptions switch is not used while packaging an ANE, resource access is only possible via the getResourceId() mechanism.

Resources on iOS devices

Resource location

Before using ADT to create an ANE file for iOS devices, put the non-localized resources in the directory containing the native code library. Localized resources go in subdirectories as described in the next section.

However, an iOS application bundle contains its resources at the top level of the application bundle directory. These resources include all the resources used by the platform-specific part of each extension. When an AIR application developer packages an ANE file with the application, ADT does the following:

  1. It looks in the ANE package’s iPhone-ARM directory.

  2. It considers all files in that directory, except the library.swf and the extension descriptor file, as resource files.

  3. It moves the resource files to the top-level directory of the application.

Because resource files from multiple extensions are moved to the same location, resource filename conflicts are possible. If a conflict exists, ADT does not package the application and reports the errors. Therefore, provide a unique name for each resource file in an extension. For example, prefix the name with the extension ID, creating a resource name such as com.sample.ext.MyExtension.myImage1.png .

Note: The resources are in the top-level application directory -- not in the extension directory. Therefore, to access the resources, use the ActionScript property File.applicationDirectory . Do not use the ActionScript API ExtensionContext.getExtensionDirectory() to navigate to the extension directory to find the resources. They are not there.

Localized resources

Your extension’s native code library (but not the ActionScript side) can use localized resources. To use localized resources, do the following:

  • In the platform-specific directory that you specify when creating your ANE file using ADT, put the localized resources in language-specific subdirectories. Name each of these subdirectories as follows:


    Set the value of language and region according to iOS conventions. See Language and Locale Designations in the iOS Developer Library.

  • Put localized strings into .strings files in the format described at . However, do not name any file Localizable.strings because that is the default name used in an application bundle.

The following directory structure is an example of a directory that contains all the iOS platform-specific files to package into the ANE file:


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