The lc.procmgmt.domain package contains classes that encapsulate LiveCycle ES2 business concepts, also known as the business domain.
The classes in this package are useful for applications built using Flex that require access to LiveCycle ES2 and Workspace 9 data.
Operations that are invoked may result in additional operations that occur on the LiveCycle server.
| Interface | Description |
| ICommand |
The ICommand interface defines a common interface for self-contained commands. |
| Class | Description |
| Assignment |
The Assignment class describes the assignment of a task
and carries information that determines the queue that contains the task. |
| AttachmentInfo |
The AttachmentInfo class provides support for managing attachments
and notes with tasks. |
| AttachmentPermissions |
The AttachmentPermissions class stores the read/write/delete permissions
for an attachment or note. |
| Category |
The Category class manages all category information. |
| DocumentReference |
The DocumentReference class provides
a reference to a document, which exists on the server. |
| DraftQueue |
The DraftQueue object creates a Queue object, which
represents draft items belonging to a user. |
| Endpoint |
The Endpoint class represents a TaskManager endpoint in LiveCycle ES2. |
| FavoriteCategory |
The FavoriteCategory class represents a special category that contains
the list of processes a user commonly initiates. |
| InitialQueue |
The InitialQueue class represents the initial queue with LiveCycle ES2. |
| Process |
The Process class represents a process in LiveCycle ES2. |
| ProcessInstance |
The ProcessInstance class represents a process instance in LiveCycle ES2. |
| ProcessVariable |
The ProcessVariable class represents the information stored as part of
a process variable in LiveCycle ES2 and is used for retrieving the information for
a process variable. |
| Queue |
The Queue class is used for specifying the unique identifier
and the filter for a given queue. |
| QueueBase |
The QueueBase class manages a collection of
Task objects. |
| QueuesManager |
The QueuesManager class manages the draft queue,
default queue, and group queue. |
| ReaderSubmit |
The ReaderSubmit class specifies properties
to indicate whether the PDF is to be submitted using Adobe Reader 9.1 or later, or
Adobe Acrobat. |
| SearchFilter |
The SearchFilter class is used for specifying filtering conditions and retrieving
search results. |
| SearchFilterAttribute |
The SearchFilterAttribute class specifies properties
for a search filter. |
| SearchFilterCondition |
The SearchFilterCondition class is used for creating search filters conditions. |
| SearchFilterSort |
The SearchFilterSort class is used for sorting search filters. |
| SearchTemplate |
The SearchTemplate class provides support for working with search templates. |
| SearchTemplateDescriptor |
The SearchTemplateDescriptor class is used for working
with the search template descriptor. |
| SearchTemplateDescriptors |
The SearchTemplateDescriptors class is used for working with multiple
search template descriptors. |
| Task |
The Task class represents a task in LiveCycle ES2. |
| TaskACL |
The TaskACL class describes the permissions that control
various operations on a task. |
| TaskAttachmentInfo |
The TaskAttachmentInfo class is used to handle attachments associated with tasks. |
| TaskItemResult |
The TaskItemResult class passes item data from the LiveCycle ES2 server when the
item is rendered or submitted. |
| TemporaryQueue |
The TemporaryQueue class creates a Queue object
of a specified type, with an isDefault property set to false. |
| UserActionProperty |
The UserActionProperty class specifies properties
of the user actions defined in the single or multi user service. |
| WorkspaceSession |
The WorkspaceSession class provides convenient access to
SessionMap object entries that are specific to LiveCycle Workspace ES2. |
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Wed Nov 21 2018, 06:57 AM -08:00