Publishing the current document

Note: This feature is available only if FrameMaker is part of the Adobe Technical Communications Suite.

You can quickly publish the current document, book, DITA file, or DITAMAP using the Publish option in FrameMaker. You can select from a set of several online output formats, and then specify the publishing options that you defined for the FrameMaker- RoboHelp workflow.

If you want to quickly publish the entire book or DITAMAP from FrameMaker, ensure that you have defined the publishing workflows such as the FrameMaker to RoboHelp style mapping, pagination, and other conversion settings. In a production environment, create separate RoboHelp projects and Import Settings Files (ISF) for each output format.

Optionally, you can also specify the DITAVAL file to create output based on conditions specified in the DITAVAL file.

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