Instantiating an updater object

After loading the AIR update framework in your code (see Setting up your Flex development environment and Including framework files in an HTML-based AIR application), you need to instantiate an updater object, as in the following.

ActionScript example:

var appUpdater:ApplicationUpdater = new ApplicationUpdater();

JavaScript example:

var appUpdater = new runtime.air.update.ApplicationUpdater();

The previous code uses the ApplicationUpdater class (which provides no user interface). If you want to use the ApplicationUpdaterUI class (which provides a user interface), use the following.

ActionScript example:

var appUpdater:ApplicationUpdaterUI = new ApplicationUpdaterUI();

JavaScript example:

var appUpdater = new runtime.air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI();

The remaining code samples in this document assume that you have instantiated an updater object named appUpdater.

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