BETA ActionScript® 3.0 Reference for the Adobe® Flash® Platform
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Top Level 

The top level contains the core ActionScript classes and global functions.

Global Constants
 Infinity A special value representing positive Infinity.
 -Infinity A special value representing negative Infinity.
 NaN A special member of the Number data type that represents a value that is "not a number" (NaN).
 undefined A special value that applies to untyped variables that have not been initialized or dynamic object properties that are not initialized.
Global Functions
 Array Creates a new array.
 Boolean Converts the expression parameter to a Boolean value and returns the value.
 decodeURI Decodes an encoded URI into a string.
 decodeURIComponent Decodes an encoded URI component into a string.
 encodeURI Encodes a string into a valid URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
 encodeURIComponent Encodes a string into a valid URI component.
 escape Converts the parameter to a string and encodes it in a URL-encoded format, where most nonalphanumeric characters are replaced with % hexadecimal sequences.
 int Converts a given numeric value to an integer value.
 isFinite Returns true if the value is a finite number, or false if the value is Infinity or -Infinity.
 isNaN Returns true if the value is NaN(not a number).
 isXMLName Determines whether the specified string is a valid name for an XML element or attribute.
 Number Converts a given value to a Number value.
 Object Every value in ActionScript 3.0 is an object, which means that calling Object() on a value returns that value.
 parseFloat Converts a string to a floating-point number.
 parseInt Converts a string to an integer.
 String Returns a string representation of the specified parameter.
 trace Displays expressions, or writes to log files, while debugging.
 uint Converts a given numeric value to an unsigned integer value.
 unescape Evaluates the parameter str as a string, decodes the string from URL-encoded format (converting all hexadecimal sequences to ASCII characters), and returns the string.
 Vector Creates a new Vector instance whose elements are instances of the specified data type.
 XML Converts an object to an XML object.
 XMLList Converts an object to an XMLList object.
 ArgumentError The ArgumentError class represents an error that occurs when the arguments supplied in a function do not match the arguments defined for that function.
 arguments An arguments object is used to store and access a function's arguments.
 Array The Array class lets you access and manipulate arrays.
 Boolean A Boolean object is a data type that can have one of two values, either true or false, used for logical operations.
 Class A Class object is created for each class definition in a program.
 Date The Date class represents date and time information.
 DefinitionError The DefinitionError class represents an error that occurs when user code attempts to define an identifier that is already defined.
 Error The Error class contains information about an error that occurred in a script.
 EvalError The EvalError class represents an error that occurs when user code calls the eval() function or attempts to use the new operator with the Function object.
 Function A function is the basic unit of code that can be invoked in ActionScript.
 int The int class lets you work with the data type representing a 32-bit signed integer.
 JSON The JSON class lets applications import and export data using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format.
 Math The Math class contains methods and constants that represent common mathematical functions and values.
 Namespace The Namespace class contains methods and properties for defining and working with namespaces.
 Number A data type representing an IEEE-754 double-precision floating-point number.
 Object The Object class is at the root of the ActionScript runtime class hierarchy.
 QName QName objects represent qualified names of XML elements and attributes.
 RangeError A RangeError exception is thrown when a numeric value is outside the acceptable range.
 ReferenceError A ReferenceError exception is thrown when a reference to an undefined property is attempted on a sealed (nondynamic) object.
 RegExp The RegExp class lets you work with regular expressions, which are patterns that you can use to perform searches in strings and to replace text in strings.
 SecurityError The SecurityError exception is thrown when some type of security violation takes place.
 String The String class is a data type that represents a string of characters.
 SyntaxError A SyntaxError exception is thrown when a parsing error occurs, for one of the following reasons:.
 TypeError A TypeError exception is thrown when the actual type of an operand is different from the expected type.
 uint The uint class provides methods for working with a data type representing a 32-bit unsigned integer.
 URIError A URIError exception is thrown when one of the global URI handling functions is used in a way that is incompatible with its definition.
 Vector The Vector class lets you access and manipulate a vector — an array whose elements all have the same data type.
 VerifyError The VerifyError class represents an error that occurs when a malformed or corrupted SWF file is encountered.
 XML The XML class contains methods and properties for working with XML objects.
 XMLList The XMLList class contains methods for working with one or more XML elements.