Use push notifications

Push notifications let remote notification providers send notifications to applications running on a mobile device. AIR 3.4 supports push notifications for iOS devices using the Apple Push Notification service (APNs).

Note: To enable push notifications for an AIR for Android application, use a native extension, such as as3c2dm, developed by Adobe evangelist Piotr Walczyszyn.

The remainder of this section describes how to enable push notifications in AIR for iOS applications.

Note: This discussion assumes that you have an Apple developer ID, are familiar with the iOS development workflow,and have deployed at least one application on an iOS device.

Overview of push notifications

The Apple Push Notification service (APNs) lets remote notification providers send notifications to applications running on iOS devices. APNs supports the following notification types:

  • Alerts

  • Badges

  • Sounds

For complete information on APNs, see

Using push notifications in your application involves multiple aspects:

  • Client application - Registers for push notifications, communicates with the remote notification providers, and receives push notifications.

  • iOS - Manages interaction between the client application and APNs.

  • APNs - Provides a tokenID during client registration and passes notifications from the remote notification providers to iOS.

  • Remote notification provider - Stores tokenId-client application information and pushes notifications to APNs.

Regstration workflow

The workflow for registering push notifications with a server-side service is as follows:

  1. The client application requests that iOS enable push notifications.

  2. iOS forwards the request to APNs.

  3. The APNs server returns a tokenId to iOS.

  4. iOS returns the tokenId to the client application.

  5. The client application (using an application-specific mechanism) provides the tokenId to the remote notification provider, which stores the tokenId to use for push notifications.

Notification workflow

The notification workflow is as follows:

  1. The remote notification provider generates a notification and passes the notification payload to APNs, along with the tokenId.

  2. APNs forwards the notification to iOS on the device.

  3. iOS pushes the notification payload to the application.

Push notification API

AIR 3.4 introduced a set of APIs that support iOS push notifications. These APIs are in the flash.notifications package, and inlude the following classes:

  • NotificationStyle - Defines constants for notification types: ALERT, BADGE, and SOUND.C

  • RemoteNotifier - Lets you subscribe to and unsubscribe from push notifications.

  • RemoteNotifierSubscribeOptions - Lets you select which notification types to receive. Use the notificationStyles property to define a vector of strings that register for multiple notification types.

AIR 3.4 also includes, which is dispatched by RemoteNotifier, as follows:

  • When an application’s subscription is successfully created and a new tokenId is received from APNs.

  • Upon receiving a new remote notification.

Additionally, RemoteNotifier dispatches if it encounters an error during the subscription process.

Manage push notifications in an application

To register your application for push notifications, you must perform the following steps:

  • Create code that subscribes to push notifications in your application.

  • Enable push notifications in the application XML file.

  • Create a provisioning profile and certificate that enable iOS Push Services.

The following annotated sample code subscribes to push notification and handles push notification events:

                        import flash.display.Sprite; 
                        import flash.display.StageAlign; 
                        import flash.display.StageScaleMode; 
                        import flash.text.TextField; 
                        import flash.text.TextFormat; 
                        import flash.ui.Multitouch; 
                        import flash.ui.MultitouchInputMode; 
                        // Required packages for push notifications 
                        import flash.notifications.NotificationStyle; 
                        import flash.notifications.RemoteNotifier; 
                        import flash.notifications.RemoteNotifierSubscribeOptions; 
                        [SWF(width="1280", height="752", frameRate="60")] 

                        public class TestPushNotifications extends Sprite 
                        private var notiStyles:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>;; 
                        private var tt:TextField = new TextField(); 
                        private var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); 
                        // Contains the notification styles that your app wants to receive 
                        private var preferredStyles:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>(); 
                        private var subscribeOptions:RemoteNotifierSubscribeOptions = new RemoteNotifierSubscribeOptions(); 
                        private var remoteNot:RemoteNotifier = new RemoteNotifier(); 

                        private var subsButton:CustomButton = new CustomButton("Subscribe"); 
                        private var unSubsButton:CustomButton = new CustomButton("UnSubscribe"); 
                        private var clearButton:CustomButton = new CustomButton("clearText"); 

                        private var urlreq:URLRequest; 
                        private var urlLoad:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); 
                        private var urlString:String; 

                        public function TestPushNotifications() 

                        Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINT; 
                        stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; 
                        stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; 

                        tf.size = 20; 
                        tf.bold = true; 

                        tt.y =150; 
                        tt.height = stage.stageHeight; 
                        tt.width = stage.stageWidth; 
                        tt.border = true; 
                        tt.defaultTextFormat = tf; 


                        subsButton.x = 150; 

                        unSubsButton.x = 300; 

                        clearButton.x = 450; 

                        tt.text += "\n SupportedNotification Styles: " + RemoteNotifier.supportedNotificationStyles.toString() + "\n"; 

                        tt.text += "\n Before Preferred notificationStyles: " + subscribeOptions.notificationStyles.toString() + "\n"; 

                        // Subscribe to all three styles of push notifications: 
                        // ALERT, BADGE, and SOUND. 
                        preferredStyles.push(NotificationStyle.ALERT ,NotificationStyle.BADGE,NotificationStyle.SOUND ); 

                        subscribeOptions.notificationStyles= preferredStyles; 

                        tt.text += "\n After Preferred notificationStyles:" + subscribeOptions.notificationStyles.toString() + "\n"; 



                        // Apple recommends that each time an app activates, it subscribe for 
                        // push notifications. 
                        public function activateHandler(e:Event):void{ 
                        // Before subscribing to push notifications, ensure the device supports it. 
                        // supportedNotificationStyles returns the types of notifications 
                        // that the OS platform supports 
                        if(RemoteNotifier.supportedNotificationStyles.toString() != "") 
                        tt.appendText("\n Remote Notifications not supported on this Platform !"); 
                        public function subsButtonHandler(e:MouseEvent):void{ 
                        // Optionally unsubscribe from push notfications at runtime. 
                        public function unSubsButtonHandler(e:MouseEvent):void{ 
                        tt.text +="\n UNSUBSCRIBED"; 

                        public function clearButtonHandler(e:MouseEvent):void{ 
                        tt.text = " "; 
                        // Receive notification payload data and use it in your app 
                        public function notificationHandler(e:RemoteNotificationEvent):void{ 
                        tt.appendText("\nRemoteNotificationEvent type: " + e.type + 
                        "\nbubbles: "+ e.bubbles + "\ncancelable " +e.cancelable); 

                        for (var x:String in { 
                        tt.text += "\n"+ x + ":  " +[x]; 
                        // If the subscribe() request succeeds, a RemoteNotificationEvent of 
                        // type TOKEN is received, from which you retrieve e.tokenId, 
                        // which you use to register with the server provider (urbanairship, in 
                        // this example. 
                        public function tokenHandler(e:RemoteNotificationEvent):void 
                        tt.appendText("\nRemoteNotificationEvent type: "+e.type +"\nBubbles: "+ e.bubbles + "\ncancelable " +e.cancelable +"\ntokenID:\n"+ e.tokenId +"\n"); 

                        urlString = new String("" + 
                        urlreq = new URLRequest(urlString); 

                        urlreq.authenticate = true; 
                        urlreq.method = URLRequestMethod.PUT; 




                        private function iohandler(e:IOErrorEvent):void 
                        tt.appendText("\n In IOError handler" + e.errorID +" " +e.type); 

                        private function compHandler(e:Event):void{ 
                        tt.appendText("\n In Complete handler,"+"status: " +e.type + "\n"); 

                        private function httpHandler(e:HTTPStatusEvent):void{ 
                        tt.appendText("\n in httpstatus handler,"+ "Status: " + e.status); 

                        // If the subscription request fails, StatusEvent is dispatched with 
                        // error level and code. 
                        public function statusHandler(e:StatusEvent):void{ 
                        tt.appendText("\n statusHandler"); 
                        tt.appendText("event Level" + e.level +"\nevent code " + 
                        e.code + "\ne.currentTarget: " + e.currentTarget.toString()); 

Enable push notifications in the application XML file

To use push notifications in your application, provide the following in the Entitlements tag (under the iphone tag):


When you are ready to push the application to the App Store, a <string> element for development to production:


If your application supports localized strings, specify the languages in the supportedLanguages tag, beneath the intialWindow tag, as the following example shows:

<supportedLanguages>en de cs es fr it ja ko nl pl pt</supportedLanguages>

Create a provisioning profile and certificate that enable iOS Push Services

To enable application-APNs communication, you must package the application with a provisioning profile and certificate that enable iOS Push Services, as follows:

  1. Log in to your Apple developer account.

  2. Navigate to the Provisioning Portal.

  3. Click the App IDs tab.

  4. Click the New App ID button.

  5. Specify a description and bundle identifier (you should not use * in the bundle identifier).

  6. Click Submit. The Provisioning Portal generates your App ID and redisplays the App IDs page.

  7. Clik Configure (to the right of your App ID). The Configure App ID page displays.

  8. Select the Enable for Apple Push Notification service checkbox. Note that there are twotypes of push SSL certificates: one for development/testing and one for production.

  9. Click the Configure button to the right of Development Push SSL Certificate. The Generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR) page displays.

  10. Generate a CSR using the Keychain Access utility, as instructed by the page.

  11. Generate the SSL certificate.

  12. Download and install the SSL certificate.

  13. (Optional) Repeat steps 9 through 12 for the production Push SSL certificate.

  14. Click Done. The Configure App ID page displays.

  15. Click Done. The App IDs page displays. Notice the green circle beside Push Notification for your App ID.

  16. Be sure to save your SSL certificates, as they are used later for application and provider communication.

  17. Click the Provisioning tab todisplay the Provisioning Profiles page.

  18. Create a provisioning profile for your new App ID and download it.

  19. Click the Certificates tab and download a new certificate for the new provisioning profile.

Use sound for push notifications

To enable sound notifications for your application, bundle the sound files as you would any other asset, but in same directory as the SWF and app-xml files. For example:

Build/adt -package -target ipa-app-store -provisioning-profile _-_.mobileprovision -storetype pkcs12 -keystore _-_.p12 test.ipa test-app.xml test.swf sound.caf sound1.caf

Apple supports the following sound data formats (in aiff, wav, or caf files):

  • Linear PCM


  • uLaw

  • aLaw

Use localized alert notifications

To use localized alert notifications in your application, bundle localized strings in the form of lproj folders. For example, you support alerts in Spanish, as follows:

  1. Create an es.lproj folder within the project at the same level as the app-xml file.

  2. Within the es.lproj folder, create a text file named Localizable.Strings.

  3. Open Localizable.Strings in a text editor and add message keys and the corresponding localized strings. For example:

    "PokeMessageFormat" = "La notificación de alertas en español."
  4. Save the file.

  5. When the application receives an alert notification with this key value and the device language is Spanish, the translated alert text displays.

Configure a remote notification provider

You need a remote notification provider to send push notifications to your application. This server application acts as a provider, accepting your push input, and passing the notification and notification data to APNs, which, in turn, sends the push notification to a client application.

For detailed information on pushing notifications from a remote notification provider, see Provider Communication with Apple Push Notification Service in the Apple Developer Library.

Remote notification provider options

Options for a remote notification provider include the following:

  • Create your own provider, based on the APNS-php open-source server. You can set up a PHP server using This Google Code project lets you design an interface that matches your specific requirements.

  • Use a service provider. For example, offers a readymade APNs provider. After registering with this service, you start by providing your device token using code similar to the following:

    private var urlreq:URLRequest; 
                                        private var urlLoad:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); 
                                        private var urlString:String; 
                                        //When subscription is successful then only call the following code 
                                        urlString = new String("" + e.tokenId); 
                                        urlreq = new URLRequest(urlString); 
                                        urlreq.authenticate = true; 
                                        urlreq.method = URLRequestMethod.PUT; 
                                           "Application Key","Application Secret"); 
                                        private function iohandler(e:IOErrorEvent):void{ 
                                           trace("\n In IOError handler" + e.errorID +" " +e.type); 
                                        private function compHandler(e:Event):void{ 
                                           trace("\n In Complete handler,"+"status: " +e.type + "\n"); 
                                        private function httpHandler(e:HTTPStatusEvent):void{ 
                                           tt.appendText("\n in httpstatus handler,"+ "Status: " + e.status); 

    You can then send test notifications using Urban Airship tools.

Certificates for the remote notification provider

You must copy the SSL certificate and private key (generated earlier )to the appropriate location on the remote notification provider’s server. You typically combine these two files into a single .pem file. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Create a .pem file from the SSL certificate by typing the following command:

    openssl x509 -in aps_developer_identity.cer -inform der -out TestPushDev.pem
  3. Create a .pem file of the private key (.p12) file by typing the following command:

    openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -out TestPushPrivateKey.pem -in certificates.p12
  4. Combine the two .pem files into a single file by typing the following command:

    cat TestPushDev.pem TestPushPrivateKey.pem > FinalTestPush.pem
  5. Provide the combined .pem file to the server provider when creating your server-side push application.

For more information, see Installing the SSL Certificate and Key on the Server in the Apple Local and Push Notification Programming Guide.

Handle push notifications in an application

Handling push notifications in an application involves the following:

  • Global user configuration and acceptance of push notifications

  • User acceptance of individual push notifications

  • Handling push notifications and notification payload data

Configuration and acceptance of push notifications

The first time a user launches a push notification-enabled application, iOS displays an appname Would Like to Send You Push Notifications dialog with Don’t Allow and OK buttons. If the user selects OK, the application can receive all styles of notifications for which it has subscribed. If the user selects Don’t Allow, it receives no notifications.

Note: Users can also go to Settings > Notifications to control the specific notification types it can receive for each push-enabled application.

Apples recommends that each time an application activates it should subscribe for push notifications. When your application calls RemoteNotifier.subscribe(), it receives a RemoteNotificationEvent of type token, , which contains a 32-byte unique numeric tokenId that uniquely identifies that application on that device.

When the device receives a push notification, it displays a popup with Close and Launch buttons. If the user touches Close, nothing happens; if the user touches Launch, iOS invokes the application and the application receives a of type notification, as described below.

Handling push notifications and payload data

When the remote notification provider sends a notification to a device (using the tokenID), your application receives a of type notification, regardless of whether or not the application is running. At this point, your application performs app-specific notification processing. If your application handles notification data, you access it through the JSON-formatted property.

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