Call a native function

After the ActionScript extension class has called ExtensionContext.createExtensionContext() , it can call methods in the native implementation. The TVChannelController example calls native methods "setDeviceChannel" and "getDeviceChannel" as follows:

package com.example { 
    public class TVChannelController extends EventDispatcher { 
        private var extContext:ExtensionContext; 
        private var channel:int; 
        public function TVChannelController() { 
            extContext = ExtensionContext.createExtensionContext( 
                            "com.example.TVControllerExtension", "channel"); 
        public function set currentChannel(channelToSet:int):void { 
  "setDeviceChannel", channelToSet); 
        public function get currentChannel():int { 
            channel = int ("getDeviceChannel")); 
            return channel; 

The call() method of ExtensionContext takes these parameters:

  • functionName . This string represents a function in the native implementation. In the TVChannelController example, these strings are different from the ActionScript method names. You can choose to make the names the same. You can also choose whether a functionName string is the same as the name of the native function that it represents. In your native implementation, you provide the association between this functionName string and the native function. The association is in an output parameter of your FREContextInitializer() method. See Extension context initialization .

  • An optional list of parameters. Each parameter is passed to the native function. A parameter can be a primitive type, such as an int, or any ActionScript Object.

The return value of the call() method of ExtensionContext is a primitive type or any ActionScript Object. The subclass of Object that it returns depends on what the native function returns. For example, the native function "getDeviceChannel" returns an int.

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