Create policy from existing policy operation

Creates a policy based on an existing policy. This operation can also update the validity period, principals, permissions, and watermark.

The new policy and the existing policy must be from the same type of policy set. For example, to create a new policy in a My Policy policy set, the existing policy must also be from a My Policy policy set.

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties .

Policy properties

Properties that specify the source, policy set, and name of the new policy.

(From) Policy Set

(Optional) A string value that specifies the name of a policy set that contains the policy to use to create a policy. The value of My Policies is used if a policy set name is not provided.

If you provide a literal value, type the name of the policy set.

Policy Name

A string value that specifies the name of the policy to use to create a policy.

If you provide a literal value, type the name of the source policy.

(To) Policy Set to Include New Policy

(Optional) A string value that specifies the policy set for the new policy. The value of My Policies is used if a policy set name is not provided.

If you provide a literal value, type the name of the policy set.

Note: This policy set must be of the same type as the one specified for the (From) Policy Set property. For example, if the (From) Policy Set policy is from a My Policies policy set, then this set must also be a My Policies policy set.

New Policy Name

A string value that specifies the name of the new policy. This value can have a maximum length of 50 characters.

If you provide a literal value, type the name of the policy.

Validity properties

Properties that specify the length of time a user can access a document offline and the time during which a document is valid.

Offline Lease Period

(Optional) A string value that represents the number of days a recipient can use the document without a network connection to the document security server. The default is 0 .

If you provide a literal value, type the number of days.

Policy Validity Starting Date

(Optional) A date value that represents when the policy becomes valid.

If you provide a literal value, specify No Starting Date or select a date and time by using the calendar button  and the Starting Time box.

Policy Validity Expiration Date

(Optional) A date value that represents when the policy becomes invalid.

If you provide a literal value, specify No Expiration Date or select a date and time by using the calendar button and the Expiration Time box.

Principals properties

Properties that specify principals to add to or remove from the new policy.

Principals To Add

(Optional) A Userlist value that represents the principals to add to the new policy. If a value is not provided, only the principals from the source policy are used. Each principal is given the permissions specified by the Permissions properties.

If you provide a literal value, click the plus sign button  to add a principal. You can specify principals as a user list, a user or group selected by name or email address, a variable, or an XPath expression. Click the minus sign button to remove a principal from the list. (See Select users and Select groups .)

Principals To Remove

(Optional) A Userlist value that represents the principals to exclude from the new policy. The principals that you specify are removed from the list of principals in the source policy.

If you provide a literal value, click the plus sign button to remove a principal. You can specify principals as a user list, a user or group selected by name or email address, a variable, or an XPath expression. Click the minus sign button  to remove a principal from the list. (See Select users and Select groups .)

Permissions properties

Properties that specify the actions that are available to users when the new policy is applied to a document. Specify the users in the Principals properties.

Permissions for the Policy

(Optional) A list value that adds permissions to the new policy.

If you provide a literal value, you can configure the following permissions:

  • In the Print list, select a permitted action. The default is Allowed.

  • In the Change list, select the permitted action. The default is Any.

  • Select Offline to allow users to view the document while disconnected from the internet. Default is selected.

  • Select Copy to allow users to make a copy of the document. Default is selected.

  • Select Screen Reader to enable screen reader devices for visually impaired users to access the text in documents. Default is selected. Not available if the Copy option is selected.

Watermark properties

Properties that specify a watermark for the new policy.

Watermark Name

(Optional) A string value that represents the name of the watermark used by the new policy.

If you provide a literal value, in the Watermark list, select No Watermark or a watermark value. Configure watermarks in document security in the Administration Console. (See Document security administration help .)


This operation can throw an SDKException exception.

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