Stall service provides the execute operation, which is useful for
preventing situational errors that you anticipate may occur.
For information about using the Stall service, see
Services Reference for AEM forms
execute operation
used in asynchronous and synchronous branches, the execute operation stalls
the branch. If you are aware of a possible situational error in
your process, you can add a route that leads to this execute operation.
You add a condition to the route that checks if the situational
error has occurred. When the situation occurs, the branch is stalled
so that you can fix the error and restart the process using the
administration console.
When used in transactional branches or short-lived
processes, the execute operation throws an exception instead of
stalling the branch.
For example, processes can use data that is provided from an
external resource, such as a partner's database. A Script action
can be used to verify that the data is valid. If the data is not
valid, a Stall action can be executed that stalls the process instance
while the data in the database is corrected.
For information about the General and Route Evaluation property
groups, see
Common operation properties
Input properties
Properties for configuring the stall message.
value that provides
a message that describes the reason that the branch is stalled.
The message appears in the details about the stalled branch in the
forms workflow pages of administration console.