Downloading the update AIR file

The ApplicationUpdater object dispatches the updateStatus event after the updater successfully downloads and interprets the update descriptor file. The default behavior is to start downloading the update file if it is available. If you cancel the default behavior, you can call the downloadUpdate() method to resume the update process:


Calling this method causes the updater to asynchronously download the update version of the AIR file.

The downloadUpdate() method can dispatch the following events:

  • UpdateEvent.DOWNLOAD_START—The connection to the server was established. When using ApplicationUpdaterUI library, this event displays a dialog box with a progress bar to track the download progress.

  • ProgressEvent.PROGRESS—Dispatched periodically as file download progresses.

  • DownloadErrorEvent.DOWNLOAD_ERROR—Dispatched if there is an error while connecting or downloading the update file. It is also dispatched for invalid HTTP statuses (such as “404 - File not found”). This event has an errorID property, an integer defining additional error information. An additional subErrorID property may contain more error information.

  • UpdateEvent.DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE—The updater has downloaded and interpreted the update descriptor file successfully. If you do not cancel this event, the ApplicationUpdater version proceeds to install the update version. In the ApplicationUpdaterUI version, the user is presented with a dialog box that gives them the option to proceed.

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