Create Document operation

Creates a document in the SharePoint repository. If the document exists, this operation returns the absolute URL of the existing document and a false flag.

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties .

Login Settings properties

Login settings for invoking the Connector for Microsoft SharePoint service.

Login Mode

A com.adobe.livecycle.crc.sharepoint.client.types.LoginSettings value that represents how the operation will be authenticated with SharePoint. Valid values are INVOCATION_CONTEXT (Use Credentials from process context) and USER_CREDENTIALS (Use User Credentials).

If you provide a literal value, select one of the following options:

Use Credentials from process context:
Uses the AEM forms User Management credential from the process context for SharePoint authentication.

Use User Credentials:
Uses the specified User Name and Password properties to authenticate with the SharePoint server.


(Optional) A string value that specifies the hostname of the machine which hosts Microsoft SharePoint. You can also use the Hostname field to connect with any web application running on a port number other that 80 by specifying the hostname and port number in the format [hostname]:[port number] .

This field is only used when Login Mode is set to 'Use User Credentials'. No default is provided.

User Name

(Optional) A string value that specifies the user name to be used to connect with the SharePoint server. If the user account is of Windows local users or users configured using Forms Authentication on the SharePoint site, only the user name is required. However, domain users for Windows Authentication enabled sites must provide both the domain name and login name in the format domainName\LoginName .

This field is only used when the Login Mode is set to 'Use User Credentials'. No default is provided.


(Optional) A string value that specifies the password to be used to connect with the SharePoint server. This field is only used when Login Mode is set to 'Use User Credentials'. No default is provided.


(Optional) A string value that specifies the domain in which the SharePoint server is present. This field is only used when Login Mode is set to 'Use User Credentials'.

Site and Document Library Information properties

Properties to identify the SharePoint site and document library where the document is to be created.

Site URL

A string value that specifies the URL of the Microsoft SharePoint site. Do not append a forward slash to the path. If you provide a literal value, type the URL or click Sites to browse the existing SharePoint sites on the host machine. No default is provided.

Document Library Name

A string value that specifies the document library name. You can browse to view all existing document libraries at the selected site. If you provide a literal value, type the path or click Document Library to select the folder from the Microsoft SharePoint repository. Do not include the repository name in the folder path.

Document Content Information properties

Properties to specify the document to be added to the SharePoint repository.


A document object that represents the document to be added to SharePoint repository. If you provide a literal value, type the path or click the ellipsis button to select the document from an application. Do not include the repository name in the folder path.

Document Creation Settings properties

Properties to identify the location and filename for the new document.

Parent Folder URL

(Optional) A string value that specifies the relative URL of the parent folder. If you want to create a document directly within a document library, leave this parameter as blank. Do not append a forward slash to the path. If you provide a literal value, type the path or click Parent Folder to browse the existing folders at the selected document library.

New File Name

A string value that specifies the new filename.

Set all or none properties

(Optional) A boolean value that specifies whether all properties are set in a single transaction for the new document. If selected, the operation is executed in a single transaction. As a result, either all or none of the properties of the newly created document are set. If deselected, a best attempt to set each property is made and all those properties which were correctly stated are set. Default: true .


(Optional) A map value that contains string values that specify the properties to be set for the created file.

Result properties

A CreateDocumentResultType value containing the absolute URL of the document created, relative URL of the document created, and a fileUploadSuccess flag.


This operation can throw a RepositoryException exception.

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