Downloading and interpreting the update descriptor file

The ApplicationUpdater object dispatches the checkForUpdate event before the update process begins, just before the updater tries to download the update descriptor file. If you cancel the default behavior of the checkForUpdate event, the updater does not download the update descriptor file. You can call the checkForUpdate() method resume the update process:


Calling the checkForUpdate() method causes the updater to asynchronously download and interpret the update descriptor file. As a result of calling the checkForUpdate() method, the updater object can dispatch the following events:

  • StatusUpdateEvent.UPDATE_STATUS—The updater has downloaded and interpreted the update descriptor file successfully. This event has these properties:

    • available—A Boolean value. Set to true if there is a different version available than the current application; false otherwise (the version is the same).

    • version—A String. The version from the application descriptor file of the update file

    • details—An Array. If there are no localized versions of the description, this array returns an empty string ("") as the first element and the description as the second element.

      If there are multiple versions of the description (in the update descriptor file), the array contains multiple sub-arrays. Each array has two elements: the first is a language code (such as "en"), and the second is the corresponding description (a String) for that language. See Defining the update descriptor files and adding the AIR file to your web server.

  • StatusUpdateErrorEvent.UPDATE_ERROR—There was an error, and the updater could not download or interpret the update descriptor file.

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