
AIR 3.0 and later


FREResult FREGetObjectProperty ( 
                FREObject                 object, 
                const uint8_t*                 propertyName, 
                FREObject*                propertyValue, 
                FREObject*                thrownException 


An FREObject that represents the ActionScript class object from which to fetch the value of a property.

A uint8_t array. This array contains a string that is the name of property. Use UTF-8 encoding for the string and terminate it with the null character.

A pointer to an FREObject. This method sets this FREObject parameter to represent an ActionScript object that is the requested property.

A pointer to an FREObject. If calling this method results in the runtime throwing an ActionScript exception, this FREObject variable represents the ActionScript Error, or Error subclass, object. If no error occurs, the runtime sets this FREObject variable to be invalid. That is, FREGetObjectType() for the thrownException FREObject variable returns FRE_INVALID_OBJECT . This pointer can be NULL if you do not want to handle exception information.


An FREResult. The possible return values include, but are not limited to, the following:

The function succeeded and the propertyValue parameter is correctly set.

An ActionScript error occurred. The runtime sets the thrownException parameter to represent the ActionScript Error class or subclass object.

The extension context has acquired an ActionScript BitmapData or ByteArray object. The context cannot call this method until it releases the BitmapData or ByteArray object.

The propertyName or propertyValue parameter is NULL .

The FREObject parameter is invalid.

The propertyName parameter does not match a property of the ActionScript class object that the object parameter represents. Another, less likely, reason for this return value exists. Specifically, consider the unusual case when an ActionScript class has two properties with the same name but the names are in different ActionScript namespaces.

The FREObject parameter does not represent an ActionScript class object.

The method was called from a thread other than the one on which the runtime has an outstanding call to a native extension function.


Call this function to get the FREObject variable to the data that corresponds to a public property of an ActionScript class object specified by the object parameter.

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