Package | mx.messaging |
Class | public class MessageAgent |
Inheritance | MessageAgent ![]() ![]() |
Implements | IMXMLObject |
Subclasses | AbstractConsumer, AbstractProducer |
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Note: For advanced use only. Use this class for creating custom message agents like the existing Producer and Consumer classes.
MXML Syntax

All message agent classes, including the Producer and Consumer classes, extend MessageAgent and inherit the following tag attributes:
Properties channelSet="No default." clientId="No default." connected="false" destination="No default." requestTimeout="-1" subtopic="No default." Events acknowledge="No default." channelConnect="No default." channelDisconnect="No default." channelFault="No default." fault="No default." propertyChange="No default." />
Property | Defined By | ||
authenticated : Boolean [read-only]
Indicates if this MessageAgent is using an authenticated connection to
its destination. | MessageAgent | ||
channelSet : ChannelSet
Provides access to the ChannelSet used by the MessageAgent. | MessageAgent | ||
clientId : String [read-only]
Provides access to the client id for the MessageAgent. | MessageAgent | ||
connected : Boolean [read-only]
Indicates whether this MessageAgent is currently connected to its
destination via its ChannelSet. | MessageAgent | ||
![]() | constructor : Object
A reference to the class object or constructor function for a given object instance. | Object | |
destination : String
Provides access to the destination for the MessageAgent. | MessageAgent | ||
requestTimeout : int
Provides access to the request timeout in seconds for sent messages. | MessageAgent |
Method | Defined By | ||
Constructor. | MessageAgent | ||
Invoked by a MessageResponder upon receiving a result for a sent
message. | MessageAgent | ||
![]() | addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener
receives notification of an event. | EventDispatcher | |
Handles a CONNECT ChannelEvent. | MessageAgent | ||
Handles a DISCONNECT ChannelEvent. | MessageAgent | ||
Handles a ChannelFaultEvent. | MessageAgent | ||
Disconnects the MessageAgent's network connection. | MessageAgent | ||
![]() |
Dispatches an event into the event flow. | EventDispatcher | |
Invoked by a MessageResponder upon receiving a fault for a sent message. | MessageAgent | ||
![]() |
Checks whether the EventDispatcher object has any listeners registered for a specific type
of event. | EventDispatcher | |
![]() |
Indicates whether an object has a specified property defined. | Object | |
Returns true if there are any pending requests for the passed in message. | MessageAgent | ||
Called after the implementing object has been created
and all properties specified on the tag have been assigned. | MessageAgent | ||
![]() |
Indicates whether an instance of the Object class is in the prototype chain of the object specified
as the parameter. | Object | |
Logs the MessageAgent out from its remote destination. | MessageAgent | ||
![]() |
Indicates whether the specified property exists and is enumerable. | Object | |
![]() |
Removes a listener from the EventDispatcher object. | EventDispatcher | |
Sets the credentials that the MessageAgent uses to authenticate to
destinations. | MessageAgent | ||
![]() |
Sets the availability of a dynamic property for loop operations. | Object | |
Sets the remote credentials that will be passed through to the remote destination
for authenticating to secondary systems. | MessageAgent | ||
![]() |
Returns the string representation of this object, formatted according to locale-specific conventions. | Object | |
![]() |
Returns the string representation of the specified object. | Object | |
![]() |
Returns the primitive value of the specified object. | Object | |
![]() |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of
its ancestors for the specified event type. | EventDispatcher |
Method | Defined By | ||
Handles the authentication fault on the server. | MessageAgent | ||
Used to automatically initialize the channelSet property for the
MessageAgent before it connects for the first time. | MessageAgent | ||
Sends a Message from the MessageAgent to its destination using the
agent's ChannelSet. | MessageAgent | ||
This function should be overriden by sublasses to implement reauthentication due to
server session time-out behavior specific to them. | MessageAgent |
Event | Summary | Defined By | ||
Dispatched when an acknowledge message is received for a sent message. | MessageAgent | |||
![]() | [broadcast event] Dispatched when the Flash Player or AIR application gains operating system focus and becomes active. | EventDispatcher | ||
Dispatched when the underlying Channel the MessageAgent is using connects. | MessageAgent | |||
Dispatched when the underlying Channel the MessageAgent is using disconnects. | MessageAgent | |||
Dispatched when the underlying Channel the MessageAgent is using faults. | MessageAgent | |||
![]() | [broadcast event] Dispatched when the Flash Player or AIR application operating loses system focus and is becoming inactive. | EventDispatcher | ||
Dispatched when a message fault occurs. | MessageAgent | |||
Dispatched when the connected property of the MessageAgent changes. | MessageAgent |
authenticated | property |
[read-only] Indicates if this MessageAgent is using an authenticated connection to its destination.
This property can be used as the source for data binding. When this property is modified, it dispatches the propertyChange
public function get authenticated():Boolean
channelSet | property |
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Provides access to the ChannelSet used by the MessageAgent. The ChannelSet can be manually constructed and assigned, or it will be dynamically initialized to use the configured Channels for the destination for this MessageAgent.
This property can be used as the source for data binding. When this property is modified, it dispatches the propertyChange
public function get channelSet():ChannelSet
public function set channelSet(value:ChannelSet):void
clientId | property |
[read-only] Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Provides access to the client id for the MessageAgent. MessageAgents are assigned their client id by the remote destination and this value is used to route messages from the remote destination to the proper MessageAgent.
This property can be used as the source for data binding. When this property is modified, it dispatches the propertyChange
public function get clientId():String
connected | property |
[read-only] Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Indicates whether this MessageAgent is currently connected to its
destination via its ChannelSet. The propertyChange
event is dispatched when
this property changes.
This property can be used as the source for data binding. When this property is modified, it dispatches the propertyChange
public function get connected():Boolean
destination | property |
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Provides access to the destination for the MessageAgent. Changing the destination will disconnect the MessageAgent if it is currently connected.
This property can be used as the source for data binding. When this property is modified, it dispatches the propertyChange
public function get destination():String
public function set destination(value:String):void
InvalidDestinationError — If the destination is null or
requestTimeout | property |
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Provides access to the request timeout in seconds for sent messages. If an acknowledgement, response or fault is not received from the remote destination before the timeout is reached the message is faulted on the client. A value less than or equal to zero prevents request timeout.
This property can be used as the source for data binding. When this property is modified, it dispatches the propertyChange
public function get requestTimeout():int
public function set requestTimeout(value:int):void
MessageAgent | () | Constructor |
public function MessageAgent()
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
acknowledge | () | method |
public function acknowledge(ackMsg:AcknowledgeMessage, msg:IMessage):void
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Invoked by a MessageResponder upon receiving a result for a sent
message. Subclasses may override this method if they need to perform
custom acknowledgement processing, but must invoke
as well. This method dispatches a
ackMsg:AcknowledgeMessage — The AcknowledgMessage returned.
| |
msg:IMessage — The original sent message.
channelConnectHandler | () | method |
public function channelConnectHandler(event:ChannelEvent):void
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Handles a CONNECT ChannelEvent. Subclasses that need to perform custom
processing should override this method, and invoke
event:ChannelEvent — The ChannelEvent.
channelDisconnectHandler | () | method |
public function channelDisconnectHandler(event:ChannelEvent):void
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Handles a DISCONNECT ChannelEvent. Subclasses that need to perform
custom processing should override this method, and invoke
event:ChannelEvent — The ChannelEvent.
channelFaultHandler | () | method |
public function channelFaultHandler(event:ChannelFaultEvent):void
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Handles a ChannelFaultEvent. Subclasses that need to perform custom
processing should override this method, and invoke
event:ChannelFaultEvent — ChannelFaultEvent
disconnect | () | method |
public function disconnect():void
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Disconnects the MessageAgent's network connection. This method does not wait for outstanding network operations to complete.
fault | () | method |
public function fault(errMsg:ErrorMessage, msg:IMessage):void
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Invoked by a MessageResponder upon receiving a fault for a sent message.
Subclasses may override this method if they need to perform custom fault
processing, but must invoke super.fault()
as well. This
method dispatchs a MessageFaultEvent.
errMsg:ErrorMessage — The ErrorMessage.
| |
msg:IMessage — The original sent message that caused this fault.
handleAuthenticationFault | () | method |
protected function handleAuthenticationFault(errMsg:ErrorMessage, msg:IMessage):void
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Handles the authentication fault on the server. If the authenticated flag is true, the authentication fault must have been caused by a session expiration on the server. Set the authenticated state to false and if loginAfterDisconnect flag is enabled, resend credentials to the server by disconnecting and resending the message again.
errMsg:ErrorMessage — The Error Message.
| |
msg:IMessage — The message that caused the fault and should be resent once we have
disconnected/connected causing re-authentication.
hasPendingRequestForMessage | () | method |
public function hasPendingRequestForMessage(msg:IMessage):Boolean
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Returns true if there are any pending requests for the passed in message. This method should be overriden by subclasses
msg:IMessage — The message for which the existence of pending requests is checked.
Boolean — Returns true if there are any pending requests for the
passed in message.
initChannelSet | () | method |
protected function initChannelSet(message:IMessage):void
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Used to automatically initialize the channelSet
property for the
MessageAgent before it connects for the first time.
Subtypes may override to perform custom initialization.
message:IMessage — The message that needs to be sent.
initialized | () | method |
public function initialized(document:Object, id:String):void
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Called after the implementing object has been created and all properties specified on the tag have been assigned.
document:Object — MXML document that created this object.
| |
id:String — id used by the document to refer to this object.
If the object is a deep property on the document, id is null.
internalSend | () | method |
protected function internalSend(message:IMessage, waitForClientId:Boolean = true):void
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Sends a Message from the MessageAgent to its destination using the agent's ChannelSet. MessageAgent subclasses must use this method to send their messages.
message:IMessage — The message to send.
| |
waitForClientId:Boolean (default = true ) — If true the message may be queued until a clientId has been
assigned to the agent. In general this is the desired behavior.
For special behavior (automatic reconnect and resubscribe) the
agent may pass false to override the default queuing behavior.
InvalidDestinationError — If no destination is set.
logout | () | method |
public function logout():void
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Logs the MessageAgent out from its remote destination.
Logging out of a destination applies to everything connected using the same ChannelSet
as specified in the server configuration. For example, if several DataService components
are connected over an RTMP channel and logout()
is invoked on one of them,
all other client components that are connected using the same ChannelSet are also logged out.
Note: Adobe recommends that you use the mx.messaging.ChannelSet.logout() method rather than this method.
Related API Elements
reAuthorize | () | method |
protected function reAuthorize(msg:IMessage):void
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
This function should be overriden by sublasses to implement reauthentication due to server session time-out behavior specific to them. In general, it should follow disconnect, connect, resend message pattern.
msg:IMessage — The message that caused the fault and should be resent once we have
disconnected/connected causing reauthentication.
setCredentials | () | method |
public function setCredentials(username:String, password:String, charset:String = null):void
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Sets the credentials that the MessageAgent uses to authenticate to destinations. The credentials are applied to all services connected over the same ChannelSet.
username:String — The username.
| |
password:String — The password.
| |
charset:String (default = null ) — The character set encoding to use while encoding the
credentials. The default is null, which implies the legacy charset of
ISO-Latin-1. The only other supported charset is "UTF-8".
IllegalOperationError — in two situations; if credentials
have already been set and an authentication is in progress with the remote
detination, or if authenticated and the credentials specified don't match
the currently authenticated credentials.
setRemoteCredentials | () | method |
public function setRemoteCredentials(username:String, password:String, charset:String = null):void
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Sets the remote credentials that will be passed through to the remote destination for authenticating to secondary systems.
username:String — The username.
| |
password:String — The password.
| |
charset:String (default = null ) — The character set encoding to use while encoding the
remote credentials. The default is null, which implies the legacy
charset of ISO-Latin-1. The only other currently supported option is
acknowledge | Event |
property MessageAckEvent.type =
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3, BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1, Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched when an acknowledge message is received for a sent message.
The ACKNOWLEDGE event type; dispatched upon receipt of an acknowledgement.The value of this constant is "acknowledge"
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
acknowledgeMessage | Utility property to get the message property from MessageEvent as an AcknowledgeMessage. |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
correlate | The original Message correlated with this acknowledgement. |
message | The Message associated with this event. |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
channelConnect | Event |
property ChannelEvent.type =
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched when the underlying Channel the MessageAgent is using connects.
The CONNECT event type; indicates that the Channel connected to its endpoint.The value of this constant is "channelConnect"
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
channel | The channel that generated this event. |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
reconnecting | Indicates whether the channel that generated this event is reconnecting. |
rejected | Indicates whether the channel that generated this event was rejected. This would be true in the event that the channel has been disconnected due to inactivity and should not attempt to failover or connect on an alternate channel. |
channelDisconnect | Event |
property ChannelEvent.type =
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched when the underlying Channel the MessageAgent is using disconnects.
The DISCONNECT event type; indicates that the Channel disconnected from its endpoint.The value of this constant is "channelDisconnect"
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
channel | The channel that generated this event. |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
reconnecting | Indicates whether the channel that generated this event is reconnecting. |
rejected | Indicates whether the channel that generated this event was rejected. This would be true in the event that the channel has been disconnected due to inactivity and should not attempt to failover or connect on an alternate channel. |
channelFault | Event |
property ChannelFaultEvent.type =
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched when the underlying Channel the MessageAgent is using faults.
The FAULT event type; indicates that the Channel faulted.The value of this constant is "channelFault"
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
channel | The Channel that generated this event. |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
faultCode | Provides destination-specific details of the failure. |
faultDetail | Provides access to the destination-specific reason for the failure. |
faultString | Provides access to the underlying reason for the failure if the channel did not raise the failure itself. |
reconnecting | Indicates whether the channel that generated this event is reconnecting. |
rootCause | Provides access to the underlying reason for the failure if the channel did not raise the failure itself. |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
fault | Event |
property MessageFaultEvent.type =
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched when a message fault occurs.
The FAULT event type; dispatched for a message fault.The value of this constant is "fault"
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
faultCode | Provides destination-specific details of the failure. |
faultDetail | Provides access to the destination-specific reason for the failure. |
faultString | Provides access to the underlying reason for the failure if the channel did not raise the failure itself. |
message | The ErrorMessage for this event. |
rootCause | Provides access to the underlying reason for the failure, if one exists. |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
propertyChange | Event |
property PropertyChangeEvent.type =
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Versions: | BlazeDS 4, Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 3 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched when the connected
property of the MessageAgent changes.
Also dispatched when the subscribed
of a Consumer changes.
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a PropertyChange
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | Determined by the constructor; defaults to false. |
cancelable | Determined by the constructor; defaults to false. |
kind | The kind of change; PropertyChangeEventKind.UPDATE or PropertyChangeEventKind.DELETE. |
oldValue | The original property value. |
newValue | The new property value, if any. |
property | The property that changed. |
source | The object that contains the property that changed. |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
Related API Elements
Thu Dec 6 2018, 01:12 PM -08:00