
A string value that represents the type of PDF to generate. TransformationFormat variables are used to configure the Transformation Format property for the generatePDFOutput (deprecated), generatePDFOutput operation , and transformPDF operation of the Output service.

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items .

For information about configuring default properties, see Datatype specific settings .

Data items

TranformationFormat data values store one of these string values:

A non-interactive PDF document is created.

A non-interactive PDF/A document is created. The PDF/A value specifies a W3C Archive Standard PDF/A document that can be used for archiving purposes. It also embeds all the fonts as well as turns off compression.

Datatype specific settings

Property for specifying the format for generating a PDF document:

Default value

Sets the default format for generating the PDF document. Select one of these values:

A non-interactive PDF document is created.

A non-interactive PDF/A document is created. The PDF/A value specifies standard for archiving purposes which embeds the fonts and turns off compression.

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