
AIR 3.0 and later

Use the FRENamedFunction to associate an FREFunction that you write with a name. Use that name in your ActionScript code when calling the native function with the ExtensionContext instance call() method. The structure is defined as follows:

typedef struct FRENamedFunction_{ 
    const uint8_t*                name;         
    void*                 functionData; 
    FREFunction                function;  
} FRENamedFunction;

The fields of FRENamedFunction have the following meanings:

A const uint8_t*. This pointer points to a string that the ActionScript side uses to call the associated C function. That is, the string value is the name that the ActionScript ExtensionContext call() method uses in its functionName parameter. Use UTF-8 encoding for the string and terminate it with the null character.

A void*. This pointer points to any data you want to associate with this FREFunction function. When the runtime calls the FREFunction function, it passes the function this data pointer.

An FRENamedFunction. The function that the runtime associates with the string given by the name field. Define this function with the signature of an FREFunction() .

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