5.2 Accessing module web applications

After AEM forms on JEE is deployed, you can access the web applications that are associated with the following modules:

  • Reader Extensions

  • Workspace

  • HTML Workspace

  • User management

  • Correspondance management

  • PDF Generator web application

  • PDF Generator

  • Rights Management

After accessing the web applications by using the default administrator permissions to ensure that they are accessible, you can create additional users and roles so that others can log in and use the applications. (See Administration Help .)

5.2.1 Access the Reader Extensions web application

Note: You must apply a Reader Extensions credential and apply the user roles for a new user. (See “Configuring credentials for use with Reader Extensions” in Administration Help.)
  1. Open a web browser and enter this URL:

    http://[ hostname ]:[ port ]/ReaderExtensions

    Note: For WebLogic, [port] is the port assigned to the Managed WebLogic Server.
  2. Log in using the user name and password for AEM forms on JEE.

    Note: You must have administrator or superuser privileges to log in. To allow other users to access the Reader Extensions web application, you must create the users in User Management and grant them the Reader Extensions Web Application role.

5.2.2 Access Workspace

  1. Open a web browser and enter this URL:

    http://[ hostname ]:[ port ]/workspace

    Note: For WebLogic, [port] is the port assigned to the Managed WebLogic Server.
  2. Log in using the user name and password for AEM forms on JEE.

5.2.3 Access HTML Workspace

  1. Open a web browser and enter this URL:

    http://[ hostname ]:[ port ]/lc/ws

    Note: For WebLogic, [port] is the port assigned to the Managed WebLogic Server.
  2. Log in using the user name and password for AEM forms on JEE.

5.2.4 Access Forms Manager

  1. Open a web browser and enter this URL:

    http://[ hostname ]:[ port ]/lc/fm

    Note: For WebLogic, [port] is the port assigned to the Managed WebLogic Server.
  2. Log in using the user name and password for AEM forms on JEE.

5.2.5 Access PDF Generator Web Application

  1. Open a web browser and enter this URL:

    http://[ hostname ]:[ port ]/pdfgui

    Note: For WebLogic, [port] is the port assigned to the Managed WebLogic Server.
  2. Log in using the user name and password for AEM forms on JEE.

5.2.6 Access Rights Management

You must create a user with the Rights Management End User role in User Management and log in to the Rights Management administrator or end-user applications by using the login information that is associated with that user.

Note: The default administrator user cannot access the Rights Management end-user web application but you can add the appropriate role to its profile. You can create a new user or modify an existing user through Administration Console.

Access the Rights Management end-user web application

Open a web browser and enter this URL:
Note: For WebLogic, [port] is the port assigned to the Managed WebLogic Server.

Access the Rights Management administration web application

  1. Open a web browser and enter this URL:

    Note: For WebLogic, [port] is the port assigned to the Managed WebLogic Server.
  2. Click Services > LiveCycle Rights Management 11 .

    For information about setting up users and roles, see Administration Help.

Assign the Rights Management End User role

  1. Log in to Administration Console. (See Accessing Administration Console .)

  2. Click Settings > User Management > Users and Groups .

  3. In the Find box, type all and, in the In list, select Groups .

  4. Click Find and, for the required domains, click All Principals in the list that appears.

  5. Click the Role Assignments tab and click Find Roles .

  6. In the list of roles, select the check box next to Rights Management End User .

  7. Click OK and then click Save .

5.2.7 Accessing User Management

By using User Management, administrators can maintain a database of all users and groups, synchronized with one or more third-party user directories. User Management provides authentication, authorization, and user management for AEM forms on JEE modules, including Reader Extensions, Workspace, Rights Management, Process Management, Forms Standard and PDF Generator.

  1. Log in to Administration Console.

  2. On the home page, click Settings > User Management .

    Note: For information about configuring users with User Management, click User Management Help in the upper-right corner of the User Management page.

5.2.8 Access Correspondence Management Solution template

You can verify the Correspondence Management Solution deployment by visiting http://[ hostname ]:[ port ]/lc/cm and logging in using AEM forms on JEE administrator credentials. Solution template is a reference implementation of Correspondence Management Solution.

Note: In a non-turnkey deployment, if you encounter an error while accessing the solution template, you must integrate AEM forms on JEE with Correspondence Management Solution. For more information, see the Configure Publish nodes to Integrate with AEM forms on JEE section of this document.

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