Interface ResourceRepositoryDelegate

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public interface ResourceRepositoryDelegate
extends ResourceRepository

This interface is used for the management of resources within the Repository.


Method Summary
 void addLockTokens(java.util.Collection lockTokens)
 void clearLockTokens()
 java.util.List getLockTokens()
 void setLoadProfile(RepositoryLoadProfile loadProfile)
          The load profile to apply to objects returned from the repository.
 void setReturnByValue(boolean returnByValue)
          Deprecated. Repository no longer provides the ability to return by reference. The APIs are all return by value now.
Methods inherited from interface com.adobe.repository.bindings.ResourceRepository
copyResource, createPendingRelationship, createRelationship, deleteResource, deleteResources, getCount, getHistory, getImplementationType, getLocks, getRelated, getRelated, getRelated, getRelated, listMembers, listMembersWithoutContent, lockResource, lockResource, moveResource, readAccessControlList, readProperties, readResource, readResourceContent, readResources, readResourcesWithoutContent, readResourceWithoutContent, registerListener, removeProperties, removeRelationship, resourceExists, resourcesExist, searchProperties, searchRelated, searchRelatedFilter, selectVersion, unlockResource, unregisterListener, updateCustomStatus, updateDeploymentStatus, updateObjectStatus, updateProperties, updateProperties, updateResource, updateResourceWithId, writeAccessControlList, writeAccessControlList, writeResource

Method Detail


void addLockTokens(java.util.Collection lockTokens)

Adds the supplied lock tokens to the delegate's lock token cache. The lock tokens are obtained as a result of a previous delegate session.

lockTokens - A Collection of previously saved lock tokens.


void clearLockTokens()

Clears the lock tokens stored in the delegate's lock token cache.


java.util.List getLockTokens()

Retrieves the lock tokens that are currently stored in the delegate's lock token cache.

Clients should invoke this method prior to destroying a delegate instance and initialize the next delegate session with the saved lock tokens. This method exists for efficiency; while it is possible to rediscover lock tokens by calling delegate.getLocks(...) for each resource for which a lock token was saved, it is faster to save the lock tokens for the next session.

A List of lock tokens currently stored in the delegate.


void setLoadProfile(RepositoryLoadProfile loadProfile)
The load profile to apply to objects returned from the repository. Clients should specify the narrowest possible load profile to improve performance. If loadProfile is unspecified or set to null, a default load profile that returns all resource attributes is used.

loadProfile - The load profile.


void setReturnByValue(boolean returnByValue)
Deprecated. Repository no longer provides the ability to return by reference. The APIs are all return by value now.

Changes the type of results returned by read calls to the repository. If returnByValue is true the repository will return resources and data with all data loaded (based on the current RepositoryLoadProfile), otherwise the repository will return implementations which may still make calls against the database to load data as requested.

returnByValue - true if the Repository should return results by value, false if the Repository should return results by reference.

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