Read String operation

Reads a character document from the file system of the AEM forms Server, and saves the file as a string value in the process data.

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties .

Input properties

Properties for specifying the file to read.


A string value that represents the fully qualified name of the file to read from the file system.


(Optional) A string value that represents the character set to use to read the file. The following values can be specified:

  • Big_Five

  • GB_2312

  • ISO_8859_1

  • ISO_8859_2

  • ISO_8859_7

  • KSC_5601

  • Shift_JIS


  • UTF_16

  • UTF_16BE

  • UTF_16LE

  • UTF_8

Output properties

Properties for specifying where to save results.


(Optional) The location to save the file content. The data type is string .


The exception event attached to this operation can receive FileUtilsException exceptions.

// Ethnio survey code removed