The ga.model package classes define the Guide run time model, the in-memory representation of a Guide created in the Guide Design perspective within LiveCycle Workbench 9.
| Interface | Description |
| IPanel |
The IPanel interface defines the properties that can be extracted from a Guide
panel. |
| IPanelItem |
The IPanelItem interface is implemented by components that are passed as inputs
into the LayoutTemplate class. |
| ISection |
The ISection interface defines the properties that can be extracted from a section. |
| Class | Description |
| GAEvent |
The GAEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for Guide events. |
| GuideAccessibility |
The GuideAccessibility class provides users with the ability to debug Guide
accessibility without running JAWS. |
| GuidedActivity |
The GuidedActivity class contains Guide properties. |
| HostedGuide |
The HostedGuide class is used by a Flex application that is hosting a Guide
to directly access specific Guide objects. |
| LayoutTemplate |
The LayoutTemplate class is the base class for all Guide panel layouts. |
| Page |
The Page class represents a single physical instance of a Panel. |
| PanelBreak |
The PanelBreak class defines the Next Area utility object in the Guide Design perspective within LiveCycle Workbench ES2, and causes
the layout algorithm to move to the next available slot in the panel layout. |
| PanelItem |
The PanelItem class acts both as a place holder in the layout template and as
the run-time component that binds to the form model. |
| PanelItemBase |
The PanelItemBase class is a copy of the mx.controls.FormItem that supports a rich text label. |
| PanelManager |
The PanelManager class manages the list of visible panels on a Guide. |
| PanelText |
The PanelText class defines the Guide Text Guide object that contains text
and can be bound to the form model. |
| QuestionItem |
The QuestionItem class acts as a place holder in the panel layout. |
| Section |
A Guide section that can contain several panels. |
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Wed Nov 21 2018, 06:57 AM -08:00