5.3 Configure Correspondence Management Solution

Perform the following tasks to configure Correspondence Management Solution.

For a recommended setup for the Correspondence Management Solution, see Correspondence Management Solution Topology .

5.3.1 Configure the Author instance

The Author instance is embedded within the AEM forms on JEE server. This implies that you do not need to make any configuration updates to the Author instance. The instance inherits all the configuration settings from the AEM forms on JEE server.

5.3.2 Configure the Publish instance

You must run separate Author and Publish instances for Correspondence Management Solution. However, you can configure the two instances on the same or on different machines. An author instance is embedded in the AEM forms on JEE Core application and runs on the AEM forms on JEE server. For publish instance, LCM configures a publish ear ( adobe-livecycle-cq-publish.ear ). Deploy the publish ear on a separate server instance.

Note: Before configuring the Publish instance, ensure that your author instance is configured and deployed. You can verify by successfully logging in to the solution template for Correspondence management Solution. For more information, see the Access Correspondence Management Solution template section of this document.
  1. Create a server instance in a different Weblogic domain.

  2. Copy the [ aem-forms root ]/crx-repository directory from the author instance to the publish instance machine.

  3. From the crx-repository directory on the publish instance machine, open the crx-repository/install folder. Keep the following packages and delete all other packages from the install folder:
    • dataservices-pkg.zip

    • platform-common-pkg.zip

    • platform-content-pkg.zip

    • platform-security-pkg.zip

    • solution-correspondencemanagement-pkg.zip

  4. Start the Publish server with -Dcom.adobe.livecycle.crx.home=< location for crx-repository > parameter, where < location for crx-repository > is the location where you copied the crx-repository directory for the Publish instance.

    For details on how to configure generic JVM arguments for WebSphere and WebLogic, see the Configuring the JVM arguments section for WebSphere and WebLogic .

  5. Deploy adobe-livecycle-cq-publish.ear to the server.

Note: If author and Publish instances are on the same machine, ensure that you start the Publish instance using a different port.

Now that the Publish instance is up and running, you need to configure the two instances to communicate with each other.

5.3.3 Configure Publish nodes to Integrate with AEM forms on JEE

Perform these steps on all publish instances. To enable communication between publish instance and AEM forms on JEE Server:

  1. Go to http://[ publishhost ]:[ publishport ]/lc/system/console/configMgr and Login with OSGi Management Console user credentials. The default credential are admin/admin.

  2. Search and click Edit next to the Adobe LiveCycle Client SDK Configuration setting.

  3. In the Server Url field, ensure that http://[ lchost ]:[ lc port ] is specified.
    Important: Ensure that the AEM forms on JEE server is listening on the specified host and port combination. The following three scenarios are possible in the case of a AEM forms on JEE server cluster:
    • All AEM forms on JEE server instances are running on localhost and the same port. In this case use localhost:[port] .

    • All AEM forms on JEE server instances are running on localhost but on different ports. In this case, use a load balancer host name and port combination— [loadbalancer_host]:[loadbalancer_port] .

    • All AEM forms on JEE server instances are running on a particular host name (not localhost ) and different/same ports. In this case, use a load balancer host name and port— [loadbalancer_host]:[loadbalancer_port].

    If you need to use a load balancer URL to access the AEM forms on JEE server cluster (as mentioned above), ensure that the required communication ports between Author instances and the load balancer are open.

  4. Specify AEM forms on JEE administrator credentials in the Username as Password fields.

  5. Click Save .

5.3.4 Communicating between the Author and Publish instances

You need to perform certain configuration changes to enable two-way communication between the Author and Publish instances. Configure Replication Agents (Define publish instance URL)

On the Author instance, you need to configure replication agents for each Publish instance. These agents replicate content from the Author instances to all the Publish instances.

  1. Log in to Tools UI at http://<authorHost>:<authorPort>/lc/miscadmin

  2. Select Replication , then Agents on author in the left panel.

    On the right panel, you see various agents configured for the Author instance.

  3. On the right panel, Select New .... and click New Page .

    The Create Page dialog displays.

  4. Set the Title and Name , then select Replication Agent .

  5. Click Create to create new agent.

  6. Double-click the new agent item to open the configuration panel.

  7. Click Edit - the Agent Settings dialog displays.

    1. In the Settings tab:

      • Enter a Description .

      • Check Enabled .

      • Select Serialization Type as Default .

      • Set the Retry Delay to 60000 .

      • Set the Log Level as Info .

    2. In the Transport tab:

      • Enter the required URI for the Publish instance http://<publishHost>:<publishPort>/lc/bin/receive?sling:authRequestLogin=1

      • Set User and Password . The default credential are admin/admin.

  8. Click OK to save the settings.

  9. On the agent configuration panel, click Test Connection .

    Successful connection ensures that the configuration is done correctly.

Note: : In case, you have only one Publish instance you can use the default Replication Agent named as publish. You need to edit it for specifying Publish URI in the Transport tab as mentioned in the step b(i). In this case, you do not need to create a new replication agent.
Note: : In case, you have a publish farm(multiple non-clustered publish instances), you need to create a replication agent for each Publish instance as mentioned in Steps 1-9. For each such replication agent, Title and Name should be significant and unique, so the identification of the corresponding Publish instance can be simpler. Each such replication agent has a different URI in the Transport tab pointing to a particular Publish instance. For multiple publish instances, you can also create replication agents by copying the default agent publish and then editing Name and URI in transport tab of the created agent. If you are not using the default Replication Agent, disable it, so an unnecessary replication attempt can be avoided.
Note: For Author clusters, these steps need to be performed on one Author instance (preferably a master instance). Define Publish instance URL for ActivationManagerImpl

  1. Go to http://< authorHost >:< authorPort >/lc/system/console/configMgr. Login with OSGi Management Console user credentials. The default credential is admin/admin.

  2. Find and click the Edit icon next to the com.adobe.livecycle.content.activate.impl.ActivationManagerImpl.name setting.

  3. In the ActivationManager Publish URL field, specify the URL for accessing the Publish instance ActivationManager. You can provide the following URLs.

    1. L oad Balancer URL (Recommended) : Provide load balancer URL, If you have a webserver acting as load balancer in front of publish farm (multiple non-clustered publish instances).

    2. Publish instance URL : Provide any publish instance URL, If you have a single publish instance or the webserver fronting the publish farm is not accessible from the author environment due to any restrictions. In case, the specified publish instance is down, there is a fallback mechanism to deal with on the author side.

    URL string: http://<hostname>:<port>/lc/bin/remoting/lc.content.remote.activate.activationManager

  4. Click Save . Configure reverse replication queue

On the Author instance, you need to configure reverse replication agents for each Publish instance. These agents replicate content from the Publish instance to the Author instance.

  1. Log in to Tools UI at http://<authorHost>:<authorPort>/lc/miscadmin

  2. Select Replication , then Agents on author in the left panel.

    On the right panel, you see various agents configured for the Author instance.

  3. On the right panel, Select New , and click New Page .

    The Create Page dialog appears.

  4. Set the Title and Name , then select Reverse Replication Agent .

  5. Click Create to create new agent.

  6. Double-click the new agent item to open the configuration panel.

  7. Click Edit - the Agent Settings dialog displays.

    1. In the Settings tab:

      • Enter a Description

      • Check Enabled .

      • Set the Retry Delay to 60000 .

      • Set the Log Level as Info .

    2. In the Transport tab:

      • Enter the required URI for the Publish instance - http://<publishHost>:<publishPort>/lc/bin/receive?sling:authRequestLogin=1

      • Set User and Password - admin/admin

    3. In the Extended tab: Set HTTP Method as GET

  8. Click OK to save the settings.

  9. On the agent configuration panel, click Test Connection .

Successful connection ensures that the configuration is done correctly.

Note: : In case, you have only one Publish instance you can use the default Reverse Replication Agent named as publish_reverse . You need to edit it for specifying Publish URI in the Transport tab as mentioned in the step b(i). In this case, you do not need to create a new reverse replication agent.
Note: In case, you have a publish farm(multiple non-clustered publish instances), you need to create a reverse replication agent for each Publish instance as mentioned in Steps 1-9. For each such replication agent, Title and Name should be significant and unique, so the identification of the corresponding Publish instance can be simpler. Each such replication agent has a different URI in the Transport tab pointing to a particular Publish instance. For multiple publish agents, you can also create reverse replication agents by copying the default agent publish_reverse and then editing Name and URI in transport tab of the created agent. If you are not using the default Reverse Replication Agent, disable it, so an unnecessary replication attempt can be avoided.
Note: For Author clusters, these steps need to be performed on one Author instance (preferably a master instance). Define author instance URL for VersionRestoreManagerImpl

  1. Go to http://< publishHost >:< publishPort >/lc/system/console/configMgr . Login with OSGi Management Console user credentials. The defaults credential are admin/admin.

  2. Find and click the Edit icon next to the com.adobe.livecycle.content.activate.impl.VersionRestoreManagerImpl.name setting.

  3. In the VersionRestoreManager Author URL field, specify the URL of the author instance VersionRestoreManager.

    URL string: http://<hostname>:<port>/lc/bin/remoting/lc.content.remote.activate.versionRestoreManager

    Note: If there are multiple author instances( Clustered) fronted by a Load Balancer, specify the URL to the load balancer in the VersionRestoreManager Author URL field.
  4. Click Save .

5.3.5 Install sample users and assets

You can install sample users with predefined user permissions to further explore the solution template, which you can customize to build your own solution.

  1. Go to http://< authorHost >:< authorPort >/lc/crx/explorer/index.jsp.

  2. Log in using administrator credentials and click Package Manager .

  3. In Package Manager , upload the samples-correspondencemanagement-pkg-< version >.zip package from < LC_HOME >/deploy/crx.

  4. Click Install once the package uploads successfully.

  5. Click Install on the confirmation dialog to install the sample users and assets.

Correspondence Management Sample Users

Correspondence Management Solution Accelerator contains the following sample users. These user are expected to participate in the activities leading to generation of interactive customer communication.

The following roles mentioned are automatically assigned to the users during package Installation:

User name

Assigned role


Todd Goldman

Correspondence Management Administrator

This user is the general system administrator. This role enables the user to modify all assets. This role also lets define the categories.

Heather Douglas

Correspondence Management Subject Matter Expert

This persona has the role enabling him to CRUD texts and images.

Caleb Lopez

Correspondence Management Application Specialist

This user defines the letter template by judicious usage of the text, picture, condition, list objects. With this role, the user can CRUD the letter templates, layouts, lists, conditions, texts and images.

Gloria Rios

Correspondence Management Claim Adjustor

An agent user would use the letter template defined by the business user to produce the letter communication to deliver to the customer.

Jocelyn Robinson

Correspondence Management Form Designer

This user has the skills to design form layouts using LiveCycle Designer. Having equipped with the necessary know-how to design form layouts for use in correspondence management, this user will use LiveCycle Designer and design the XDP templates, which would serve as the boilerplate for the letter.

Frank Kricfalusi

Correspondence Management Developer

This user has the knowledge about XSD schema and data modelling concepts and is responsible for creation and maintenance of Data Dictionaries.

For more information about the sample users and guidelines to implement a solution using the solution template, see Correspondence Management Solution Guide .
Note: For author clusters, these steps need to be performed on one author instance (preferably a master instance).

5.3.6 Configure IPv6 implementation

Note: Perform these steps only if Correspondence Management Solution is running on a machine that uses an IPv6 address.

To map the IPv6 address to a hostname on the server and client machines:

  1. Navigate to the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc directory.

  2. Open the hosts file in a text editor.

  3. Add a mapping for the IPv6 address to a host name. For example:

    2001:1890:110b:712b:d1d:9c99:37ef:7281 <ipv6_hostname>
  4. Save and close the file.

Ensure that you use the mapped host name instead of the IPv6 address to access Correspondence Management Solution.

5.3.7 Install Japanese fonts for Adobe Reader

If your Correspondence Management assets use Japanese fonts, you must install the Japanese Language Support Package for Adobe Reader. Otherwise, your letters and forms will not render and function properly. For installing language packs, visit the downloads page for Adobe Reader.

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