Adobe Technical Communications Suite provides technical
communicators a streamlined workflow for authoring content once
and delivering it in multiple formats. You can author in FrameMaker
and import FrameMaker documents into RoboHelp to publish Help in
several formats, including
Adobe AIR
and WebHelp.
The suite provides more features than the individual suite applications
used as standalone products. The following table lists some differences
in the workflow for importing FrameMaker documents when you use
the suite and when you use the standalone products.
Task in the workflow
Technical Communication Suite
FrameMaker and RoboHelp as stand-alone applications
Importing FrameMaker documents into RoboHelp
Link to or import the FrameMaker source
documents into the RoboHelp project.
Import FrameMaker documents.
Synchronizing FrameMaker source files and RoboHelp
The Project Manager pod in RoboHelp indicates
whether the linked documents are out of sync. You can update the
linked documents to have the changes reflected in RoboHelp projects.
You can choose to preserve the changes in the generated topics.
Reimport the FrameMaker documents and overwrite
the topics generated earlier.
Updating the topic structure when pagination settings
are changed
Update the FrameMaker document in RoboHelp.
Reimport the FrameMaker documents and overwrite
the topics generated earlier.
Mixed sources of documents
Typically, you use the suite workflow to convert your existing
FrameMaker books to online Help format; that is, you link the entire
book into RoboHelp. If you have well-shaped FrameMaker documents,
you can optimize the workflow with minimal changes to the FrameMaker
source or generated topics in RoboHelp. Use this method when your
author primarily in FrameMaker and want to use RoboHelp as the publishing
However, sometimes it’s necessary to reuse content from diverse
sources in RoboHelp projects. An example is updating a small online
Help project by including conceptual information from a reference
guide and troubleshooting information from a maintenance guide.
Perhaps these documents are authored in different tools and templates,
and perhaps they follow different writing guidelines.
Documents can have these sources, among others:
Documents authored in earlier versions of FrameMaker
Documents authored in structured and in unstructured FrameMaker
Documents authored in FrameMaker and in Microsoft Word
Project-wide conversion settings
RoboHelp allows you to define project-wide settings for
each source type. For all FrameMaker documents, you define the conversion
settings only once, whether they are linked to or imported into
RoboHelp. Similarly, the conversion settings of Microsoft Word documents
remain the same for linked as well as imported documents.
Project-wide conversion settings promote consistency not just
in your project but across multiple projects. You can quickly set
up a RoboHelp project without having to define individual conversion
settings for paragraphs, tables, images, and so on.
Project-wide conversion settings work best when you author the
entire document either in FrameMaker or in Word and use RoboHelp
as the publishing tool. In this case, you simply optimize the source
content for publishing to online Help formats and do little or no
content modification in RoboHelp. However, if you have a mixed authoring
environment or content from multiple sources, complex scenarios
arise. Differences in the following can add complexity:
FrameMaker templates
RoboHelp allows you to select a template to be applied to
the FrameMaker documents that you link or import. Different document
types could have different templates with different paragraph and other
formats defined.
Topic naming patterns
This complicating factor arises when you base the topic names
on the paragraph text. Depending on how you have written the headings, the
RoboHelp topics could have inconsistent names. For FrameMaker documents,
you can define topic naming based on custom markers. You can’t define
topic naming based on custom markers in Word.
Context-sensitive Help marker text
Defining context-sensitive Help in the source documents itself
gives you complete control over how the online Help is created.
However, defining context sensitivity in the source can introduce
significant complexity. If you have multiple types of source documents,
you usually have several types of markers that differ in syntax.
Tips for creating context-sensitive Help
To overcome the challenges, keep the following tips in
mind when you plan your project:
Determine the workflow
If you’re working on a large RoboHelp project created natively,
it makes more sense to continue authoring in RoboHelp if the content inputs
are minimal. Linking and importing external documents can increase
the complexity of the project, especially if you defined TOCs, indexes,
glossaries, and context-sensitive Help settings in RoboHelp. If,
however, you are creating a project from scratch or significantly
revising an existing project, link to and import external documents
to avoid updating content manually in RoboHelp.
Identify the source documents
Before you define the project settings in RoboHelp, identify
the sources of content that you intend to use in your project. If
all your source documents are well-shaped FrameMaker documents,
link the documents. If your source documents are of several types,
import the documents.
Explore your linking and importing options
Even though you can choose to convert the TOC, index, and
glossary from the source documents, explore your options carefully.
For example, importing a TOC works best when you want to retain
the TOC structure in your source documents. Similarly, if you are
importing a set of FrameMaker and Word documents in different versions,
consider carefully before using context-sensitive Help markers or
index markers. Their use is advantageous only if you are making
significant revisions. If the update is minimal, sometimes the best
option is to import the content and add the map IDs or index entries
natively in RoboHelp.
Scenarios for creating a project
Source documents
Method to use
Options available
Single unstructured or Structured FrameMaker
Link FrameMaker book
Use RoboHelp as the publishing tool, with
little or no content authoring in RoboHelp
Define pagination
based on either FrameMaker paragraph formats or custom markers
Create context-sensitive Help using custom markers in FrameMaker
Convert TOC, index, and glossary
Multiple unstructured or Structured FrameMaker
Link FrameMaker books
Use RoboHelp as the publishing tool, with
little or no content authoring in RoboHelp
Define pagination
based on either FrameMaker paragraph formats or custom markers
Create context-sensitive Help using custom markers in FrameMaker
Convert TOC, index, and glossary
Single or multiple FrameMaker books in versions
earlier than 7
Import FrameMaker books
Define pagination based on either FrameMaker
paragraph formats or custom markers
Create context-sensitive Help using custom markers in FrameMaker
Convert TOC, index, and glossary
Independent FrameMaker documents
Import FrameMaker documents
Define pagination based on either FrameMaker
paragraph formats or custom markers
Convert TOC, index, and glossary
Single Word document with a well-shaped TOC
and index
Link Word document
Define pagination based on Word
paragraph styles
Define context-sensitive Help marker using the custom footnote
option in Word and use the marker text for context-sensitive Help
Convert TOC, index, and glossary
Use RoboHelp as the publishing tool, with little or no content
authoring in RoboHelp
Multiple Word documents
Import the documents
Mix of FrameMaker books and Word documents
Link FrameMaker and Word documents
Define pagination based on FrameMaker and
Word paragraph styles, separately
Use context-sensitive Help marker in source documents
Mix of independent FrameMaker and Word documents
Import the documents
Define pagination based on FrameMaker and
Word paragraph styles, separately
Use context-sensitive Help marker in source documents
Scenarios for updating a RoboHelp project
Source documents
Method to use
Options available
Single unstructured or Structured FrameMaker
Link FrameMaker book
Multiple unstructured or Structured FrameMaker
Link FrameMaker books
Multiple FrameMaker books or independent FrameMaker
Import FrameMaker books and documents
Single Word document with a well-shaped TOC
and index
Link Word document
Multiple Word documents
Import the documents
Mix of independent FrameMaker and Word documents
Import the documents