
AIR 3.1 and later

The FREBitmapData2 structure adds the isInvertedY field to the FREBitmapData structure. In other respects, the two structures are identical. The FREBitmapData2 structure is defined as follows:

typedef struct { 
    uint32_t            width;         
    uint32_t            height;  
    uint32_t            hasAlpha;  
    uint32_t            isPremultiplied; 
    uint32_t            lineStride32; 
    uint32_t            isInvertedY 
    uint32_t*            bits32; 
} FREBitmapData2;

The fields of FREBitmapData2 have the following meanings:

A uint32_t that specifies the width, in pixels, of the bitmap. This value corresponds to the width property of the ActionScript BitmapData class object. This field is read-only.

A uint32_t that specifies the height, in pixels, of the bitmap. This value corresponds to the height property of the ActionScript BitmapData class object. This field is read-only.

A uint32_t that indicates whether the bitmap supports per-pixel transparency. This value corresponds to the transparent property of the ActionScript BitmapData class object. If the value is non-zero, then the pixel format is ARGB32 . If the value is zero, the pixel format is _RGB32 . Whether the value is big endian or little endian depends on the host device. This field is read-only.

A uint32_t that indicates whether the bitmap pixels are stored as premultiplied color values. A non-zero value means the values are premultipled. This field is read-only. For more information about premultiplied color values, see BitmapData.getPixel() in the ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe Flash Platform .

A uint32_t that specifies the number of uint32_t values per scanline. This value is typically the same as the width parameter. This field is read-only.

A uint32_t that indicates the order in which the rows of bitmap data in the image are stored. A non-zero value means that the bottom row of the image appears first in the image data (in other words, the first value in the bits32 array is the first pixel of the last row in the image). A zero value means that the top row of the image appears first in the image data. This field is read-only.

A pointer to a uint32_t. This value is an array of uint32_t values. Each value is one pixel of the bitmap.

Note: The only field of a FREBitmapData 2 structure that you can change in the native implementation is the bits32 field. The bits32 field contains the actual bitmap values. Treat all the other fields in the FREBitmapData2 structure as read-only fields.

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