The lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking package contains classes and components that provide the user
interface for the Tracking component functionality in Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace. These classes and components
enable the user to navigate through process and task data they have initiated or participated in.
The classes and components in this package are useful for customizing Workspace and building applications using Flex
that require functionality similar to the Tracking functionality in Workspace.
| Class | Description |
| ProcessInstanceDataGrid | The ProcessInstanceDataGrid component manages the views of process instance
in different states, such as empty state, with data and detail state and displays it as a datagrid. |
| ProcessInstanceDataGridModel |
The ProcessInstanceDataGridModel class obtains the
ProcessInstance objects for the selected Process object. |
| Tracking | The Tracking component enables the user to navigate through Process objects
and Task object that they have initiated or participated in. |
| TrackingModel |
The TrackingModel class provides support for the
Tracking component. |
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Thu Dec 6 2018, 01:47 PM -08:00