The package contains constants that are helpful to the Tile developer.
They include Application constants, which provide values that indicate the current status of an application and it’s lifecyle. Catalog constants are values that provide status of a catalog; Framework constants provide the values of current managers in the Composite Application Framework;
and Server constants provide information on the status of the server and connection of the client.
| Class | Description |
| ApplicationConstants |
The ApplicationConstants provides constants to indicate the current
status of an Application in its lifecycle. |
| CatalogConstants |
The CatalogConstants provides constants to indicate the current
status of a Catalog in its client-server lifecycle. |
| FrameworkConstants |
The FrameworkConstants provides constants to indicate various
IManagers that map to specific implementations retrievable from the IClientFramework's
acquireManager method. |
| ServerConstants |
The ServerConstants provides constants to indicate the current
status of a Server in its lifecycle and connection status to the client. |
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