Working with ActionScript BitmapData objects

Use the ActionScript BitmapData class to pass bitmaps between the ActionScript side and native side of your extension. In your native functions, an input parameter, output parameter, or return value can correspond to an ActionScript BitmapData class object.

As with other ActionScript class objects, an FREObject variable is the native side representation of an ActionScript BitmapData object. The C APIs provide functions for manipulating a BitmapData class object using an FREObject variable. Use FRESetObjectProperty() , FREGetObjectProperty() , and FRECallObjectMethod() to get and set the ActionScript ByteArray object’s properties and to call its methods.

However, to manipulate the bits of the BitmapData object in the native code, use the C API function FREAcquireBitmapData() or FREAcquireBitmapData2() . These methods access the bits of a BitmapData object that was created on the ActionScript side:

FREResult FREAcquireBitmapData( 
            FREObject                     object, 
            FREBitmapData*                 descriptorToSet 
// The type FREBitmapData is defined as: 
typedef struct { 
    uint32_t            width;         
    uint32_t            height;  
    bool            hasAlpha;  
    bool            isPremultiplied; 
    uint32_t            lineStride32; 
    uint32_t*            bits32; 
} FREBitmapData; 
FREResult FREAcquireBitmapData2( 
            FREObject                     object, 
            FREBitmapData2*                 descriptorToSet 
// The type FREBitmapData is defined as: 
typedef struct { 
    uint32_t            width;         
    uint32_t            height;  
    bool            hasAlpha;  
    bool            isInvertedY; 
    bool            isPremultiplied; 
    uint32_t            lineStride32; 
    uint32_t*            bits32; 
} FREBitmapData2;

All the fields of a FREBitmapData or FREBitmapData2 structure are read-only. However, the bits32 field points to the actual bitmap values, which you can modify in your native implementation. The FREBitmapData2 structure and FREAquireBitmapData2 function were added to the API in AIR 3.1. FREBitmapData2 contains one additional field, isInvertedY , which indicates the order in which the rows of image data are stored.

To indicate that the native implementation has modified all or part of the bitmap, invalidate a rectangle of the bitmap. Use the C API function FREInvalidateBitmapDataRect() :

FREResult FREInvalidateBitmapDataRect( 
        FREObject object, 
        uint32_t x, 
        uint32_t y, 
        uint32_t width, 
        uint32_t height 

The x and y fields are the coordinates of the rectangle to invalidate, relative to the 0,0 coordinates which are the top, left corner of the bitmap. The width and height fields are the dimensions in pixels of the rectangle to invalidate.

After you have manipulated the bitmap, use the C API function FREReleaseBitmapData() :

FREResult FREReleaseBitmapData(FREObject object);
Note: Do not call any C API function except FREInvalidateBitmapDataRect() between the calls to FREAcquireBitmapData() and FREReleaseBitmapData() . This prohibition is because other calls could, as a side effect, execute code that invalidates the pointer to the bitmap contents.

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