Retrieve Content operation

Retrieves a document from an EMC Documentum repository.

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties .

Login Settings properties

Login settings for invoking the Content Repository Connector for EMC Documentum service.

Login Mode

A com.adobe.livecycle.emcdocumentumcontentrepositoryconnector.client.type.impl.LoginSettings value that represents how the operation will be authenticated with Documentum. Valid values are INVOCATION_CONTEXT (Use Credentials from process context), USER_CREDENTIALS (Use User Credentials), and TOKEN (Use Documentum Login Ticket).

If you provide a literal value, select one of the following options:

Use Credentials from process context:
Uses the AEM forms User Management credential from the process context for the Documentum authentication.

Use User Credentials:
Uses the User Name and Password properties to authenticate with Documentum. Ensure that the user name is valid for the repository that is specified in the Repository Name property in the Relationship Information property group for this operation.

Use Documentum Login Ticket:
Uses the Documentum Login Ticket and User Name properties to authenticate with Documentum. This login ticket must be valid in the current Documentum Foundation Class (DFC) session, and the user name must be set to the correct user of the DFC session.

User Name

(Optional) A string value that specifies the user name to use when this operation is authenticated with Documentum. No default is provided.

This field is used only when the Login Mode property is set to USER_CREDENTIALS (Use User Credentials) or TOKEN (Use Documentum Login Ticket).


(Optional) A string value that specifies the password associated with the user name that is specified in the User Name property to use when this operation is authenticated with Documentum. No default is provided.

This field is used only when the Login Mode property is set to USER_CREDENTIALS (Use User Credentials).

Documentum Login Ticket

(Optional) A string value that specifies the value of an existing Documentum login ticket for a valid DFC session. No default is provided.

This field is used only when the Login Mode property is set to TOKEN (Use Documentum Login Ticket).

Document Settings properties

Specifies the repository properties for the document to retrieve.

Repository Name

A string value that represents the name of the Documentum repository. You can choose from the list of available repositories from your current connection broker defined in administration console. (See AEM forms administration help.)

Document ID Or Path

A string value that indicates either the document ID number or the folder location within the repository.

If you provide a literal value, type the path or the ID, or click Browse to select the folder from the Documentum repository.

When typing the folder path, use the following rules:

  • Do not include the repository name in the folder path.

  • Use a forward slash(/) to separate folder names, as shown in this example:


Meta-Data properties

Specifies document metadata properties for the retrieved document.

Document Class Type

(Optional) A string value that represents the Documentum class type to retrieve from the repository. Specify the repository name in the Document Settings property group. The value specified in this property is used to populate the map value in the Attribute Mapping Table property.

If you provide a literal value, type the value that represents the document class type.

Note: When no value is provided, the map value in the Attribute Mapping Table property is not populated.

Attribute Mapping Table

(Optional) A map value for mapping document attributes to process variable values. During document retrieval, the mapped process variables are set with the value of the corresponding attributes from the document. The attributes are available only when a value is specified in the Document Class Type property.

If you provide a literal value, the table shows the name of the attribute in the Name column and the corresponding document class type in the Type column. To map a process variable to an attribute, select the variable from a list in the Value column.

Results properties

Specifies the properties for the document retrieved from the Documentum repository.

Retrieve Content Result

An object value that stores the content properties that are specified in the Results property group.

Document Contents

A document value that contains the document content.

Document ID

A string value that indicates the ID for the document.

Document Version

A string value that specifies the version number of the document.

Title Of The Document

A string value that indicates the document title.

Subject For The Document

A string value that specifies the document subject.

Keywords for the Document

A list value that specifies all keyword strings that are associated with the document. (See Accessing data in data collections .)

Document Class Type

A string value that indicates the Documentum class type for the document.

Document Content Type

A string value that indicates the Documentum content type for the document.

Name Of The Document Creator

A string value that indicates the user name of the original author of the document.

Document Creation Date

A date value that indicates when the original version of the document was created.

Last Document Modifier

A string value that specifies the user name of the last person who changed the document.

Last Document Modification Date

A date value that indicates when the document was last changed.

Attribute Name Value Map

A map value that contains values of attributes that are specified during document retrieval. You can also map individual attributes to process variables in the Meta-Data property group.

For information about retrieving values from a map, see Accessing data in data collections .


This operation can throw a RepositoryException exception.

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