Set Link to LC Assets operation

Creates an Asset Link Object (ALO) object that establishes a link between objects, files, or data in the AEM forms repository and assets in the IBM FileNet repository. The properties of the ALO object cannot be modified.

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties .

Login Settings properties

Login settings for invoking the Content Repository Connector for IBM FileNet service.

Login Mode

A com.adobe.livecycle.ibmfilenetcontentrepositoryconnector.client.type.impl.LoginSettings value that represents how the operation will log in to the FileNet repository. Valid values are INVOCATION_CONTEXT (Use Credentials from process context), USER_CREDENTIALS (Use User Credentials), and TOKEN (Use FileNet Credentials Token).

Use Credentials from process context:
Uses the AEM forms User Management credential from the process context for the FileNet authentication.

Use User Credentials:
Uses the User Name and Password properties to authenticate with FileNet. Ensure that the user name is valid for the FileNet P8 Content Engine that is specified in administration console.

Use FileNet Credentials Token:
Uses the FileNet Credentials Token property to authenticate with the FileNet Content Engine. This login token must be valid in the current FileNet session.

User Name

A string value that specifies the account name to use when connecting to the FileNet object store.

This field is used only when the Login Mode property is set to USER_CREDENTIALS (Use User Credentials) or TOKEN (Use FileNet Credentials Token).


A string value that specifies the password that is associated with the account name that is specified in the User Name property to use when connecting to the FileNet object store.

This field is used only when the Login Mode property is set to USER_CREDENTIALS (Use User Credentials).

FileNet Credentials Token

A string value that represents the location of an existing FileNet credentials token.

This field is used only when the Login Mode property is set to TOKEN (Use FileNet Credentials Token).

Object Store and ECM Object Settings properties

Repository properties for the ECM object.

Object Store

A string value that represents the name of the IBM FileNet repository. You can choose from the list of available object stores from your current FileNet Content Engine defined in administration console. (See AEM forms administration help.)

ECM Object Complete Path

(Optional) A string value that indicates the location of the ECM object within the repository.

If you provide a literal value, type the path or click Browse to select the folder from the IBM FileNet repository.

When typing the folder path, use the following rules:

  • Do not include the object store name in the folder path.

  • Use a forward slash (/) to separate folder names if you specify a folder location, as shown in this example:


Form Template Settings properties

Repository properties for the form template.

Repository Path Where Form Template is Kept

A string value that indicates the location of the form template in the AEM forms repository.

If you provide a literal value, type the path or click Browse to select the folder from the AEM forms repository.

When typing the folder path, use a forward slash (/) to separate folder names if you specify a folder location, as shown in this example:


Relationship Settings properties

Properties related to the relationship between the ECM object and the object in the AEM forms repository.

Relationship Type

(Optional) A string value that represents the type of relationship between the ECM object and the object in the AEM forms repository. The value specified in this property is used to populate the map value in the Property Mapping Table property. This action enables you to assign values from process variables to attributes for the relationship type.

If you provide a literal value, type the value that represents the relationship type.

Note: When no value is provided, no attributes are populated in the map value in the Attributes property.

Property Mapping Table

(Optional) A map value for mapping attributes to process variable values. The attributes are available only when a value is specified in the Relationship Type property. The process variables that you map to attributes must be the same data type. For example, if an attribute is a string , it must be mapped to a process variable of data type string . The name of an attribute is used as the key.

If you provide a literal value, the list of attributes in the table is based on the item you specified in the Relationship Type property. You can select a process variable from the Value column to assign to each attribute in the Name column.

Note: No value is provided for this property when no value exists in the Relationship Type property.


This operation can throw a RepositoryException exception.

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