Set PDF Save Mode operation

The Set PDF Save Mode sets the save mode of a PDF document. The save mode represents the mode in which the PDF document is saved. In addition, the save mode specifies whether the request is considered a requirement or only a suggestion. Save mode values are not influenced by the PDF document content.

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties .

Input properties

Properties to specify the PDF document and the save mode.


A document value that represents the PDF document for which save mode information is to be set.

Save Mode

A PDFUtilitySaveMode object that specifies the save mode of the PDF document. If you provide a literal value, set the following options.

Save Required:
Check this option if saving is required.

Save Style:
The following values are valid PDF save mode values:
  • FULL , which saves with fewer optimizations.

  • INCREMENTAL , which performs the save operation in the least amount of time.

  • FAST WEB VIEW , which is used while viewing the PDF document online.


(Optional) A boolean value that specifies whether to make the setting regardless of any previous requests. If True , the save mode is always set. If False , the save mode is set only if a save mode was previously set on the document.

Output properties

Property to specify the PDF document.


A document value that represents the PDF document for which the save mode information has been set.



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