A variable of type FREObject refers to an object that corresponds
to an ActionScript class object or primitive type. You use an FREObject
variable in your native implementation to work with ActionScript
data. A primary use of the FREObject type is for native function
parameters and return values.
When you write a native function, you decide on the order of
the parameters. Since you also write the ActionScript side, you
use that parameter order in the ExtensionContext instance’s
Therefore, although every native function parameter is an FREObject
variable, you know its corresponding ActionScript type.
Similarly you decide on the ActionScript type of the return value,
if any, of a native function. The
returns an object of this type. Although the native function return
value is always an FREObject variable, you know its corresponding
ActionScript type.
The extensions C API provides functions for using the object
that an FREObject variable refers to. Because these objects correspond
to ActionScript data, these C API functions are how you access an
ActionScript class object or primitive data variable. The C APIs
that you use depend on the type of the ActionScript object. The
types are the following:
An ActionScript primitive data type
An ActionScript class object
An ActionScript String object
An ActionScript Array or Vector class object
An ActionScript ByteArray class object
An ActionScript BitmapData class object
You can call the extensions C APIs only from the same thread
as the one in which the FREFunction function is running. The one
exception is the C API for dispatching an event to the ActionScript
side. You can call that function,
from any thread.
Determining the type of an FREObject variable
Sometimes you don’t know the type of ActionScript Object
that an FREObject variable corresponds to. To determine the type,
use the C API function
FREResult FREGetObjectType( FREObject object, FREObjectType *objectType );
Once you know the type, use the appropriate C APIs to work with
the value. For example if the type is
use the C APIs in
Working with ActionScript Array and Vector objects
to work with the
Vector object.
FREObject validity
If you attempt to use an invalid FREObject variable in
a C API call, the C API returns an
Any FREObject variable is valid only until the first FREFunction
function on the call stack returns. The first FREFunction function
on the call stack function is the one that the runtime calls due
to the ActionScript side calling the ExtensionContext instance’s
The following illustration illustrates this behavior:
An FREFunction function can indirectly call another FREFunction
function. For example,
can call
a method of an ActionScript object. That method then can call
Therefore, when using an FREObject variable, consider the following:
Any FREObject variable passed to an FREFunction function
is valid only until the first FREFunction function on the call stack
Any FREObject variable that any native function creates using
the extensions C API is valid only until the first FREFunction function
on the call stack returns.
You cannot use an FREObject variable in another thread. Only
use the FREObject variable in the same thread as the native function
that received or created the variable.
You cannot save an FREObject variable, for example in global
data, between calls to FREFunction functions. Because the variable
becomes invalid when the first FREFunction function on the call
stack returns, the saved variable is useless. However, you can save
the corresponding ActionScript object by using the method
After an FREObject variable becomes invalid, the corresponding
ActionScript object can still exist. For example, if an FREObject
variable is a return value of an FREFunction function, its corresponding
ActionScript object is still referenced. However, once the ActionScript
side deletes its references, the runtime disposes of the ActionScript
You cannot share FREObject variables between extensions.
can share FREObject variables between extension contexts of the
same extension. However, as in any case, the FREObject variable
becomes invalid when the first FREFunction function on the call
stack returns to the runtime.