Extending the FREContext class

An FREContext object provides a set of Java functions and context-specific state. Your extension must provide at least one concrete implementation of the FREContext class.

The FREContext class defines two abstract methods that you must implement:

  • getFunctions() — must return a Map object, which the AIR runtime uses to look up the functions provided by your context.

  • dispose() — called by the runtime when the context resources can be cleaned up.

Disposing a context

The ActionScript side of your extension can call the dispose() method of an ExtensionContext instance. Calling the ActionScript dispose( ) method causes the runtime to call the Java dispose() method of your FREContext class.

If the ActionScript side does not call dispose() , the runtime garbage collector disposes of the ExtensionContext instance when no more references to it exist. At that time, the runtime calls the Java dispose() method of your FREContext class.

FREContext example

The following example illustrates a simple FREContext implementation. The class creates a function map containing a single function.

package com.example; 
import java.util.HashMap; 
import java.util.Map; 
import android.util.Log; 
import com.adobe.fre.FREContext; 
import com.adobe.fre.FREFunction; 
public class ExtensionContext extends FREContext { 
    private static final String CTX_NAME = "ExtensionContext"; 
    private String tag; 
    public ExtensionContext( String extensionName ) { 
        tag = extensionName + "." + CTX_NAME; 
        Log.i(tag, "Creating context"); 
    public void dispose() { 
        Log.i(tag, "Dispose context"); 
    public Map<String, FREFunction> getFunctions() { 
        Log.i(tag, "Creating function Map"); 
        Map<String, FREFunction> functionMap = new HashMap<String, FREFunction>(); 
        functionMap.put( UsefulFunction.KEY, new UsefulFunction() ); 
        return functionMap; 
    public String getIdentifier() { 
        return tag; 

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