Adobe AIR configuration

Administrators can apply the following configuration settings for Adobe AIR running on Windows:

  • Preventing installation of AIR applications

  • Preventing installation of untrusted AIR applications

  • Disabling automatic updates of Adobe AIR updates

These settings are intended for use only within a closed environment, such as an enterprise where an IT administrator controls the end-users systems. These settings cannot be used as part of a native installer for distribution in an open environment.

On both Windows and Mac OS, there are administrative settings for SWF content loaded into Adobe AIR from external sources (outside the application).

Preventing installation of AIR applications

On Windows, add a DWORD value named AppInstallDisabled to the HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Policies\Adobe\AIR registry key, and set the value to 1.

On Linux, modify the AppInstallDisabled setting in the globalRuntime.conf configuration file in /etc/opt/Adobe\ AIR/. For example, set AppInstallDisabled=1 to prevent installation of AIR applications.

If no setting is present or if the value is set to 0, installation of AIR applications is allowed. However, users still need system privileges to install to the application’s destination directory. Also, if system policy prohibits installation via Windows Installer (MSI), that policy is also respected by AIR.

Even if installation of AIR applications is allowed, the following restrictions are observed:

  • On Mac OS and Linux, to install or update an application, the user needs to have adequate system privileges to install to the application directory (and administrative privileges if the application needs to update Adobe AIR).

  • On Windows, a user needs to have administrative privileges.

Preventing installation of untrusted AIR applications

On Windows, add a DWORD value named UntrustedAppInstallDisabled to the HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Policies\Adobe\AIR registry key, and set the value to 1.

On Linux, modify the UntrustedAppInstallDisabled setting in the globalRuntime.conf configuration file in /etc/opt/Adobe\ AIR/. For example, set UntrustedAppInstallDisabled=1 to prevent installation of untrusted AIR applications.

If no setting is present or if the value is set to 0, installation of untrusted AIR applications is allowed. However, users still need system privileges to install to the application’s destination directory.

An AIR application is trusted when it has been signed with a certificate that is trusted, or which chains to a certificate that is trusted on the installation computer. For more information, see “Code signing” in the Adobe AIR Security white paper .

Preventing automatic updates to Adobe AIR

On Windows, add a DWORD value named UpdateDisabled to the HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Policies\Adobe\AIR registry key, and set the value to 1.

On Linux, modify the UpdateDisabled setting in the globalRuntime.conf configuration file in /etc/opt/Adobe\ AIR/. For example, set UpdateDisabled=1 to prevent automatic updates of Adobe AIR.

On Mac OS, create a file named updateDisabled in the /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AIR directory.

If no setting is present or if the value is set to 0, automatic updates of the runtime are allowed (when required by an AIR application) or when an update becomes available via the background update mechanism. However, users still need system privileges to install to the application’s destination directory.

Even if automatic updates are not prevented through this setting, the user needs to have administrative privileges for automatic updates of the runtime to proceed.

Settings for SWF content loaded externally

AIR applications can load SWF content and HTML content loaded from outside the application (for example, from a web URL or from a directory). Content loaded from outside the application observes the same security rules as content loaded in a web browser. For example, such content cannot call AIR APIs that provide access to the local file system.

Flash Player configuration files apply to SWF content loaded from outside the applications. For information on these settings, see the Adobe Flash Player Administration Guide .

Group Policy Objects (GPO)

Adobe AIR currently does not support Group Policy Objects (GPOs). To be notified when this option becomes available send e-mail to

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