Package com.adobe.livecycle.encryption.client

The com.adobe.livecycle.encryption.client package contains classes that enable you to secure PDF documents by encrypting them.


Interface Summary

Class Summary
BasePasswordEncryptionSpec Specifies encryption perferences for password protecting a PDF document using the Adobe Experience Manager forms Encryption service.
CertificateEncryptionCompatibility Enumeration values that correspond to Acrobat compatability levels when encrypting a PDF document with a certificate.
CertificateEncryptionIdentity Enables the creation of a Java object that specifies permissions that apply to an encrypted PDF document and the certificate that is used to encrypt the document.
CertificateEncryptionOption An enumeration value that represents the PDF document resources to encrypt.
CertificateEncryptionOptionSpec Specifies encryption preferences that are used when encrypting a PDF document with a certificate.
CertificateEncryptionPermissions Represents enumeration values that correspond to permissions granted to a PDF document that is encrypted with a certificate.
EncryptionAlgorithm This enum class lists the symmetric encryption algorithms supported.
EncryptionServiceClient Enables you to create a Java object that invokes operations that belong to the Encryption service.
EncryptionType An enumeration value that represents the encryption type.
EncryptionTypeResult Represents the type of encryption that is used to secure a PDF document.
PasswordEncryptionCompatability Represents an enumeration value that corresponds to Acrobat compatability levels when encrypting a PDF document with a password.
PasswordEncryptionOption Represents an enumeration value that specifies the PDF document resources to encrypt.
PasswordEncryptionOptionSpec Specifies encryption preferences for password protecting a PDF document using the Encryption service.
PasswordEncryptionPermission Represents enumeration values that correspond to permissions that are extended to a password-encrypted PDF document.
Recipient Represents the recipient that is used to encrypt a PDF document with a certificate.
XMLEncryptionIdentity This class represents the recipient of the encrypted xml document along with associated options.
XMLEncryptionOptionSpec This class provides the options for XML Encryption.
XMLEncryptionTarget This class identifies the section of the xml to be encrypted.

Exception Summary
CommonBaseException Represents an exception that is thrown by the Encryption service.
EncryptionServiceException Represents the base class for exceptions thrown by the Encryption service.

Package com.adobe.livecycle.encryption.client Description

The com.adobe.livecycle.encryption.client package contains classes that enable you to secure PDF documents by encrypting them.

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